Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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74 <strong>Vimuttimagga</strong>yield <strong>of</strong> pleasure; (2) sense-desires are likened to a piece <strong>of</strong> flesh becausethey are followed by many (sufferings); (3) sense-desires are likened to a(flaming) torch carried against the wind because they burn; (4) sense-desiresare likened to a pit <strong>of</strong> glowing embers because <strong>of</strong> the great and the small (?);(5) sense-desires are likened to a dream because they vanish quickly;(6) sense-desires are likened to borrowed goods because they cannot beenjoyed long; (7) sense-desires are likened to a fruit tree because they arechopped down by others; (8) sense-desires are likened to a sword becausethey cut; (9) sense-desires are likened to a pointed stake because they impale;(10) sense-desires are likened to the head <strong>of</strong> a venomous snake because theyare fearful; 1 (11) sense-desires are likened to a flock <strong>of</strong> cotton blown aboutby the wind because they are unresisting by nature; (12) sense-desires arelikened to a mirage because they bewilder the fool; (13) sense-desires arelikened to darkness because they are blinding; (14) sense-desires are likenedto hindrances because they obstruct the way <strong>of</strong> good; (15) sense-desires arelikened to infatuation because they cause the loss <strong>of</strong> Right Mindfulness;(16) sense-desires are likened to ripening because they are subject to decay;(17) sense-desires are likened to fetters because they bind one to another;(18) sense-desires are likened (to thieves) because they rob the value <strong>of</strong>merit; (19) sense-desires are likened to a house <strong>of</strong> hate because they provokequarrels; (20) and sense-desires are pain-laden because they cause trialsinnumerable. Having considered the tribulations <strong>of</strong> sense-desires, in thismanner, he should consider the benefits <strong>of</strong> renunciation.RENUNCIATION AND ITS BENEFITSRenunciation. Namely, good practices, like the first meditation, jhdna,from the time one retires from the world — these are named renunciation.Simile No. 14 — A. Ill, 63: Kdmacchando bhikkhave dvarano nivarano.Simile No. 17 — D. I, 245: Kdma-guna ariyassa vinaye anduti pi vuccanti, bandhananti pi vuccanti.In the Chinese 'Potaliya' (transliteration) Sutta, the simile <strong>of</strong> the snake is also found, andthe eight doctrines taught in this sutta are illustrated with as many examples, though it isdifficult to say exactly which illustration refers to which doctrine. In the Pali there areonly seven illustrations. The following is taken from the Chu Agon {Madhyama Agama)No. 203: "Householder, it is as if, not far from a village, there were a huge venomoussnake, very vicious, poisonous, black and terrible <strong>of</strong> aspect, and a man not foolish, notdeluded, not insane, in full possession <strong>of</strong> his senses, desirous <strong>of</strong> weal and shunning woe,disliking sorrow very much, wishing to live, not wishing to die and disliking death verymuch, were to come. What do you think, householder, would that man stretch out hishand or any other member <strong>of</strong> his body to the snake, saying, 'Bite me, bite me' ?" Thenthe householder answered: "No, venerable Gotama, because on seeing the venomoussnake he would think: 'If I were to stretch forth my hand or other member <strong>of</strong> my bodyand let the snake bite it, I should die or suffer severely'. And so, on seeing that venomoussnake, he wishes to flee from it". Householder, the learned, noble disciple alsothinks in the same way: 'Sense-desires are like a venomous snake. It was taught bythe Blessed One that sense-desires are like a venomous snake. They yield little pleasure,produce much suffering and are pain-laden'. And he abandons sense-desires, becomesfreed from evil states <strong>of</strong> mind and causes to perish all worldly enjoyment and clingsto nothing".

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