Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models

Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models

Simulator Configuration Guide for Synopsys Models


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Chapter 7: Using QuickSim II with <strong>Synopsys</strong> <strong>Models</strong><strong>Simulator</strong> <strong>Configuration</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>Unsupported QuickSim II CommandsTable 23 lists several common QuickSim II simulation commands that are not supportedby DWMM models, and the effects these commands have if used with DWMM models.Table 23: Common Unsupported QuickSim II CommandsQuickSim II CommandREREAD MODELFILERESTORE STATESAVE STATEWRITE MODELFILEEffect on DWMMDoes not cause a DWMM model to reload itsmemory image file. If this command is issuedanytime after time 0, the DWMM model may notsimulate correctly.Attempting to restore the saved state of a DWMMmodel crashes the model, and subsequently thesimulation.Not harmful, but the resulting saved state cannot beused to restore the simulation state since RESTORESTATE is fatal.Not harmful, but does not cause a DWMM model tosave a memory image file.SWIFT Command ChannelDWMM models are not designed to use the SWIFT command channel. Nevertheless,the models support the following two commands, both of which are issued using theQuickSim II command SIGNAL INSTANCE.●●ReportStatus — prints a message that describes the configuration status of a model.To issue ReportStatus <strong>for</strong> selected instances:$signal_instances("swift_model", "ReportStatus", "model_name");Trace ON | OFF — when enabled (“ON”), traces the SWIFT simulation session, andcreates an “lmc_trace.out” file.To enable tracing <strong>for</strong> selected instances:$signal_instances("swift_session", "Trace on", "model_name");For more in<strong>for</strong>mation on using the SWIFT command channel, see “The SWIFTCommand Channel” on page 21.160 <strong>Synopsys</strong>, Inc. October 6, 2003

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