Healthiest Fastfood Spreadsheet Webquest Introduction

Healthiest Fastfood Spreadsheet Webquest Introduction

Healthiest Fastfood Spreadsheet Webquest Introduction


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FAST FOOD FUNGRADE RUBRICFast Food FunTarget Objective 1Manipulate aspreadsheet: enter andformat data and useformulas andfunctions.Target Objective 2Create bar charts toanalyze dataTarget Objective 3Create pie charts toanalyze dataTarget Objective 4Summarize findingssuing a word processorand incorporating dataand charts fromspreadsheetD you mustcomplete thefollowing:Level 1 IndicatorEntered Most datacorrectly, someincorrect formattingattempted useformulas andfunctionsLevel l IndicatorCreated minimalCharts lackingcorrect chartelements;incorrect datadisplayedLevel 1 indicatorCreated minimalcharts lackingcorrect chartelements;incorrect datadisplayedLevel 1 IndicatorAble to copy chartfrom spreadsheet;brief summary withfew details; noattempt to drawconclusions aboutdata; did not meetrequirements forlength; did not usedcorrect formatC you mustcomplete thefollowing:Level 2 IndicatorEntered all datacorrectly, wasable to formatdata, attempted touse formulas andfunctionsLevel 2 IndicatorCreated minimalcharts lackingcorrect chartelements; correctdata displayedLevel 2 IndicatorCreated minimalcharts lackingcorrect chartelements; correctdata displayedLevel 2 IndicatorAble to copy chartfrom spreadsheet;brief summary withfew details; someattempt to drawconclusions aboutdata; made someattempt to meetlength and formatB you mustcomplete thefollowing:Level 3 IndicatorEntered all datacorrectly,completedrequiredformatting, usedformulas andfunctionscorrectlyLevel 3 IndicatorCreated requiredcharts withcorrect elementsincluding title,names of axes,legend, and datalabels; correctdata displayedLevel 3 IndicatorCreated requiredcharts withcorrect elementsincluding title,legend, and datalabels; correctdata displayedLevel 3 IndicatorAble to copy chartfrom spreadsheet;summary includedrequired details;was able to meetlength and formatrequirementsA you must completethe following:Level 4 IndicatorEntered all datacorrectly, completedrequired formatting,used formulas andfunctions correctly,used advancedformatting techniquesto design spreadsheetLevel 4 IndicatorCreated requiredcharts with correctelements includingtitle, names of axes,legend, and datalabels; correct datadisplayed; usedadvanced chartingtechniques to designcharts beyondrequirementsLevel 4 IndicatorCreated requiredcharts with correctelements includingtitle, legend, and datalabels; correct datadisplayed; usedadvanced chartingtechniques to designcharts beyondrequirementsLevel 4 IndicatorAble to copy chart fromspreadsheet; detailedsummary withadditional informationbeyond requiredelements; met orexceeded length andformat requirements

<strong>Introduction</strong><strong>Healthiest</strong> <strong>Fastfood</strong><strong>Spreadsheet</strong> <strong>Webquest</strong>The local newspaper has contacted you about writing a feature article.Readers are trying to eat healthier when they go to fast food restaurants.You will be writing an article about the healthiest fast food restaurant. Youwill research the number of calories and grams of fat in a fast food item ofyour choice at four different fast food restaurants. You will create a graphrepresenting the data that you learn. You will then input the graph into aword processing program and write an article featuring which restaurant andfood item would be the best to eat at based on calories and grams of fat.This is the first article in the "Eat Healthier" series. You will begin to designways for the public to monitor the calories and grams of fat they eat andsuggest ways to eat healthier.The TaskYou will be working in groups of two to create an article for the localnewspaper on the healthiest fast food restaurant.You will:Determine the number of calories and grams of fat in food items at fourfast food restaurants.Enter the information into a spreadsheet.Create a graph to accurately represent the data.Analyze the information to determine the healthiest restaurant.Create a word processing article with your chart detailing yourconclusions.Share your article with the rest of the group.The ProcessYou will work in your groups of two.One person will open a <strong>Spreadsheet</strong> program like Excel.The other person will go to the Washington Post Fast Food CalorieCounter web page.

You will see a screen that looks like this:Select a restaurant by clicking on the tab with the restaurant's namelike Burger King, KFC, McDonald's, Subway, Taco Bell or Wendy's.Select the fast food items that you want to compare and it willprovide you with the total calories and fat. In the example below, aBacon Cheeseburger at Burger King has 425 total calories and 23grams of fat.

For each of the 4 restaurants, enter the following into a spreadsheet:Name of the RestaurantCaloriesNonfat CaloriesFat CaloriesPercentage of FatUse this link to show you sample spreadsheet and information forcompleting the assignment.http://www.wmburgweb.com/Resources/Lesson/spreadsheet.htmInstructions continued…………………….‣ Create a graph that best represents your data.Analyze your graph to determine which of the 4 fast food restaurants youselected would have the healthiest fast food meal.‣ Open a word processing document and write a 1 page articleabout your evaluation of the healthiest fast foods and be sureto include your graph in the article.If you need background information about fat, try these articles:American Heart Association Dietary Guidelines for Healthy ChildrenAmerican Heart Association Tips for Eating OutSteps to complete the assignment:‣ Check the rubric before finalizing the Project‣ Print out the charts for each of the 4 restaurants‣ Place the spreadsheets and charts on (2) pages‣ Print in Landscape‣ Type a title page for the Project (Title= Fast Food Fun)‣ Print and staple‣ Turn in

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