April 2011 - Hitchin Girls School

April 2011 - Hitchin Girls School

April 2011 - Hitchin Girls School

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HITCHIN GIRLS’ SCHOOLA Specialist Science CollegeSpring Term <strong>2011</strong>Term ends at 3.40pm on Friday 8th <strong>April</strong> <strong>2011</strong> and students return at 8.40am on Wednesday27th <strong>April</strong> <strong>2011</strong>. We would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter.Welcome to our second all colour Newsletter courtesyof Mags4<strong>School</strong>s The response to our first editionwas so positive and as you can see we have anotherextensive issue for you this term.This has been an unusually long term due to the timing ofEaster this year, and there will only be a short period oftime after the Easter holidays for students to prepare beforethe public examinations begin. It is important that theholiday period is utilised effectively by these students forrevision and examination preparation and I hope thatparents will be able to support them as much as possible.I am delighted that this term we have received our planningapplication approval for improvements to our sportsfacilities next to the Music <strong>School</strong>. This is a much neededproject to allow us to offer greater opportunities for girls toachieve well in PE and to provide us with more all weatherplaying surfaces and an additional classroom. There willbe information regarding the progression of this projectthroughout the year and I am hopeful that you will be ableand willing to support us in fundraising.By the time you receive this newsletter, you will havereceived an update on Academy Status from the Governorsand how this might impact our school.I wish you all a restful holiday and look forward to seeingall students back on Wednesday 27 <strong>April</strong> at 8.40 a.m.Frances Manning - HeadteacherMESSAGE FROM THE HEAD GIRL:After raising over £2,500 achieved by the Sixth Formrunning various events such as the Fashion Show and theChristmas Fayre, the House Captains and I took a further2 months to decide what we wanted and needed to bedone to our common room. Over February half term, ourplans became reality when many of us gave up our timeand came into school to clean, decorate and furnish theroom. The end result is a complete contrast to what webegan with, where dark, dirty walls have been transformedto form a clean, bright and fresh area where the Sixth Formcan study and relax.I would like to thank the following students for offering theirtime to help: Aarti Patel, Jessica Boyle, Megan Baker,Chloe Stalkartt, Katherine Pautard, Bethan Gay, MolleeVasey, Holly Sommerville, Sarah Hogg, Millie Murphy,Eleanor Dawson, Amy Edmonds, Connie Knight, andGrace Schiach.Year 7 students; Amy Grocott, Laura Jones,Violet Pritchard, and Megan Kennedy havewon the local heat of the Times SpellingBee competition.More than 1,000 schools across the UK have entered ateam, aimed at finding the country’s best young wordsmiths.They will now go forward to the semi-finals in May with thefinals being held on 23rd June. Good Luck girls!PINEHILLHOSPITALThe quality and flexibility you would expect fromyour local private hospital.Approved by all major private medical insurers.FREE information Open Evenings with FREE mini consultations• Cosmetic • Snoring and Sleep Problems • Gynaecology • Veins • ENTCall now for more information 01462 427207Benslow Lane, <strong>Hitchin</strong>, SG4 9QZ • www.pinehillhospital.co.uk

<strong>Hitchin</strong> <strong>Girls</strong>’ <strong>School</strong>SCIENCE WEEK <strong>2011</strong>Our annual Science Week, part of National Science and Engineering Week, was another hugesuccess. Kick starting with our third Science Fair the hall was buzzing with excitement as Year 6students from Whitehill and Preston <strong>School</strong>s, and our Year 7 and 8 students presented projectson the theme of 'Great Scientific Discoveries.'Congratulations go to TheHoverfliers, Anahita, Elly,Kiran and Rhea of Year 8,for their winning presentationon the invention of theHovercraft. Our judgesawarded them 1st prize dueto the detailed scientificcontent and the thoroughinvestigation they hadundertaken in order to ensureaccuracy. Their CD – bottle lid – balloon hovercraft flewaround everywhere and demonstrated the key scientificconcepts involved in an effective and accessible way forall to enjoy. They win a trip to go indoor skydiving at AirKixin Milton Keynes in <strong>April</strong>. Well done girls!explain why a plane stays in the air! They also win iTunesvouchers. Well done girls!Huge