Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models

Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models

Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models


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<strong>Simulator</strong> <strong>Configuration</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>Chapter 7: Using QuickSim II with <strong>Synopsys</strong> <strong>Models</strong>Table 27: Signal Instance Command Summary (Continued)Feature Command DescriptionIn<strong>for</strong>mation dump Reports all available in<strong>for</strong>mation about theselected instance of a hardware modeled devicelmc[-p shell | allshell]vectorReports the type of timing shell (Shell Softwareor technology file) <strong>for</strong> the selected instanceReports the runtime vector count of the selectedinstanceModel EvaluationBy default, all component instances are evaluated in QuickSim II. If you want to disableevaluation of models <strong>for</strong> selected instances, you can use the SIGnal INSTance disablecommand. This command isolates sections of the design and shortens the simulationtime <strong>for</strong> debugging purposes. To turn model evaluation on again <strong>for</strong> selected instances,you can use SIGnal INSTance enable.Timing Shell SelectionThe SIGnal INSTance lst command lets you use the hardware model’s Shell Softwaretiming files instead of the default technology file during evaluation of the selectedinstances. You can use the SIGnal INSTance nolst command to switch back to thetechnology file <strong>for</strong> selected instances.The optional -p all argument enables you to choose the type of timing shell <strong>for</strong> allhardware models in the design, if you have at least one instance selected. For example,you could use the following command be<strong>for</strong>e simulating:sig inst lst -p allQuickSim II ignores the technology files <strong>for</strong> all hardware models in the design and takethe timing (delays and timing checks) directly from the Shell Software. If you decidedyou wanted to use the technology files instead <strong>for</strong> all hardware models, you could usethe following command to switch back to the default timing shell without having toselect every instance:sig inst nolst -p allOctober 6, 2003 <strong>Synopsys</strong>, Inc. 179

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