Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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Subjects <strong>of</strong> Meditation 95A. If the mind is pure, it fulfils equanimity; if it attains to solitude, itfulfils equanimity; if it dwells on one object, it fulfils equanimity. These arecalled the three characteristics. Q. What are the four characteristics <strong>of</strong>rejoicing? A. Among these ten characteristics, there is rejoicing by reason<strong>of</strong> the gradual arising <strong>of</strong> the states produced; there is rejoicing by reason <strong>of</strong>the functions <strong>of</strong> the faculties becoming one; there is rejoicing by reason <strong>of</strong>the possession <strong>of</strong> energy; and there is rejoicing by reason <strong>of</strong> devotion (tothese states). These are called the four characteristics. Thus, in the firstmeditation, jhdna, the ten characteristics are fulfilled.TWENTY-FIVE BENEFITSTwenty-five benefits: In the first meditation, initial and sustained application<strong>of</strong> thought, joy, bliss and unification <strong>of</strong> mind are accomplished. Faith,energy, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom are accomplished. Theinitial, medial and final stages (<strong>of</strong> goodness) are accomplished. - 1is accomplished. Practice is accomplished. Solitude is accomplished.Dependence is accomplished2 is accomplished3 is accomplished.Reflection is accomplished...... . . 4 is accomplished, Power isaccomplished. <strong>Freedom</strong> is accomplished. Purity is accomplished, and thesuper-excellent purity is accomplished. Thus a man dwells together withthe twenty-five benefits. These are the excellent stations <strong>of</strong> the deities. Theyare produced from tranquillity and are called the abodes <strong>of</strong> joy and bliss. Insuch excellent abodes surpassing the human do the deities.dwell... Hence theBlessed One, the Buddha* declared to the bhikkhus: . . . .........SIMILE OF THE BATH-ATTENDANT"Just as a skilful bath-attendant or his apprentice heaps up bath-powderin a lovely copper vessel, adds water to it, kneads it, and makes it round,saturating it so that it adheres and does not scatter, just so a bhikkhu, havingcalmed his body and mind, produces joy and bliss and lets it evenly moistenand saturate (him) in such a way that there is no part <strong>of</strong> him that is not saturatedwith it. There is no place in his body or mind that is not saturatedwith joy and bliss born <strong>of</strong> solitude". 5 Like the skilful bath-attendant or hisapprentice is the yogin. The copper vessel is the kasina sign. Thus it shouldbe known.Q. What is the kasina sign? A. As the copper vessel contains the hard1—4. These terms are not clear, Pr<strong>of</strong>. Bapat has rendered them as: sankhepa-sangaha,sangaha, anunaya and sevand respectively at p. 49, Vim. Mag. and Vis. Mag.5. D.I, 74 and A. Ill, 25: Seyyathdpi bhikkhave dakkho nahdpako vd nahdpakantevdsi vd kariisathdlenahdniyacunndni dkiritvd udakena paripphosakam paripphosakarh sanneyya, sd'ssanahdniyapindi snehdnugatd snehaparetd santarabdhird phutd snehena na ca paggharati,evam eva kho bhikkhave bhikkhu imam eva kdyam vivekajena pitisukhena abhisandetiparisandeti paripureti parippharati, ndssa kind sabbdvato kdyassa vivekajena pitisukhenaapphutam hoti.

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