congratulations go to the winning team in thePrimary category – The Preston Pioneers. Their presentationon the medical breakthrough of kidney transplants wassuperb. The scientific content was imaginative and ourjudges awarded them 1st prize. They will join our HGSwinning team at Airkix in Milton Keynes. Thanks go to theirteachers and all the parents that came to support them.Congratulations also go to our runners up in the PrimarySecond prize went to Isabel Wroe, 7C, for her wonderfulpresentation on Evolution. The judges were particularlyimpressed by the way she was able to communicate verycomplex scientific concepts in a simple and accurate way.Using her love of art she produced this wonderful ‘Tree ofLife’ which was accompanied by an excellent stop frameanimation and a Bug story all of which she made herself.Proving that we may have a budding Nick Parks in themaking, Isabel wins iTunes vouchers. Well done Isabel!In 3rd place were our fabulous Year 7 trio, Kathy, Flo andMaisie – The Highfliers! The judges were very impressedby their presentation on the invention of flight andcommented on their excellent scientific knowledge and thesimple, yet effective experiments they demonstrated toICKLE DRAMAWeekly, Term Time,THEATRE CLASSES4-30 to 6-30pmIckleford Village Hallfrom 5 - 16 yearsFor more info about classesor our holiday coursesCall Valerie07961 426268category - The Bright Sparks from Whitehill <strong>School</strong> for theirfantastic presentation on Edison and the invention of thelight bulb. The judges were particularly impressed by theirhomemade light bulb and wonderful ‘light up’ interactivequiz used to test our knowledge of Edison. Well done girlsand thanks go to Mrs.Dickinson, Mrs.Bradshaw and yourgreat caretaker!On Tuesday we were very pleased to welcome Dr. Ed Kingfrom the British Antarctica Survey. Having just returned•GCSE/AS and A2 LEVEL TUITION IN FRENCH,GERMAN, ITALIAN AND SPANISH•ENGLISH FOR AU PAIRS•INDIVIDUAL TUITION/SMALL GROUP CLASSES•OVER 20 LANGUAGES TAUGHTPaynes Park House, Paynes Park, <strong>Hitchin</strong>, SG5 1EH,Tel 01462 431804 • enquiries@hitchinlanguagecentre.co.ukwww.hitchinlanguagecentre.co.uk-2-

<strong>Hitchin</strong> <strong>Girls</strong>’ <strong>School</strong>TechnologyROTARYCOMPETITIONEach year the localRotary group hold aTechnologycompetition open toschools in NorthHertfordshire. Thisyear we took threeteams to thecompetition, twofrom Year 8 and onefrom Year 9. Year 8 entered the Key Stage 3 Basic Event,and Year 9 entered the Key Stage 4 Intermediate Event. Allgirls performed very well in the Team Building and ProblemSolving task, that was set on the day. Within the time limitsthe teams designed, developed and built a model crane toremotely lift and remove a canister from a crashed train.All girls achieved a Bronze Crest Award for the workcompleted on the day, with one of the Year 8 teams comingthird in the Basic Competition, and our Year 9 teamwinning the Intermediate Challenge.CONGRATULATIONS GO TO:Anahita Madmoudzadeh 8T, Alessandra Stevens 8B, ZoeTaylor 8T, and Lorri Temple 8ABasic Challenge third place team: Taylor Jane Vallance 8J,Hannah Priestley 8C, Megan Oakes 8F, and RhiannaStevens 8BIntermediate challenge winning team: Abi Crew 9C, AbiGee 9A, Gabriella Caroleo 9A, and Cara Baldwin 9CMr. S. Ferguson, TechnologyMBDA VEXX ROBOTICS COMPETITION 2010A group of Year 8, 9 and 10 students participated in thisinternational event at North Herts, College during the weekbefore Christmas. Theirobjective was to design andbuild a robot which couldcompete against robotsfrom other schools in aRobot Wars style event, withthe winners taking a trip toLos Angeles, California totake on the Americanchampions! The idea was notto attack each other, but to pick up hoops, and place themon scoring goalposts, either by remote control, or byprogramming the robots to drive themselves!Although a valiant effort was made by our team, we werebeaten in the quarter final stage. We did however, win theSportsmanship Award for stepping in to assist a team,whose members couldn’t attend due to the snow.All involved thoroughly enjoyed the day out, and the girlswere by far the loudest team there. Well done to ChoongLing Liew-Cain, Kirstie Bailey, Molly Barron, HannahMalyon, Lizzie Henton-Pusey, Rebekah Lewis-Knowles,Rosie Barron, Libby Kirby, Bessie Holloway Davis, andAngela Flack, pictured below with James and Nathan(MBDA mentors).Mr. D. Galvin, Design Technology-9-

