The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library


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w 76<strong>The</strong> Water Kasiöa MeditationTo develop the water kasiöa you should use a bowl, or bucke<strong>to</strong>f pure, clear water or a well of clear water. <strong>The</strong>n pay attention <strong>to</strong>that water as "water, water, water" until you have developed thelearning sign. <strong>The</strong>n develop this sign in the same way as explainedearlier for the earth kasiöa.<strong>The</strong> Fire Kasiöa MeditationTo develop the fire kasiöa you can use the flames of a fire, acandle, of any other fire that you have seen. If you have difficultythen you should make a screen with a circular hole in it that is abou<strong>to</strong>ne foot across. <strong>The</strong>n you can position that screen in front of awood or grass fire in such a way that you can just see the flamesthrough the hole in the screen.Without paying attention <strong>to</strong> the smoke or the fuel that is burningjust concentrate on the perception of the flames of the fire and notethem as "fire, fire, fire".<strong>The</strong> Wind Kasiöa Meditation<strong>The</strong> wind kasiöa can be developed in two ways through thesense of <strong>to</strong>uch or through seeing. If you wish <strong>to</strong> develop the nimittaby way of the sense of <strong>to</strong>uch then you should be mindful of thewind as it comes in through a window or door and brushes againstthe body and note it as "wind, wind, wind".If you wish <strong>to</strong> develop the nimitta by way of the sense of sightthen you should be mindful of the movement of leaves, or thebranches, of trees in the wind and note it as "wind, wind, wind".You can do this by developing concentration up <strong>to</strong> the fourth jhŒnausing another kasiöa object and then using your light of concentration<strong>to</strong> see this movement externally and discern the sign of the wind.<strong>The</strong> learning sign (uggaha nimitta) is moving like steam coming offwarm milk rice, but the paÊibhŒga nimitta is motionless.

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