Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models

Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models

Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models


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Chapter 8: Using Scirocco with <strong>Synopsys</strong> <strong>Models</strong><strong>Simulator</strong> <strong>Configuration</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>7. Add LIBRARY and USE statements to your testbench:library slm_lib;use slm_lib.flexmodel_pkg.all;use slm_lib.model_pkg.all;use slm_lib.model_user_pkg.all;For example, you would use the following statement <strong>for</strong> the tms320c6201_fxmodel:use slm_lib.tms320c6201_pkg.all;use slm_lib.tms320c6201_user_pkg.all;8. Instantiate Flex<strong>Models</strong> in your design, defining the ports and generics as required(refer to the example testbench supplied with the model). You use the suppliedbus-level wrapper (model.vhd) in the top-level of your design to instantiate thesupplied bit-blasted wrapper (model_fx_vss.vhd).Example using bus-level wrapper (model.vhd) without timing:U1: modelgeneric map (FlexModelId => “TMS_INST1”)port map ( model ports );Example using bus-level wrapper (model.vhd) with timing:U1: modelgeneric map (FlexModelId => “TMS_INST1”,FlexTimingMode => FLEX_TIMING_MODE_ON,TimingVersion => “timingversion”,DelayRange => “range”)port map ( model ports );9. Compile your testbench as shown in the following example:% vhdlan testbench10. Invoke the Scirocco simulator as shown in the following examples:a. If you are using Scirocco 2001.10 or later:% scs design% scsim -vhpi slm_vhpi:<strong>for</strong>eignINITelab:cpipeb. If you are using Scirocco 2000.12:% scsim -vhpi slm_vhpi:<strong>for</strong>eignINITelab:cpipe design198 <strong>Synopsys</strong>, Inc. October 6, 2003

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