Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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Subjects <strong>of</strong> Meditation 147"Absence <strong>of</strong> uncertainty" means:nothing unseemly in his action"."His bearing is dignified; there is"Absence <strong>of</strong> deception" means: "He has no craftiness"."Absence <strong>of</strong> that which is not clear" means: "That there is nothing thathis knowledge cannot sense"."Absence <strong>of</strong> hurry" means:"Absence <strong>of</strong> state that is not known" means:<strong>of</strong> his mental processes"."His behaviour is free from hurry"."He is completely aware"Absence <strong>of</strong> equanimity that is removed from reflection" means:is no state <strong>of</strong> equanimity in him <strong>of</strong> which he is not aware".These eighteen virtues has the Blessed One fulfilled. 1"ThereAnd again, the Blessed One has reached the other shore with facilityhaving fulfilled all good through the skilfulness belonging to him who comesand goes in the same way, 2 through the four foundations <strong>of</strong> mindfulness,through the four right efforts, through the four bases <strong>of</strong> supernormal power,through the five faculties, the five powers, the six kinds <strong>of</strong> supernormalknowledge, the seven factors <strong>of</strong> enlightenment, through the Noble Eightfold<strong>Path</strong>, through the eight positions <strong>of</strong> mastery, through the eight kinds <strong>of</strong>emancipation, through the nine gradually ascending states, through the tenAriyan abodes and through the way <strong>of</strong> analytical science. Thus one shouldrecall to mind that Blessed One who has acquired the merits <strong>of</strong> the ExcellentLaw through these ways.How should one remember the benefits with which the Blessed One hasblessed the world? The Blessed One has fulfilled all merits and has reachedthe further shore. No other being could have turned the Wheel, <strong>of</strong> the Lawwhich the Blessed One set a-rolling out <strong>of</strong> compassion for all beings. Withoutmaking an esoteric and an exoteric division <strong>of</strong> doctrine, he has opened widethe gate <strong>of</strong> the immortal. 3 He has caused an incalculable number <strong>of</strong> deitiesand humans to acquire the fruit <strong>of</strong> holiness. He has caused an incalculable(b) Sv. Ill, 994: Atthdrasa Buddhadhammd ndma: N'atthi Tathdgatassa kdya-duccaritam,rCatthi vaci-duccaritam, n'atthi mano-duccaritam: atlte Buddhassa appatihatam ndnam,andgate , paccuppanne Buddhassa appatihatam ndnam: sabbam kdya-kammamBuddhassa Bhagavato ndndnuparivatti, sabbam vaci-kammam , sabbam mano-kammamBuddhassa Bhagavato hdndnuparivatti: n'atthi chandassa hdni, n'atthi viriyassa hdni, n'atthisatiyd hdni: n'atthi davd, n'atthi ravd, n'atthi balitam, n'atthi sahasd, n'atthi avydvafomano, n'atthi akusala-cittan ti.(c) M.Vyut: Atite'dhvany asangamapratihatamjndnadharsanampravartate. Andgate-.Pratyutpanne-. Sarvakdyakarmajndnapurvamgamam jndndnuparivarti. Sarvavdkkarma-.Sarvamanaskarma-. Ndsti chandasya hdnih: ndsti viriyasya hdnih; ndsti smrter hdnih; ndstisamddher hdnih; ndsti prajndya hdnih; ndsti vimukter hdnih; ndsti skalitam; ndsti ndndtvasamjnd; ndsty-asamdhitacittam; ndsti ravitam; ndsti musitasmrtita; ndsty-apratisamkhiydyopeksd.1. The last six are not exactly according to the Pali or the Sanskrit. Here the text is notquite clear.2. M. I, 71: Cattdrimdni Sdriputta Tathdgatassa vesdrajjdni. Cp. Vis. Mag. 524.3. D. II, 39: Apdrutd tesarh amatassa dvdrd.

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