The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library


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w 136bhavaºga mind transparent element, supported by the heart basisrèpas. When you see this breath being produced there then discernthe four elements in it and you will see the kalŒpas making it up. Ineach of these kalŒpas you will find nine rèpas including sound. Practiseuntil you can see this.To analyse the other five types firstly discern each type of air andthen discern the four elements in each. You will then see the rèpakalŒpas which should then be analysed <strong>to</strong> see all 33 rèpas present inthem.Nine Kinds Of Rèpa KalŒpas Produced By KammaIn examining the rèpas in the six sense bases and forty-twoparts of the body you will find that there are nine kinds of rèpakalŒpas produced by kamma:1. cakkhu dasaka (eye),2. sota dasaka (ear),3. ghŒna dasaka (nose),4. jivha dasaka (<strong>to</strong>ngue),5. kŒya dasaka (body),6. itthi bhŒva dasaka (female),7. pumbhŒva dasaka (male),8. hadayavatthu dasaka (heart),9. j´vita navaka (life).<strong>The</strong>se kammaja rèpas arise in the present because of kamma performedin the past life. Kammaja rèpas present in the past life werecaused by kamma performed in the life previous <strong>to</strong> it. Kammajarèpas that will arise in the next life in the future will be caused byeither kamma done in this present life or that performed in a previouslife. To know which kamma they are the result of, whether dŒna,s´la, or bhŒvanŒ, you will need <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> discern the rèpas andnŒmas of the past and future. Only then will you understand andexperience this for yourself. This will come later in paccaya pariggaha

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