Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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In Memoriam'These sterling qualities <strong>of</strong> Soma Thera were happily blended in a characterin which humility and service formed the keynote. He never spared himself.He gave till it hurt. He gave UNTO THIS LAST—unto death. Overwork,fatigue, were the proximate causes <strong>of</strong> the dire malady which struckdown this mighty oak <strong>of</strong> the Dhamma which was a shade and refuge <strong>of</strong>many a seeker after Truth. Today a void is left standing which may takeyears to fill.'To those <strong>of</strong> us who knew him and enjoyed his friendship and affectionfor nearly four decades both as the dashing young layman Victor E. P.Pulle, and as a monk <strong>of</strong> blessed memory, Soma Thera presents a remarkablecharacter study. The child was the father <strong>of</strong> the man, Thera. Yet in histwenties, he was a rebel from the faith <strong>of</strong> his fathers and questing for theknowledge <strong>of</strong> the truth. In the 1930's, still hot on the pursuit, he was theleader <strong>of</strong> a band <strong>of</strong> young men who formed the Fort Study Circle underthe Presidency <strong>of</strong> Mr. J. Tyagarajah, with Dr. L. A. (now Sir Lalita)Rajapakse and the late Mr. R. Nadarajah as Vice-Presidents.'Their motto was sacrifice and service and their main object was theeconomic and cultural development <strong>of</strong> the country. The regular weeklyprogramme <strong>of</strong> the Circle, all planned by Victor, included classes in Pali,Hindi, Layman's Law, History, Economics and politics. With whatresourcefulness, with what prevision <strong>of</strong> judgement and success, he organisedand directed its activities towards the cultural and literary formation <strong>of</strong> theday are now matters <strong>of</strong> history...'Young Victor's reputation for literary and critical scholarship was suchthat Dr. Lucian De Zilwa prefaced his talk by saying that he accepted theinvitation for a lecture with the major object <strong>of</strong> making the acquaintance<strong>of</strong> Mr. V. E. P. Pulle; and Mr. K. P. S. Menon, one <strong>of</strong> the most gracefuland eloquent public speakers this country has ever had, began his lectureby saying that he was always anxious to see the set <strong>of</strong> young men who couldproduce an annual report <strong>of</strong> such literary excellence as that turned out bythe Fort Study Circle.'For Victor Pulle reason was the touchstone <strong>of</strong> truth. In this quest, hestudied comparative religion, logic, philosophy—Dahlke and Schopenhauerhad a particular appeal to him—art, sculpture, archaeology, history, musicand even astrology. Indeed, like Bacon, he took all knowledge for hisprovince. There was not a single individual in the Fort <strong>of</strong> his day whoService <strong>of</strong> the world is the highest homage we can pay to the Buddha, the friend andhelper <strong>of</strong> all beings. Let this act <strong>of</strong> homage with flowers, incense and light, be the symbol<strong>of</strong> the homage <strong>of</strong> service <strong>of</strong> the world every Buddhist has to fulfil. Let us dedicate ourselvesanew today to tread the <strong>Path</strong> <strong>of</strong> Service trodden by the Master—the <strong>Path</strong> <strong>of</strong> Charity, Virtueand Clear Thought.Let us remind ourselves now and frequently that the greatest charity is in giving thegift <strong>of</strong> fearlessness (abhaya ddnd) to the world by refraining from killing, stealing, unchastity,lying and drink. Thus we shall be able to become merciful, honest, chaste, truthful andsober, and make the society in which we live a noble one.May right understanding and right thought grow in the world!XI

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