<strong>Hitchin</strong> <strong>Girls</strong>’ <strong>School</strong>SPORTCompared to this time last year, we have been veryfortunate with the weather and a very busy term of sportand activity has been fairly undisrupted. The students haveworked hard in a variety of sports at many different levels,continuing to be excellent Ambassadors for the school andmaking us extremely proud.At the time of going to press at Christmas, we were unableto report back about two events that happened right at theend of the Autumn term. Our swimmers took part in theDivision 10 Gala, where we entered junior, intermediate andsenior teams, with all teams putting in creditableperformances but unfortunately missing out on qualifying forthe next round. Our trampolinists put in some excellentperformances at the East Region Championships, with mostexceeding expectations, with our Under 19 team finishing in3rd place. Particular congratulations go to Lauren Gull (Year8) who finished 3rd overall in the Under 13 Novice category,in a very tough competition of approximately 90 competitors.This meant that Lauren then qualified for the Zonal finals inCardiff in January, where she continued to perform to a highstandard, finishing in 2nd place and so qualifying for theNational Finals in Stourbridge, where she consistentlyachieved high standards and finished 7th overall. Well doneLauren!Also last term, our rugby players competed in a CountyTournament where they won 3 out of 4 games, displayingsome excellent team work throughout the competition andbeing only 1 point away from reaching the semi finals. WellDone!Congratulations also go to Bryony Pomfret of Year 10 whowas selected for the London and South East Division at Under15 <strong>Girls</strong> Rugby. This is a remarkable achievement as Bryonywas one of 25 girls invited from the Home Counties and theSouth East of England.Individual congratulations go to Emily Evans of Year 10 whocontinues to progress in Hammer Throwing at County,InterCounty and National Competitions. Also, well done toHannah Cole of Year 12 who last term finished in 4th placeJR ROOFING (<strong>Hitchin</strong>) Ltdin a National Amateur Show Jumping Championship.Within school, our Tuesday lunchtime Inter House Leaguescontinue to flourish, with students from Years 7 to 9 playinga variety of matches in both netball and hockey. We lookforward to the Lower <strong>School</strong> Gym Competition that will takeplace at the end of term, with every Year 7 and 8 studentcontributing throughout the day. The final stages of practicalassessments for both GCSE and A level students in both PEand Dance have meant that many students are putting inextra hours of practice in order to do their best. Twofundraising netball matches have taken place this term; firstlywe had staff-House netball (raising funds for the forthcomingsports’ tour) with Austen, Curie and Teresa staff winning thetitle, and for Comic Relief, the Sixth Form team took on thestaff, raising considerable amounts for Comic Relief.Leadership Awards have maintained a strong uptake withmany students coming to the end of their Level 1 and 2Leadership Awards. Their commitment to leadership in theHouse League, at clubs, local primary school festivals andtournaments is highly commendable and without their helpmany activities simply would be unable to run.We have been fortunate to obtain access to a number ofexternal coaches in some sports this term, with golf lessonscontinuing on the hockey field to a number of interestedstudents on a Monday evening and Simone Shepherd fromSaracens inspiring us with her rugby coaching with a numberof Year 8 groups. A number of staff on a weekly basiscontinue to stretch and relax at Staff Pilates, with some of ourYear 11 students taking the opportunity to participate in anintroductory session of yoga. From the golf lessons, KirstyBateman – Foley and Heather Sheldrick have been offeredfree membership at Letchworth golf club due to the promisethey have shown.Our dancers are continuing to work hard on theircompositions for the Gym and Dance display, but much ofthis term’s work has been devoted to the entry for the CountyDance Festival at the Alban Arena, where our Year 13dancers are to be applauded on their excellent performanceof “At Seventeen”. Congratulations to Meg Baker, MegHiggs, Helen Cooper, Ella Rosser, Katie Mills, Sophie Willer,Ellie Dawson, Sarah Leader and Lucy Keen. Not only didYOUR LOCAL BESPOKE JOINERY MANUFACTURERDESIGNED • HANDMADE • INSTALLEDSLATERS • TILERS & LEAD ROOF CONTRACTORSDOMESTIC & COMMERCIALOVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCEFOR EXPERT & RELAIBLE SERVICECALL 01462 422300www.jr-roofing.co.uk• KITCHENS• BEDROOMS• BATHROOMS• STUDIESUnit 1 Oakfield Farm • Stevenage Road • <strong>Hitchin</strong> SG4 7JXsteve@options.uk.com • 01462 436654-10-

