The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library


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that with wisdom as not-self (anatta). He applies this characteristiconce internally and then once externally repeatedly. While doingthis externally he gradually extends this perception from near <strong>to</strong>far up till the extent of the unbounded universe.When the medita<strong>to</strong>r can do this then he applies the threecharacteristics in a similar way <strong>to</strong> mentality. Firstly he discerns allthe mentality that occurs at the six sense doors. This includes theconsciousness and mental fac<strong>to</strong>rs present in each moment of eachsense door process or v´thi and also the bhavaºga consciousnessthat occurs between v´this.<strong>The</strong>n he takes that mentality <strong>to</strong>gether as a group and paysattention <strong>to</strong> the arising and passing away of that mentality and thenviews that with wisdom as impermanent (anicca). He applies thischaracteristic once internally and then once externally repeatedly.While doing this externally he gradually extend this perceptionfrom near <strong>to</strong> far up till the extent of the unbounded universe.<strong>The</strong>n he again takes that mentality <strong>to</strong>gether as a group and paysattention <strong>to</strong> the pain and suffering that one has <strong>to</strong> constantlyexperience because of the arising and passing away of that mentalityand then view that with wisdom as suffering (dukkha). He appliesthis characteristic once internally and then once externallyrepeatedly. While doing this externally he gradually extends thisperception from near <strong>to</strong> far up till the extent of the unboundeduniverse.<strong>The</strong>n he again takes that mentality <strong>to</strong>gether as a group and paysattention <strong>to</strong> that mentality as empty of a permanent self and thenviews that with wisdom as not-self (anatta). He applies this characteristiconce internally and then once externally repeatedly. Whiledoing this externally he gradually extends this perception from near<strong>to</strong> far up till the extent of the unbounded universe.w 29

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