The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library


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3. <strong>The</strong> causes of the dissolution of the five khandhas, whichare the cessation of avijjŒ, taöhŒ, upŒdŒna, saºkhŒrŒ, kamma, etc.4. <strong>The</strong> arising and passing away of the five khandhas and theircauses.Any person who wishes <strong>to</strong> attain nibbŒna should pay attention <strong>to</strong>this Teaching of the Buddha because it demonstrates the necessityof developing samŒdhi. If however medita<strong>to</strong>rs were <strong>to</strong> meditate withoutdeveloping samŒdhi then because of not possessing samŒdhi,they will:1. Not be able <strong>to</strong> know correctly the way in which in the threeperiods of time; past, present, and future, resultant dhammas areproduced because of causal dhammas, or the way in which the cessationof these causal dhammas cause the cessation of the resultantdhammas.2. Either not be able <strong>to</strong> see rèpa kalŒpas, or if they can see them,not be able <strong>to</strong> analyse them, remove compactness, and discern realparamattha dhammas.3. Not be able <strong>to</strong> know as they really are the arising and passingaway of the five khandhas and their causes; internally and externally,as well as during the three times of past, present, and future.<strong>The</strong>refore, for those who still as yet do not know these things, it isadvisable <strong>to</strong> respectfully follow the Buddhas advice and developsamadhi. It is in this way, that one will be able <strong>to</strong> discern completelywith the three understandings (pari––as) the five khandhas and attainnibbŒna. <strong>The</strong> Buddha has taught in this way, in order that wemay be able <strong>to</strong> reach the end of dukkha.<strong>The</strong> Khanika SamŒdhi Of Cittavisuddhi<strong>The</strong>re are some respected teachers who believe that a suddhavipassanŒ yŒnika individual does not need <strong>to</strong> develop samŒdhi, butw 159

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