The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library


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SEVEN PURIFICATIONS7 VISUDDHIS 16 „îNAS SIXTEEN KNOWLEDGESw14216. paccavekkhana –Œöa = Reviewing knowledgePurification by knowledge and vision 7. –Œöadassana 15. phala –Œöa = Fruition knowledgevisuddhi 14. magga –Œöa = Path knowledge13. gotrabhè –Œöa = Knowledge of change of lineage12. anuloma –Œöa = Knowledge of conformity11. saºkhŒrupekkhŒ –Œöa = Knowledge of equanimity <strong>to</strong>wards formations10. patisaºkhŒ –Œöa = Knowledge of reflectingPurification by knowledge and vision 6. paÊipadŒ –Œöa- 9. muccitukamyatŒ –Œöa = Knowledge of desire for deliverance from formationsof the way dassana visuddhi 8. nibbidŒ –Œöa = Knowledge of detachment from formations7. Œdinava –Œöa = Knowledge of danger of formations6. bhaya –Œöa = Knowledge of fearfulness of fomations5. bhaºga –Œöa = Knowledge of dissolution of formationsPurification by knowledge and vision 5. maggŒmagga –Œöa- 4. udayabhaya –Œöa = Knowledge of arising and passing away of formationsof what is and what is not the path dassana visuddhi 3. sammasana –Œöa = Knowledge that comprehends formations in groupsPurification by overcoming doubt 4. kaºkhŒvitaraöa 2. paccaya pariggaha –Œöa = Knowledge that discerns the causes of mind and mattervisuddhiPurification of view 3. diÊÊhi visuddhi 1. nŒma rèpa pariccheda –Œöa = Knowledge that discerns mind and matterPurification of consciousness 2. citta visuddhi = upacŒra or appanŒ samŒdhiPurification of virtue 1. s´la visuddhi = five, eight, ten, or 227 precepts

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