Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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In MemoriamAfter he recovered from his illness, and wishing to live in quiet surroundingsfor a while, we were able to go into residence at the MahanadI Arama atGampolawela. Then at the invitation <strong>of</strong> the late Sir Baron Jayatilaka wevisited Bangalore in 1939 with the Venerable Naravila Dhammaratana MahaThera, as leader <strong>of</strong> the Mission <strong>of</strong> Goodwill to India. There the mission wasable to secure from the Government <strong>of</strong> Mysore a site for a Buddhist Centre,and both <strong>of</strong> us returned to Ceylon in 1940 owing to illness.As Bhikkhu Soma needed rest for sometime, Mr. A. B. C. de Soysaplaced his bungalow, in his estate in Kurunegala, at our disposal. After afew months' stay there we were invited by the Venerable Nyanaponika MahaThera to the Island Hermitage, Dodanduwa. As the Second World War hadbegun, all the German Theras <strong>of</strong> the Hermitage were interned and the VenerableNyanaloka Maha Thera, the present adhipati (chief resident Thera) wasthen in charge <strong>of</strong> the place. During this period the attacks <strong>of</strong> asthma weremost severe. At one time the only available medicament was Himrod'sAsthma Cure. It had to be lit with a match and the fumes inhaled. BhikkhuSoma could hardly walk two yards without this Himrod's cure, and couldnot sleep at night without filling the room with these fumes. One nighteven this failed to help. So about 2 a.m. he sat at his table and scribbledthese verses:Out <strong>of</strong> the womb <strong>of</strong> sightless nightRang out a word <strong>of</strong> healing strong,And put to flight the evil throngThat stood betwixt the eye and light.Where lies, friend, the golden mean ?Where's the heart forever clean?Where is life at its best seen ?Where reaches one Peace Serene ?When does one always see things clear ?When is one to all beings dear ?When does one wipe away all fear ?When does one to Truth adhere?How does one give full measure ?How, end poverty's pressure ?How, come to rarest treasure?How, know the purest pleasure ?Why on self a tight hand keep ?Why the heart in culture steep ?Why turn on to wisdom deep?Why care not to sow or reap ?XVIIn giving up.In giving up.In giving up.In giving up.In giving up.In giving up.In giving up.In giving up.By giving up.By giving up.By giving up.By giving up.For giving up.For giving up.For giving up.For giving up.

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