Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models

Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models

Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models


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Chapter 10: Using SystemC with <strong>Synopsys</strong> <strong>Models</strong><strong>Simulator</strong> <strong>Configuration</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>Using DesignWare Memory <strong>Models</strong> withSystemCDesignWare Memory <strong>Models</strong> (DWMM) are SWIFT-compatible binary simulationmodels that have an _mx extension (model_mx.)To use DWMM models with SystemC, follow this procedure:1. Run the scsg utility to generate SystemC wrappers <strong>for</strong> the models you will use inyour design.To generate wrappers, enter the model names (separated by spaces) as arguments toscsg:% $LMC_HOME/bin/scsg model model2For each specified model, this creates the wrapper files model.h and model.cppwithin the working directory.The scsg command also includes two optional switches:❍ -a or --all: Generates wrappers <strong>for</strong> all installed models.❍ -r or --resolved: Generates wrappers using resolved logic vectors (typesc_signal_rv) <strong>for</strong> the model port interface. The default is togenerate a port interface using the sc_logic type <strong>for</strong> single bitports, and type sc_lv <strong>for</strong> bus ports.2. Instantiate the model in your design using the model wrapper model.h file as aguide:❍❍❍Include the header file <strong>for</strong> each DWMM model in your design.Example: #include “model.h”Assign values to the model’s DWMM SWIFT parameters (model configurationparameters).If needed, bind the model’s ports to system level signals.The model.h wrapper file includes an example of instantiating the model withdefault values <strong>for</strong> the required model configuration parameters. For details on therequired DWMM parameters and an example of instantiating an DWMM model inSystemC, see “Using DesignWare Memory <strong>Models</strong> with SWIFT <strong>Simulator</strong>s” onpage 29 and “Instantiating DesignWare Memory <strong>Models</strong> in SystemC” on page 35.264 <strong>Synopsys</strong>, Inc. October 6, 2003

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