Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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90 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>Q. What are the salient characteristic, function, manifestation and nearcause <strong>of</strong> bliss ? How many kinds <strong>of</strong> bliss are there ? What are the differencesbetween joy and bliss ? A. Its function is its salient characteristic. Dependenceon an agreeable object — this is its agreeable function. Peaceful persuasionis its manifestation. Tranquillity is its near cause.FIVE KINDS OF BLISSHow many kinds <strong>of</strong> bliss are there ? There are five kinds <strong>of</strong> bliss, namely,caused bliss, fundamental bliss, the bliss <strong>of</strong> solitude, the bliss <strong>of</strong> non-defilement,the bliss <strong>of</strong> feeling.What is called caused bliss ? Thus it is according to the Buddha's teaching:"The bliss <strong>of</strong> virtue lasts long". This is called caused bliss. This is a merit<strong>of</strong> bliss. Thus is fundamental bliss according to the Buddha's teaching: "TheEnlightened One produces worldly bliss". 1 The bliss <strong>of</strong> solitude is the development<strong>of</strong> concentration-indifference and the destruction <strong>of</strong> meditation, jhdna.The bliss <strong>of</strong> non-defilement is according to the Buddha's teaching "highestNibbdna".' 2 The bliss <strong>of</strong> dwelling is generally called the bliss <strong>of</strong> dwelling.According to this treatise, the bliss <strong>of</strong> dwelling should be enjoyed. 3DIFFERENCES BETWEEN JOY AND BLISSWhat are the differences between joy and bliss? Buoyancy is joy, ease<strong>of</strong> mind is bliss. Tranquillity <strong>of</strong> mind is bliss. Concentration <strong>of</strong> mind is joy.Joy is coarse; bliss is fine. Joy belongs to the formations-group; bliss belongsto the sensation-group. Where there is joy there is bliss, but where there isbliss there may or may not be joy.FIRST MEDITATION (JHANA)The first is the basis for producing the second. After accomplishing theaccess one enters the first meditation, jhdna. The meditation-factors areinitial application <strong>of</strong> thought and sustained application <strong>of</strong> thought, joy, blissand unification <strong>of</strong> mind.What is meditation, jhdna! It is equalized meditation on an object. Itis the plucking out <strong>of</strong> the five hindrances. It is to meditate and to overcome.Enters the first meditation, jhdna, and acquires good standing: Havingalready acquired, having already touched, having already proved, one dwells.And again, thus is separation from lust and demeritorious states: Thefirst meditation, jhdna, is called the special characteristic <strong>of</strong> separation from theworld <strong>of</strong> sense. The second meditation, jhdna, has the special characteristic <strong>of</strong>1. Dh. 194: Sukho Buddhdnarh uppddo. 2. Dh. 204: Nibbdnam paramam sukham.3. Cp. I, 75: Puna ca param mahd-rdja bhikkhu pitiyd ca virdgd ca upekhako ca viharatisato ca sampajdno, sukhah ca kdyena patisarhvedeti yan tarn ariyd dckkihanti: "upekhakosatimd sukka-vihdri" ti tatiyajjhdnam upasampajja viharati.

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