<strong>Hitchin</strong> <strong>Girls</strong>’ <strong>School</strong>they perform in their own dance, but many of these studentschoreographed the entry for William Ransom Primary schoolwhere they worked hard to produce a composition that waschosen to open the whole festival. Also thanks to Mrs.Johnson who choreographed the item for Whitehill <strong>School</strong>.All three dances will be a part of the programme in theSummer term display. Also many congratulations to ourCounty Youth Company dancers, who performed at theCounty Festival, making us very proud of their achievements.Congratulations to Hannah Emes, Kennedy Hare, JosieBurningham, Serena Brooker, Bethany Eaton and IsabelTurner.Our cricketers entered the Lady Taverner’s Trophy where,after a whole day of cricket and some excellentperformances, our cricketers finished as winners for thesecond year running. This means that they now qualify forthe next round. Congratulations to Joanna Hankin, BryonyPomfret, Alice Baird, Gaia Brooker, Vanessa Skeggs,Bhavini Patadia, Katherine Morley, Lottie Brignall, ZoeBurton, Hannah Martin and Hannah Skeels. Well done!Two of our cricketers have received awards at the HertsCounty Cricket Awards. Alice Baird received “Team Playerof the Year” and Katherine Morley has been awarded“Outstanding Player of the Year”.At the time of going to press, we are still awaiting Years 7and 8 District Netball Tournaments to be played. We aredelighted to announce that Year 9 are Plate Winners in theirtournament. Congratulations.Our selected District Netball players competed in the NorthHerts team at the Inter District tournament with the A teamfinishing in 5th place in their competition and the B teamfinishing in 3rd place in theirs. Congratulations to AliceSunderland, Lucy Crowley, Victoria Marquiss, GeorgieWhite, Anisha Patadia and Beth Smallbones.Our hockey players have performed to an increasingly highstandard in a very busy season. Firstly, our Year 10 teamcontinue to exceed expectations in the County Cup, withtheir “giant slaying” results. They have worked withresilience and tenacity to earn themselves the title of CountyCup Winners which is a remarkable achievement. The teambeat Queeswood in the semi-finals and faced Tring in thefinal winning on penalty flicks and with some outstandinggoal keeping from Emily Jackson. Many thanks to <strong>Hitchin</strong>Boys’ <strong>School</strong> for allowing us to practice on their Astroturf, inorder to complete adequate preparations for thesematches.In the indoor Hockey Tournaments, our Senior Aand B teams finished in 3rd and 4th places respectively, withour Year 10, 9 and 8 teams finishing in 2nd place in theirrespective tournaments. Our students did remarkably wellin this championship as they actually have nowhere in schoolwhere they can play an indoor game effectively, so evenmore reason to applaud them.In the outdoor Hockey Tournaments, both our Year 9 andYear 8 teams finished in 3rd place in their respectivetournaments.We are still awaiting final results in both the local hockeyand netball leagues with all teams so far putting incommendable performances.At the County Cross Country Championships our runnerscompeted to a high standard with excellent performancesfrom Alessandra Stevens, Alana Hollingsworth-Biggs andCharlotte Baird. Special mention to Caroline Willis whofinished in 6th place overall and was selected to representHertfordshire at the English <strong>School</strong>s finals later this term.Caroline also qualified for the McCain UK Cross-Challengein Birmingham where she competed against some of the bestCross Country runners in the country and finished in 144thposition out of 291 competitors. She also appeared on SkySports! Well done Caroline!Congratulations also go to Maria Verdeille and FionaMontgomery who were selected to address the“Hertfordshire Gifted and Talented” Conference, where they -11-

