Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]

Path of Freedom [Vimuttimagga]


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ON APPROACHING A GOOD FRIENDCHAPTER THE FIFTHQ. Then how is concentration brought out?A. If a man wishes to bring out concentration, he, at first, should approacha pre-eminent friend. Why? If, at first, when a yogin wishes to accomplishexcellent concentration, he dwells apart from a good friend, he will not acquiresteadfastness. In a Discourse it is said: "Meghiya bhikkhu partakes <strong>of</strong>deterioration." 1 It is comparable to a man who sets out alone on a distantjourney. None guides him. When a man sets out alone, he is like an elephantthat is not guided by the goad. If, when a yogin practises, he listens to thediscourses and instructions <strong>of</strong> a good friend, he is able to remove his manydifficulties and get into the right method and practice. If he strenuouslyendeavours and strictly trains himself, then he is able to acquire excellentconcentration.QUALITIES OF A GOOD FRIENDA good friend who may be likened to a wealthy chief <strong>of</strong> merchants honouredby all, to a kind good-hearted person, to a dearly loved parent, steadies one,as the chain the elephant.A good friend on whom one relies and accomplishes all meritoriousactivities is like a mahout who causes (the elephant) to go backwards andforwards, is like a good road on which a man can take a yoke <strong>of</strong> oxen, likea physician who cures diseases and removes pain, like the rain from heavenwhich moistens everything, like a mother who nurses her child, like a fatherwho guides his son, like parents who ward their children from perils andlike a teacher who instructs (his pupils). Therefore, the Blessed One declared1. Hdnabhdgiya. Cp. A. IV, 357: Idha Meghiya bhikkhu kaiydnamitto hoti kalydnasahdyokalydnsampavanko, Aparipakkdya Meghiya cetovimuttiyd ayam pathamo dhammoparipakkdya samvattati. The following is a more or less free rendering <strong>of</strong> the relativepassage from the Chinese Chu Agon (Madhyama Agama) No. 5, Fascicle X, SutraNo. 56: "Thus have I heard. At one time, when the Enlightened One was wanderingin the land <strong>of</strong> Magadha, he arrived at Jantugama, and his sole attendant was the VenerableElder Meghiya.And in the morning, the Venerable Elder Meghiya taking bowl and robe went tothe village <strong>of</strong> Jantugama for alms. And after completing his alms-round, he wendedhis way to the bank <strong>of</strong> the river Kimilala. The land there was level meadow, andit was known as the Grove <strong>of</strong> Sweet Mango. Beside it ran the excellent waters <strong>of</strong> Kimilala,sparklingly clear. Seeing the pleasant place, the Venerable Elder Meghiya wasdelighted and thought: 'The land here is level meadow and is known as the Grove<strong>of</strong> Sweet Mango. Beside it runs the excellent waters <strong>of</strong> Kimilala, sparklingly clear.Meet is this spot for a clansman for the exercise <strong>of</strong> energy'.And having finished his meal, put aside his bowl and robe, washed his hands andfeet, he, with one shoulder bared, went to the presence <strong>of</strong> the Enlightened One, bowedat the Enlightened One's feet, and sat on one side. And being seated he spoke thus:"Venerable Sir, in the morning, having taken bowl and robe, I went to the village <strong>of</strong>Jantugama for almsand I thought:4 The land here is level meadow andis known as the Grove <strong>of</strong> Sweet Mango. Beside it runs the excellent waters <strong>of</strong> Kimilala,48

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