3.7 hazardous materials and hazardous waste - Missile Defense ...

3.7 hazardous materials and hazardous waste - Missile Defense ...

3.7 hazardous materials and hazardous waste - Missile Defense ...


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Chapter 3—Affected EnvironmentThe site <strong>and</strong> the surrounding area have a low visual sensitivity becausethe flatness of the l<strong>and</strong> does not provide for any prominent vistas. Remote Sprint Launch Site 4—L<strong>and</strong> UseThis section describes the l<strong>and</strong> uses <strong>and</strong> aesthetics for the affected baseproperty at the SRMSC Remote Sprint Launch Site 4. The ROI for l<strong>and</strong>use includes the base, adjacent off-base property potentially affected byconstruction <strong>and</strong> deployment of the XBR, <strong>and</strong> areas up to 30 kilometers(19 miles) from the site to include areas where certain sensitiveelectronics may be susceptible to temporary interference with use of theXBR. The ROI will include those l<strong>and</strong> uses that may contain sensitiveelectronics such as residential, commercial, industrial, <strong>and</strong> institutional(such as medical <strong>and</strong> educational). The ROI for aesthetics includes thebase <strong>and</strong> adjacent off-base properties within the viewshed.Regional L<strong>and</strong> UseRemote Sprint Launch Site 4 is located in Kinloss Township southwest ofthe town of Fairdale in Walsh County. The regional l<strong>and</strong> use ROI includesthe area within a 30-kilometer (19-mile) radius from Remote SprintLaunch Site 4.Kinloss Township does not have any zoning ordinances; therefore,development in the area is reviewed by Walsh County <strong>and</strong> the Red RiverRegional Planning Council to ensure compliance with overall developmentguidelines. The Council is the planning <strong>and</strong> economic developmentauthority for a four-county region that includes Gr<strong>and</strong> Forks, Pembina,Walsh, <strong>and</strong> Nelson counties (Wangler, 1998—Personal communication).However, since Remote Sprint Launch Site 4 is a Federal property, itdoes not fall within the zoning <strong>and</strong> planning regulations of the Council orthe county. As shown in table 3.9-5, the area is sparsely populated,with the closest inhabited structure being about 3.2 kilometers (2 miles)away in Fairdale. The small towns within the ROI generally containresidential, commercial, industrial, <strong>and</strong> institutional l<strong>and</strong> uses that supportthe surrounding area. The remaining l<strong>and</strong> outside these small towns isalmost exclusively used for agricultural purposes, with the majority beingused for cropl<strong>and</strong>, with small bodies of water <strong>and</strong> wooded areasscattered throughout the area. All of the l<strong>and</strong> uses in the area arecompatible with adjoining areas of Remote Sprint Launch Site 4.Remote Sprint Launch Site 4 L<strong>and</strong> UseThe general l<strong>and</strong> use of the 20-hectare (50-acre) site is military,consisting of ab<strong>and</strong>oned anti-missile launch silos located in the center ofthe site, launch support buildings located adjacent to the silos to theeast, <strong>and</strong> a sewage treatment pond located at the southern portion of thesite (U.S. Army Strategic <strong>Defense</strong> Comm<strong>and</strong>, 1991—Preliminary BuildingNMD Deployment Final EIS 3-291

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