<strong>Hitchin</strong> <strong>Girls</strong>’ <strong>School</strong>displayed a high degree of maturity and professionalism indelivering to an audience of over 75 teaching professionals.They are a credit to the leadership roles that we stronglyadvocate in school.At the annual District Swimming Championships, ourswimmers performed to a high standard with acommendable first competition from the Year 7 team, theIntermediate Team finishing in 2nd place and the seniorteam finishing in 1st place. A number of swimmers havebeen selected for the District Team; Imogen de Trafford,Nicola Sissons, Alessandra Stevens, Sammi Wong andAmelia Powell. Our school team also competed in the Jubatrophy where they qualified for the final, finishing in 6thwell against some tough competition and with a verychallenging group sequence. Congratulations to GeorgieMumford, Lucy Swinburne, Emma Poynter, Emily Sandover,Grace Mann, Kiera Bunton, Jenna Grieves and, AbigailBurks.Our students recently won the Aviva Indoor AthleticChampionships in North Herts and will go through to theCounty Finals in the final weeks of this term, we wish themthe best.In the past we have individually entered the Race for Lifeat the Welwyn venue but this year many of us (staff,students and old girls) will be running the 5km or 10kmrace at Stevenage on July 24th. Please enter and join usto raise money for this very worthwhile event.On writing this report, the final preparations are underwayfor the Sports Tour to Holland in the Easter holidays, with51 students form Years 8 and 9 preparing to match theirskills against performers from Holland and other Britishschools in both Netball and Hockey. We wish them thebest of luck for a successful tour.There are so many individual and team achievements from thisterm, ranging from participation in House events to studentsplace overall.At the beginning of the year, some Year 9 students tookpart in a festival of activities to encourage participation ina number of sports like wheelchair basketball andspinning. Also a number of students were selected for aGifted and Talented Masterclass in Basketball.In February, our Acrobatic Gymnastics team competed inthe East Region <strong>School</strong>s Championships performing veryTalinca InteriorsESTABLISHED 1986performing at national level. We continue to be extremelyproud of all their achievements and the way in which theyconduct themselves when representing the school. Our sportsperformers truly are an inspiration to us all.Maria Verdeille and Fiona Montgomery both umpired at theUnder 19 Boccia National Championships. Maria was alsopresented with the Jean Ratcliffe Achievement Award for hercontribution to Boccia this year. What a fantasticachievement, gaining this prestigious award, congratulations.Have a Happy Easter,Mrs. D. Maydom - Head of Physical Education• CURTAINS: Pelmets, Poles• BLINDS:• UPHOLSTERYWe bring the pattern books to your homeWE LISTEN • WE CARE • WE ADVISEVertical, Roman, Roller01462 678337 • linda@talincainteriors.co.uk-12-

<strong>Hitchin</strong> <strong>Girls</strong>’ <strong>School</strong>AUSTEN HOUSECongratulations to all the girls who have worked hardthroughout the term and have achieved a 100% Behaviourfor Learning Record. The numbers of girls successfullyachieving this is rising and since Christmas 49 girlsachieved a full 7 weeks at 100%. To recognise thisexcellent achievement we have created a half termly prizedraw. For every girl who attains one week with a 100%record their name is entered into a draw and from eachform a winner is picked. Well done to the first 7 girls inthe House to receive their prize.Austen girls have been busy fundraising this term with our‘loose change’ collection for children in Ecuador. We alsohave had a ‘Wearing our Wellies to <strong>School</strong>’ day. Severalforms also organised an event at lunch time which included‘wellie throwing’ and guessing the weight of the welliefilled with sweets. Staff and pupils also paid to vote forthe Austen form staff to put on a pair of custard filledwellies. Mr Johnson had the pleasure of winning much tothe amusement of the rest of the students and staff. Weraised £125 and this will be sent to Great Ormond Street.Well done to all those who contributed.The girls have also been busy working for their modulesfor A level and GCSE. Congratulations to all of the greatresults they have gained and good luck to all those takingexams in the summer.We wish you all a restful Easter holiday.Mrs. Cornell and Meg Baker (House Captain)found time to organise a 'cinema experience' a Glee lunchwhich included popcorn, sweets and combo specials.Special mention should go to Mollee Vasey of Year 13 whoput in a mammoth amount of time raising funds, herenthusiasm helped drum up interest helping the house raisea record breaking amount of money. It was a week I amsure the girls will remember for many years to come. TheHouse has also worked hard to develop the interest areaon the school Learning Platform. This term as part of <strong>School</strong>Book Week students have worked to put together bookreviews of their favourite books. These are being publishedon the Learning Platform so that we can share our readingexperiences.It is clear from the form reports that the girls have had atruly exhausting