Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models

Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models

Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models


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<strong>Simulator</strong> <strong>Configuration</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>Chapter 4: Using ModelSim VHDL with <strong>Synopsys</strong> <strong>Models</strong>HP-UX 32-bit:% setenv SHLIB_PATH $LMC_HOME/lib/hp700.lib:$SHLIB_PATHHP-UX 64-bit:% setenv SHLIB_PATH $LMC_HOME/lib/hp64.lib:$SHLIB_PATHRunning 32-bit <strong>Models</strong> on 64-bit Plat<strong>for</strong>msIf you want to run 32-bit <strong>Synopsys</strong> models or tools on a 64-bit HP-UX or Solarisplat<strong>for</strong>m, set the LMC_USE_32BIT environment variable to any value be<strong>for</strong>e invokingthe tool, as shown in the following example:% setenv LMC_USE_32BIT 1The LMC_USE_32BIT environmental variable is a “set/no-set” variable. That is, youcan set it to any value (even zero) to turn on 32-bit support on a 64-bit plat<strong>for</strong>m. If youdo not set it at all, the default condition is 32-bit models on 32-bit plat<strong>for</strong>ms, or 64-bitmodels on 64-bit plat<strong>for</strong>ms. You only set this environmental variable (to any value)when you are on a 64-bit plat<strong>for</strong>m using 32-bit models and simulators.Using Smart<strong>Models</strong> with ModelSim VHDLTo use Smart<strong>Models</strong> with ModelSim VHDL, follow this procedure:1. Make sure MTI VHDL is set up properly and all required environment variables areset, as explained in “Setting Environment Variables” on page 73.2. Map the slm_lib logical library, as shown in the following example:% vlib slm_lib% vmap slm_lib slm_libThis step also creates a modelsim.ini file in the current working directory.3. Open the modelsim.ini file in a text editor, and edit the line <strong>for</strong> Resolution, as shownin the following example:Resolution = 100psOctober 6, 2003 <strong>Synopsys</strong>, Inc. 75

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