The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library


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Metta SuttaThis is what should be done by one who wishes <strong>to</strong> realise andlive in peace: He should be capable, upright and perfectly honest,easy <strong>to</strong> admonish, gentle and not conceited, content with whateverhe has and easy <strong>to</strong> support, not busy and have few possessions,calm, wise, well-mannered and not attached <strong>to</strong> lay supporters, andhe should not perform even the smallest act of misconduct for whichhe would be blamed by the wise.His thoughts should be, Ò May all beings live in (physical)happiness and in peace, may all beings experience (mental)happinessÓ.ÒWhatever beings there may be without exception, the feeble, orthe strong, the long, large, medium, short, small and minute, those Ihave seen and those I have never seen, those living far away andthose living nearby, those who will be reborn and those who willnot be reborn; may all beings experience happinessÓ.Let him not deceive another or despise anyone whatsoever inany place. Let him not wish harm <strong>to</strong> another because of ill-will ordislike.Just as a mother would give her life <strong>to</strong> protect her only child, inthe same way let him develop an unlimited mind of lovingkindness<strong>to</strong>wards all beings.And let him develop an unlimited mind of lovingkindness radiating<strong>to</strong> the whole universe, above, below, and across, without limit,without enmity, without ill-will.Whether standing, walking, sitting or lying down; for as long ashe is free from sloth, being established in constant mindfulness oflovingkindness, this is said <strong>to</strong> be the best way <strong>to</strong> live.w 95

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