term. It has been an absolute pleasure towork so closely with all the form prefects and I amextremely proud of all the students and their efforts insideand outside school.Have a lovely Easter holiday.Miss.T.Stojko - Head of Bronte HouseCURIE HOUSEThis term has been a busy one for Curie House as Marchmarks the Great Daffodil Appeal run by Marie CurieCancer Care each year. In aid of this, our Sixth Formershave been busy selling daffodils around the school. Also,BRONTE HOUSEIn the first half of the term we worked hard to raise moneyfor our two chosen charities; Breast Cancer Research andthe Letchworth Garden Hospice. Our charity prefects cameup with an ambitious schedule of fundraising events acrossa whole week. As a result we managed to raise £400 intotal. Some of the events included, a tombola with Year 7making excellent contributions. Molly Wain and PhoebeProssor-Jones in Year 8 particiopated in a sponsoredsilence raising £48 and thank you to Emma Paisley whoorganised the tombola, with some beautifully wrappedprizes. Hannah Malyon and Becca Lewis-Knowles in Year9 produced a variety of beautiful necklaces and earrings.Year 11 have been busy preparing for their exams but stillLooking GoodFancyDressfor every OccassionTelephone:01483 72 22 71Opening Days:Wednesday, Thursday,Friday & SaturdayStevenage Indoor MarketStevenage Indoor Market01438 72 22 71Open: Wednesday, ThursdayFriday & Saturday-13-

<strong>Hitchin</strong> <strong>Girls</strong>’ <strong>School</strong>despite the chilly weather, the daffodils planted lastOctober in memory of our lost loved ones have bloomedbeautifully in Emily’s Garden.The ‘Bags for <strong>School</strong>s’ appeal in which students recycledtheir unwanted clothing, was wonderfully led by ToriHodgson, Sophie Pease and Loren Macdonald in 12C,and raised £76. We hope our current fund raising schemewith the ‘Curie Penny Pots’, which involves each form fillinga pot with all their spare change will be equally, if not moresuccessful.On Shrove Tuesday, Brittany Sprawson and OliviaSpeakman in 10C organised a Pancake Sale at break. Thiswas a huge success; students were queuing out the door,keen to get their hands on a pancake with syrup, chocolateor cream topping. Well done, you raised £80.I would like to say a huge thank you to everybody in Curiefor getting stuck in and doing their part for the House.Aarti Patel, Curie House Captain.Curie House students have been busy this term workinghard to gain House points. These achievements never gounnoticed and I would like to congratulate these studentsin particular for achieving the Bronze Award for gaining300 or more House points: Samantha Rawlings, RoyaPeeroozee, Zoe Rule, Maddy Stirland, Lauren Bellinger,Marlis Kimfumu, Shenley Lloyd, Fiona Reavey, ClioGreenbank, Charlotte King, Jasmin Donovan, and AbbeySmith in 7C. Lucie Russell, Sheeren Salam, Karin Cohen,Radhika Upadhyaya, Mollie Laycock, Jessica Lilley andHolly Walsh in 8C and Lottie Hall and Rebecca Fishwickin 9C.I would also like to congratulate the following students forachieving the Silver Award for gaining 600 or more Housepoints: Emily Ahern, Jemima Ross-Smith, Fay Amstutz,Danielle Martingano, Francin Obala, Matilda Sleator andIsabel Wroe in 7C. Megan Latschrauner in 8C, and lastlyShalama Begum and Yasamin Mahmoudzadeh in 9C.Keep up this impressive standard.As you may be aware I will be leaving at Easter to go onmaternity leave, so before I go I would like to say a bigthank you to all the Curie House tutors and students for alltheir hard work throughout my time as Head of House. Wehave all worked together to be a hard working andsuccessful House, and along the way we have certainlyenjoyed a few laughs together.Lastly I would like to say a huge thank you to my superbteam of prefects Aarti Patel, Robyn Wooton, Laura Webb,Danielle Brown and Eiben O’Connor in 13C. You have allbeen a pleasure to work with; your hard work, support,and creativity was greatly appreciatedGood luck to all students in 11C and 13C with yourapproaching exams and remember preparation is the key!Have a fantastic Easter everyone. I will miss you all andlook forward to hearing about everything you’ve been upto when I return.Mrs L. Johnson - Head of Curie HouseFRANK HOUSEThis term has been successful for all Frank House students,Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 have had some very successfulmodule results and are working hard towards theirexaminations in the Summer Term.As a House we enjoyed contributing to Red Nose Day onFriday 18th March by baking cakes for the house bakingcompetition and providing a nail bar where we paintedmany