Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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Subjects <strong>of</strong> Meditation 89proceeds from lust; one, from faith; one, from non-rigidity; one from solitude;one, from concentration and one, from enlightenment factors.Which, from lust? The joy <strong>of</strong> passion and the joy that is bound up withthe defilements are called joy that proceeds from lust. 1Which, from faith? The joy <strong>of</strong> a man <strong>of</strong> great faith and the joy producedon seeing a potter. 2Which, from non-rigidity? [416] The great joy <strong>of</strong> the pure-heartedand the virtuous.Which, from solitude? The joy <strong>of</strong> the individual who enters the firstmeditation, jhdna?Which, from concentration? The joy <strong>of</strong> the individual who enters thesecond meditation, jhdna*Which, from the enlightenment factors? The joy that follows the treading<strong>of</strong> the supramundane path in the second meditation, jhdna,FIVE KINDS OF JOYAnd again, it is taught that there are five kinds <strong>of</strong> joy, namely, the lesserthrill, momentary joy, streaming joy, swiftly going joy, all-pervading joy. 5The lesser thrill is like the raising <strong>of</strong> the hairs <strong>of</strong> the body caused by beingwet with fine rain. Momentary joy suddenly arises and suddenly passes away.It is comparable to showers at night. Streaming joy is like oil that streaksdown the body without spreading. Swiftly going joy is joy that spreads throughthe mind and vanishes not long after. It is comparable to the store <strong>of</strong> a poorman. All-pervading joy permeating the body, continues. It is like a thundercloudthat is full <strong>of</strong> rain. Thus the lesser thrill and momentary joy cause thearising <strong>of</strong> the access through faith. Streaming joy becoming powerfulcauses the arising <strong>of</strong> the access. Swiftly going joy dwelling on the mandalacauses the arising <strong>of</strong> both the good and the bad, and depends on skill. Allpervadingjoy is produced in the state <strong>of</strong> fixed meditation.BLISSQ. What is bliss? A. Contact with the lovable and the ease-giving isbliss.1. S.IV, 235: Katama ca bhikkhave sdmisd piti. Pancime bhikkhave kdmagund. Katamepanca. Cakkhuvihheyyd rupd itthd kantd mandpd piyarupd kdmupasamhitd rajaniyd....pe kdyavihheyyd photthabbd itthd kantd rajaniyd. Ime kho bhikkhave pancakdmagund.Yd kho bhikkhave ime pancakdmagune paficca uppajjati piti, ayam vuccatibhikkhave sdmisd piti.2. What is meant by potter is not clear.3. A.II, 126: Idha ekacco puggalo vivicc'eva kdmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkarhsayicdram vivekajam pitisukham pathamajjhdnam upasampajja viharati.4. Ibid. 127: Vitakkavicdrdnam vupasamd ajjhattam sampasddo cetaso ekodibhdvamavitakkam avicdram samddhijam pitisukkarh dutiyajjhdnam upasampajja viharati.5. Dhs.-a. 115. Khuddakd piti, khanikd piti, okkantikd piti, pharand piti, ubbegd piti tipahcavidhd hoti.

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