The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library


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<strong>The</strong>oretical Explanations For Rèpa KammaÊÊhŒna:<strong>The</strong> Dhammas That Must Be Contemplated By OneDoing VipassanŒ MeditationBhikkhus, without fully knowing, without comprehending,without detaching from, without abandoning the All one is unable<strong>to</strong> end suffering ....Bhikkhus, by fully knowing, by comprehending, by detachingfrom, by abandoning the All one is able <strong>to</strong> end suffering.Sabba× bhikkhave anabhijŒna× aparijŒna× avirŒjaya×apajaha× abhabbo dukkhakkhaya.....Sabba× ca kho bhikkhaveabhijŒna× parijŒna× virŒjaya× pajaha× bhabbo dukkhakkhŒya.(SŒlayataöa sa×yutta, sabbavagga, pathama aparijŒnanasutta)<strong>The</strong> commentary <strong>to</strong> this sutta explains further that it is spokenwith reference <strong>to</strong> the three pari––Œs (full understandings). It says:Iti imasmi× sutte tissapi pari––Œ kathita honti. AbhijŒna'nti hivacanena –Œtapari––Œ kathita, parijŒna'nti vacena tiraöapari––Œ,virŒjaya× pajaha'nti dvihi pahŒnapari––Œti.This means that fully knowing refers <strong>to</strong> –Œta pari––Œ, comprehendingrefers <strong>to</strong> tiraöa pari––Œ, and the last two, detaching fromand abandoning, refer <strong>to</strong> pahŒna pari––Œ (full understanding as theknown, as investigating, and as abandoning).<strong>The</strong>refore only by fully understanding with these three pari––-Œsall the rèpas and nŒmas of the five aggregates of clinging will one becapable of removing desire and craving for the rèpas and nŒmas andbe able <strong>to</strong> make an end <strong>to</strong> suffering. Furthermore the sub-commentary<strong>to</strong> visuddhimagga commentary says: Taºhi anavasesa<strong>to</strong> pari––eyya×, eka×sa<strong>to</strong> virŒjjitabba×. (vsm.sub-com.2.p.358)w 143

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