fingernails! We are also currently running acompetition to design a banner to display our House motto;Focus, Respect, Achievement, Unity and Kindness.At the start of this half term we held our first ‘ExcellentAchievement Raffle’ where the names of all students withexemplary behaviour records were put into a metaphoricalhat and Jessica Boyle, our House Prefect, drew out thename of the first winner from KS3 and KS4: Maddie Tarbetfrom 8F, the second winner was Megan Oakes also from8F. Maddie Tarbet drew out Sarah Wingfield from 13F asthe winner from KS5. Congratulations to these three girlsand good luck to everyone for the next ‘ExcellentAchievement Raffle’ the result of which will be available innext half term’s newsletter.Finally, huge congratulations to Ambir Mann from 12F,who has been elected Head Girl for the next AcademicYear (<strong>2011</strong>/2012).I hope that you all have a very good Easter holiday.Mrs. D. Pearce - Head of Frank HouseJEWEL HOUSEHaving made such an excellent start to the school year, thegirls of Jewel House had the best Behaviour for Learningrecord of all Houses by the end of the Autumn term. WellSears Print & Publishing LimitedPrinting4schoolsNewsletters • Prospectus • Folders • Year Books • Letterheads • LeafletsWE BEAT ALL PRICES07810 481414-14-

<strong>Hitchin</strong> <strong>Girls</strong>’ <strong>School</strong>done to all.Your conduct and behaviour around the school, are reallymaking the girls of Jewel House stand out. You are a creditto yourselves and our House, of which I am very proud.Special thanks go to Jessica Dudley 13J, who has workedhard all year logging your Little Gem achievements. Jessicahas been a great help in organising and ensuring that youall get your ‘Jewel’ badges.Charity News: Jewel House have had an active periodraising money for those not as fortunate as ourselves.Following our special assembly with the ladies from theLister Hospital, you decided to raise money for our localcommunity in the form of an ‘Inditherm hot cot’ for the newbaby care unit at Lister Hospital.We have also been raising funds to support a young girlto attend school in Ecuador. Events such as a ChocolateTombola (9J), Mad Hair day (8J) and Class Collections(11J) are getting us going.Our Year 12 Charity Prefect, Georgia Tomkins, isorganising a Band Aid Music event to take place at theBoys’ <strong>School</strong>. Receipts from ticket sales and money raisedon the night will go to our Lister Hospital Charity.If anybody has any exciting ideas for raising money,please tell your form tutor.Sports News; Jewel girls will be looking especially smartthis term, thanks to the efforts of Jamie Day of (13J) whohas been willingly assisted by Millie Foster (9J) in thedesign and manufacture of our Jewel House logo on brandnew sporting bibs.We have one term left , to consolidate all your learningand reap the benefits of your hard work by gettingexcellent results in the Summer exams.Try to avoid a chocolate overload this Easter, and take timeto relax and recharge those batteries. Well done toeveryone in the best House of the <strong>School</strong>!Mr Ferguson - Head of Jewel HouseTERESA HOUSEFirstly, I would like to thank our Teresa House Year 13students who did a fantastic job at the very end of last termorganising our House party. Everyone enjoyed thistremendously so thank you to Bethan Gay and her team.Students in Teresa House have been busy once again andworking well during this relatively shortSpring term. However, even as the end ofterm approaches many members of theHouse will be preparing themselves for thepublic examinations next term. Well doneto everyone. Continue to work hard andmay you experience good luck and successnext term.Following our charity events last term(including some members of 10T carolsinging around the form rooms) we havebeen successful in raising money for ourHouse charity ‘Breast Cancer Awareness’.In addition, every form in Teresa House heldtheir own charity event so that we couldfulfil our commitment to raise £100 tosponsor a student in Ecuador. I amdelighted that our target was easily reachedearly in January so that the excess will beadded to the sums already raised this year for our Housecharity.9T’s Cake Sale – sold out rapidly, a real success!We wish all students, staff and parents an enjoyableholiday.Mrs. P. O uten - Head of Teresa HousePROM DRESSESFor an Unforgettable Personal ServiceBY APPOINTMENT ONLY3-4 Saltmore Farm • New Inn Road,Hinxworth • Baldock • Hertfordshire • SG7 5EZ01462 835761 • 07780 700047www.hinxworthbridal.com-15-

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