The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library


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w 94quarter. Thus he lives having pervaded the entire world, above, below,across, everywhere without exception, with a mind possessedof lovingkindness that is extensive, lofty, unlimited, free from enmity,and free from pain.Ó(ÒSo mettŒsahagatena cetasŒ eka× disa× pharitvŒ viharati, tathŒdutiya×, tathŒ tatiya×, tathŒ catutthi×. Iti uddhamadho tiriya×sabbadhi sabbattatŒya sabbŒvanta× loka× mettŒsahagatena cetasŒvipulena mahaggatena appamŒöena averena avyŒpajjhena pharitvŒviharati.Ó)ÒBhikkhus, when the minds-deliverance of lovingkindness iscultivated, developed, much practised, made the vehicle, made thefoundation, established, consolidated, and properly undertaken,eleven benefits can be expected. What are the eleven? A man sleepsin comfort, wakes in comfort, and dreams no evil dreams, he is dear<strong>to</strong> human beings, he is dear <strong>to</strong> non-human beings, deities guard him,fire and poison and weapons do not affect him, his mind is easilyconcentrated, the expression of his face is serene, he dies unconfused,if he penetrates no higher he will be reborn in the Brahma World.(A. v,342)ÓMettŒnisa×sa Sutta×MettŒya bhikkhave ce<strong>to</strong>vimuttiyŒ ŒsevitŒya bhŒvitŒyabahul´katŒya yŒn´katŒya vatthukatŒya anuÊÊhitŒya paricitŒyasusamŒraddhŒya ekŒdasŒnisa×sŒ pŒÊikaºkhŒ. Katame ekŒdasa:Sukha× supati, sukha× paÊibujjhati, na pŒpaka× supina×passati. ManussŒna× piyo hoti, amanussŒna× piyo hoti, devatŒrakkhanti, nŒssa agg´ vŒ visa× vŒ sattha× vŒ kamati, tuvaÊa× citta×samŒdhiyati, mukhavaööo vippas´dati, asammèÂho kŒla× karoti,uttari× appaÊivijjhan<strong>to</strong> brahmalokèpago hoti.MettŒya bhikkhave ce<strong>to</strong>vimuttiyŒ ŒsevitŒya bhŒvitŒyabahul´katŒya yŒn´katŒya vatthukatŒya anuÊÊhitŒya paricitŒyasusamŒraddhŒya ime ekŒdasŒnisa×sŒ pŒÊikaºkhŒti.

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