Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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100 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>There is a bhikkhu. He has not yet attained (meditation, jhdna). Hedoes not know a subject <strong>of</strong> meditation. 1 He has not yet separated himselffrom lust and does not know how to enter the first meditation, jhdna. He doesnot practise this teaching nor study it, but thinks thus: "How, if I were toenter the second meditation, jhdna, and rid myself <strong>of</strong> initial and sustainedapplication <strong>of</strong> thought" ? Being not at ease, he again thinks: "I cannot enterthe second meditation, jhdna, and I cannot rid myself <strong>of</strong> initial and sustainedapplication <strong>of</strong> thought. I must retire, (from this), enter the first meditation,jhdna, and separate myself from lust". This foolish bhikkhu is as ignorantand inexperienced as the young mountain cow. Therefore, he should practisethe first meditation, jhdna. He should make the mind free (from lust).ENTRANCE INTO THE SECOND MEDITATION, JHANABefore and after his meal, in the first and in the last watches <strong>of</strong> the night,according to his wish, a bhikkhu practises adverting, entering, establishing,rising and reflecting. 2 If he enters (the meditation, jhdna,) <strong>of</strong>ten and goes out<strong>of</strong> it <strong>of</strong>ten and acquires facility in the practice <strong>of</strong> the first meditation, jhdna,he can acquire the bliss <strong>of</strong> facility, cause the arising <strong>of</strong> the second meditation,jhdna, and surpass the first meditation, jhdna. And again he thinks thus:"This first meditation, jhdna, is coarse; the second meditation, jhdna, is fine".And he sees the tribulations <strong>of</strong> the first and the merits <strong>of</strong> the second meditation,jhdna.Q. What are the tribulations <strong>of</strong> the first meditation, jhdnaiA. The hindrances as the near enemy (<strong>of</strong> this meditation, jhdna,) stirup initial and sustained application <strong>of</strong> thought and cause negligence <strong>of</strong> bodyand disturbance <strong>of</strong> mind. Thereby the concentration becomes coarse andincapable <strong>of</strong> producing higher knowledge. Therefore, one does not relishthe first meditation, jhdna, or partake <strong>of</strong> distinction in it. These are thetribulations <strong>of</strong> the first meditation, jhdna. 3 The merits <strong>of</strong> the second meditation,jhdna, consist in the overcoming <strong>of</strong> these. Thus we have seen the tribulations<strong>of</strong> the first meditation, jhdna, and the merits <strong>of</strong> the second.Here the mind separates itself from the first meditation, jhdna, and takingthe kasina sign as the object <strong>of</strong> the second meditation, jhdna, dwells on it.The mind, dissociated from initial and sustained application <strong>of</strong> thought, atca tindni khddeyyam, apitapubbani ca pdniydni piveyyarf ti; sd purinarhpddam na suppatitthitarhpatitthdpetvd pacchimam pddam uddhareyya, sd na c'eva agatapubbam disarh gaccheyya,na ca akhdditapubbdni tindni khddeyya, na ca apitapubbani pdniydni piveyya; yasmimc'assd pdde thitaya evam assa 'yan nundham agatapubban c'eva disam gaccheyyam, akhdditapubbdnica tindni khddeyyam, apitapubbdni ca pdniydni piveyyan' ti, tan ca padesam nasotthind pacchdgaccheyya. Tarn kissa hetu? Tattha hi sd bhikkhave gdvi pabbateyydbald avyattd akhettahhu akusald visame pabbate caritum.1. Kammatthdna. 2. Pts. I, 99—100: Pahca vasiyo — dvajjandvasi samdpajiandvasiadhitthdnavasi vutthdnavasi paccavekkhandvasi.3. A. IV, 440: So kho aham Ananda aparena samayena vivicc' eva kdmehi pathamamjhdnam upasampajja vihardmi. Tassa mayhath Ananda imind vihdrena viharato kdmasahagatdsanhdmanasikdrd samuddcaranti, svdssa me hoti dbddho.

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