Track Record 27, April to June 2006 - Public Transport Victoria

Track Record 27, April to June 2006 - Public Transport Victoria

Track Record 27, April to June 2006 - Public Transport Victoria


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<strong>Track</strong> <strong>Record</strong>V i c t o r i a ’ s P u b l i c T r a n s p o r t S e r v i c e sTable 7. Metropolitan Train payments ($,000)Apr.–Jun. Jul.–Sept. Oct.–Dec. Jan.–Mar. Apr.–Jun. 2005 – <strong>2006</strong>Payment type 2005 2005 2005 <strong>2006</strong> <strong>2006</strong> TotalBase contract 38,479 32,914 32,914 32,826 32,924 131,578Farebox 38,489 39,321 37,441 43,441 42,320 162,523Concession <strong>to</strong>p-up 6,055 5,102 5,115 4,710 6,412 21,339Maintenance 20,473 32,542 20,050 17,375 23,<strong>27</strong>7 93,244Rolling s<strong>to</strong>ck adjustment 22,508 22,483 22,499 22,695 23,674 91,351Incentive and penalty -7,437 -4,664 -4,785 -4,<strong>27</strong>9 -7,366 -21,094Capital projects 2,650 10,694 6,840 10,245 18,952 46,731Other -116 675 2,521 -5,179 1,176 -807TOTAL 121,101 139,067 122,595 121,834 141,369 524,865Table 8. Metropolitan Tram payments ($,000)Apr.–Jun. Jul.–Sept. Oct.–Dec. Jan.–Mar. Apr.–Jun. 2005 – <strong>2006</strong>Payment type 2005 2005 2005 <strong>2006</strong> <strong>2006</strong> TotalBase contract 2,163 536 536 536 536 2,144Farebox 38,489 39,321 37,441 43,441 42,320 162,523Concession <strong>to</strong>p-up 6,055 5,102 5,203 4,731 6,440 21,476Maintenance 12,953 15,674 12,168 13,252 9,001 50,095Rolling s<strong>to</strong>ck adjustment 8,767 8,679 8,679 8,679 8,747 34,784Incentive and penalty -125 589 -337 125 -9 368Capital projects 6,412 3,357 3,065 3,018 2,611 12,051Other 1,333 489 1,843 125 2,411 4,868TOTAL 76,047 73,747 68,598 73,907 72,057 288,30915

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