The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library

The Practice Which leads to Nibbana - A Buddhist Library


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w 101the Arahanta path the Buddha is a worthy one, Arahanta.3. Because he has broken and destroyed the spokes of the wheelof Dependent Origination beginning with ignorance and cravingthe Buddha is a worthy one, Arahanta.4. Because of his unsurpassable qualities of virtue, concentration,and wisdom he is given the highest form of worship byBrahmas, Devas, and men, therefore the Buddha is a worthy one,Arahanta.5. Because even in seclusion when not seen by anyone else hedoes not perform any evil by body, speech, or mind the Buddha isa worthy one, Arahanta.So <strong>to</strong> develop this meditation firstly you should memorise thesefive reasons why the Buddha is an Arahanta and learn themproficiently enough so that you can recite them.<strong>The</strong>n if you wish <strong>to</strong> develop this meditation you should first ofall again establish your mind in the fourth jhŒna based on the whitekasiöa or else the fourth jhŒna based on mindfulness of breathing.<strong>The</strong>n with the assistance of the light produced by that concentrationyou should visualise a Buddha image that you have seen beforeand which you liked and respected and take that visualised imageas an object for developing concentration with. When you canclearly see that image imagine that it is really the Buddha andcontinue <strong>to</strong> watch it.If in a past life you have been fortunate enough <strong>to</strong> have met theBuddha himself you may find that a picture of the real Buddhawill arise in your mind. <strong>The</strong>n you should start <strong>to</strong> pay attention <strong>to</strong>the qualities of the Buddha and not just the image of the Buddha. Ifyou are trying <strong>to</strong> visualise the image of the Buddha and a real imageof him does not arise then simply imagine that the Buddha image

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