Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models

Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models

Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models


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Chapter 3: Using ModelSim Verilog with <strong>Synopsys</strong> <strong>Models</strong><strong>Simulator</strong> <strong>Configuration</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>Table 9: FlexModel ModelSim Verilog FileFile Name Description Locationmodel_pkg.incVerilog task definitions <strong>for</strong> FlexModel interfacecommands. This file also references theflexmodel_pkg.inc and model_user_pkg.inc files.workdir/src/verilog/model_user_pkg.inc Clock frequency setup and user customizations. workdir/src/verilog/model_fx_mti.vmodel.vmodel_tst.vA SWIFT wrapper that you can use to instantiatethe model.A bus-level wrapper around the SWIFT model.This allows you to use vectored ports <strong>for</strong> themodel in your testbench.A testbench that instantiates the model and showshow to use basic model commands.workdir/examples/verilog/workdir/examples/verilog/workdir/examples/verilog/5. Update the clock frequency supplied in the model_user_pkg.inc file to correspondto the CLK period you want <strong>for</strong> the model. This file is located in:workdir/src/verilog/model_user_pkg.incwhere workdir is your working directory.6. Add the following line to your Verilog testbench to include FlexModel testbenchinterface commands in your design:`include "model_pkg.inc"NoteBe sure to add model_pkg.inc within the module from which you will beissuing FlexModel commands.Because the model_pkg.inc file includes references to flexmodel_pkg.inc andmodel_user_pkg.inc, you don’t need to add flexmodel_pkg.inc ormodel_user_pkg.inc to your testbench.7. Instantiate Flex<strong>Models</strong> in your design, defining the ports and defparams as required(refer to the example testbench supplied with the model). You use the supplied buslevelwrapper (model.v) in the top-level of your design to instantiate the suppliedbit-blasted wrapper (model_fx_mti.v).Example using bus-level wrapper (model.v) without timing:model U1 ( model ports )defparamU1.FlexModelId = “TMS_INST1”;64 <strong>Synopsys</strong>, Inc. October 6, 2003

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