Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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In Memoriamailments. It might be wondered how it was possible for one to get so interestedin such a theme as grammar. But the Maha Nayaka Thera was such a master<strong>of</strong> the subject and an accomplished conversationalist that he was able to makeeven a subject like grammar interesting. I remember in the early thirtieshow the Maha Nayaka Thera discoursed on the Dhamma to a group <strong>of</strong> usyoung men whose leader was Victor. Once the questions put by Victor sointerested the Maha Nayaka Thera that he continued the conversation tillthree o'clock in the morning.This early earnestness he maintained to the very end. How this longand earnest practice <strong>of</strong> the Dhamma moulded Soma Maha Thera's characteris briefly shown in the foil®wing extracts from an article by Ceylon's Director<strong>of</strong> Education, Mr. S. F. de Silva: 'I came to know the Venerable Soma Theraas Mr. Victor Pulle some thirty years ago My first impression was <strong>of</strong> aremarkably earnest man who was determined to seek and find out the Truth.His face was an index to his earnestness and I <strong>of</strong>ten listened to him arguinga point We became very good friends and week in and week out I usedto watch and realise that <strong>of</strong> the band that gathered together, he was one <strong>of</strong>the most earnest and untiring in his study <strong>of</strong> the Dhamma... .As a member<strong>of</strong> the Order he became a changed man. I noticed a strength <strong>of</strong> characterand calmness <strong>of</strong> demeanour in everything he said and wrote. I used to visithim in his room and talk things over many an evening. Occasionaly the eyewould flash and I could see the old time fighter but there was an unmistakablesense <strong>of</strong> toleration <strong>of</strong> others and a remarkable kindliness in everythinghe said. The Venerable Soma Maha Thera was very well known to Englishspeaking audiences in the Island. Many may remember his thoughtful talksover Radio Ceylon. I am aware how deeply he was respected by Buddhiststudents in schools all over the island To me his translation, edition andnotes <strong>of</strong> the Satipatthdna Sutta is characteristic <strong>of</strong> the man. He was one whowanted to practise the Dhamma, and the Satipatthdna Sutta was to him 'theone way for the ending <strong>of</strong> unhappiness'. I can see his mind in his introductorynotes and his interpretations <strong>of</strong> the text. The Venerable Soma Thera's edition<strong>of</strong> the Satipatthdna Sutta is a part <strong>of</strong> his own life because he was one whowanted to practise the Dhamma. I miss him very much as a friend butthose who knew him have no cause to grieve for a life that had been sonobly spent. He had acquitted himself heroically in all things he did to theend Alert and intensely alive in the search and practice <strong>of</strong> the Truth, itis <strong>of</strong> these that the Buddha has said that 'those who are heedful do notdie'. His life is an example to all those who knew him, that there is nothingnobler for a Buddhist than to live the life that the Buddha has preached, towalk the way He had walked and to follow Him on the Noble Quest. Maythe Venerable Soma Thera attain the Noble Quest he started some fortyyears ago'.When one happens to be the only person in a powerful group to acceptanother teaching, much opposition may be expected. This Victor had inXIX

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