The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library


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originated by nutriment.Nutriment is impermanent, matter originated by nutriment isimpermanent.This is how the medita<strong>to</strong>r sees both the momentary arising andmomentary passing away of matter and the causal arising andcausal passing away of matter. After that he has <strong>to</strong> see themomentary arising and momentary passing away of mentality andthe causal arising and causal passing away of mentality.<strong>The</strong> medita<strong>to</strong>r has <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> see arising and passing away ofall the five khandhas in this way. Seeing this means <strong>to</strong> see themomentary five khandhas arising and passing away in everymoment of consciousness. It includes the five khandhas present atthe time of the arising and passing away of the rebirth consciousness,the bhavaºga consciousness, and the death consciousness cutiwhich are called "v´thi mutta" consciousness. It also includes allthe momentary five khandhas present in each mind moment ofany of the six sense door mind processes (v´thi).It also includes seeing the causes in the past life such asignorance that produced the arising of five khandhas in this lifeand seeing the cessation of ignorance etc., in the future with theattainment of Arahatship and after that complete nibbŒna whichwill cause the cessation of the five khandhas.This is the way in which the medita<strong>to</strong>r can discern the momentaryarising and passing away of the five khandhas and the causal arisingand passing away of the five khandhas and apply the threecharacteristics of anicca, dukkha, and anatta <strong>to</strong> the five khandhas.He does this for the five khandhas that are internal, for the fivekhandhas that are external, and for the five khandhas that are inthe past, present, or future.After he is able <strong>to</strong> do this for the five khandhas he can alsow 41

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