The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library


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astery or house, the whole village, the whole <strong>to</strong>wnship, the wholestate, the whole country, the whole world, the whole solar system,the whole galaxy, and the whole of the infinite universe. As youexpand the area of radiation of lovingkindness you should developit in 48 ways and each of them till you reach the third jhŒna.<strong>The</strong>n after that you will be ready <strong>to</strong> pervade lovingkindness <strong>to</strong>the 10 directions.Pervading Lovingkindness To <strong>The</strong> Ten DirectionsPervading lovingkindness <strong>to</strong> the ten directions consists of 48pervasions <strong>to</strong> each of the 10 directions which gives a <strong>to</strong>tal of, 10 x48=480 ways <strong>to</strong> radiate lovingkindness. When we add the 48 waysof pervading lovingkindness as taught above we get a <strong>to</strong>tal of, 480 +48 = 528 ways <strong>to</strong> radiate lovingkindness.To practise the pervasion of lovingkindness according <strong>to</strong> directionthen you should take all the beings in the whole universe thatare situated <strong>to</strong> the east of you as an object and when you can seethem in the light then radiate lovingkindness <strong>to</strong> them in the 48 waysmentioned above. <strong>The</strong>n you can do the same thing in the west, andprogressively in all the other directions.When you have completed this you can also go on <strong>to</strong> pervadelovingkindness in the ways described in the Metta Sutta as well.(See Below)When you have completed the development of the practise ofradiating lovingkindness in these 528 ways you will then know how<strong>to</strong> send lovingkindness in accordance with the instructions of theBuddha in Digha NikŒya and in other places and you will also beable <strong>to</strong> experience the eleven benefits of practising lovingkindnesswhich the Buddha has taught in Anguttara NikŒya.ÒHe lives having pervaded one quarter with a mind possessed oflovingkindness and in the same way a second, a third, and a fourthw 93

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