Making A Difference - Singapore Polytechnic

Making A Difference - Singapore Polytechnic

Making A Difference - Singapore Polytechnic

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<strong>Making</strong> A<strong>Difference</strong><strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong>Annual Report 2009/10

oard ofgovernorsThe new three-year term of the Board ofGovernors commenced on 1 April 2009. Fivenew members joined the Board: Dr MichaelEdward Brown, COL Chan Weng Yip, Prof PangYang Hoong, Mr Sew Chee Jhuen and Mr JohnnyTan Cheng Hye. The following members leftthe Board upon completing their term: Mr LeongCharn Huen, Mr Stephen Robert Dearnley, DrFinian Tan Seng Chin, BG Tan Meng Dui andMr R Sinnakaruppan.01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08Chairman01. Mr Tan Kay YongVice PresidentChina & India Sourcing & Supply, RPSGlaxoSmithKline PLCDeputy Chairman02. Mr Bill Chang York ChyeExecutive Vice President (Business)<strong>Singapore</strong> Telecommunications LtdMembers03. Dr Michael Edward BrownVice President<strong>Singapore</strong> OperationsLonza Biologics <strong>Singapore</strong> Pte Ltd04. COL Chan Weng YipHead, SAF Current Operations GroupJoint OperationsMinistry of Defence05. Prof Chou Siaw KiangProfessorDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringNational University of <strong>Singapore</strong>06. Prof Er Meng HwaSenior Associate ProvostNanyang Technological University07. Mr Gan Boon SanPresident, Asia SouthSun Microsystems Pte Ltd08. Mr Liew Choon BoonSenior Director (Industry and the Arts)Ministry of Information, Communications andthe Arts06 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Annual Report 2009/10

09 10 11 12 13 14 1509. A/Prof Muhammad Faishal Bin IbrahimAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Real EstateSchool of Design & EnvironmentNational University of <strong>Singapore</strong>10. Prof Pang Yang HoongVice Provost (Undergraduate) &Dean, School of Accountancy<strong>Singapore</strong> Management University11. Mr Sew Chee JhuenPresident<strong>Singapore</strong> Technologies Kinetics Ltd12. Mr Johnny Tan Cheng HyePrincipal PartnerLT&T Architects13. Ms Tan Gee KeowDirector (Higher Education)Ministry of Education14. Mr Tan Hang CheongPrincipal<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong>15. Mr Teh Kong LeongConsultantSecretaryMr Tan Peng AnnRegistrar<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong><strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Annual Report 2009/1007

standingcommitteesAdministration & Development CommitteeChairmanDy ChairmanMembersSecretaryAssistant Secretary: Mr Tan Kay Yong: Mr Bill Chang York Chye: Mr Tan Hang CheongProf Chou Siaw KiangMr Gan Boon SanMr Johnny Tan Cheng HyeMs Tan Gee Keow: Miss Caroline Hu Wei Choo: Mrs Cheng Cheng LinAudit CommitteeChairmanMembers: Mr Teh Kong Leong: Mr Liew Choon BoonProf Er Meng HwaEndowment Fund CommitteeChairman: Mr Liew Choon BoonMembers: A/Prof Muhammad Faishal Bin IbrahimMr Tan Hang CheongSecretary: Mrs Cheng Cheng LinNominating CommitteeChairmanMembers: Mr Tan Kay Yong: Mr Bill Chang York ChyeMr Tan Hang CheongStaff Disciplinary CommitteeChairman: Prof Er Meng HwaMembers: COL Chan Weng YipA/Prof Muhammad Faishal Bin IbrahimSecretary: Miss Caroline Hu Wei ChooStudent Disciplinary Appeal CommitteeChairman: Mr Sew Chee JhuenMembers: Prof Pang Yang HoongDr Michael Edward BrownSecretary: Mr Tan Peng Ann08 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Annual Report 2009/10

Board of StudiesChairmanMembers: Mr Tan Hang Cheong: Mr Hee Joh LiangMr Lim Peng HunMr Edward Quah Kok WahDr Chai Min SenDr Timothy Chan Wai KuenMr Chang Boon HaiMiss Chao Yunn ChyiDr Dave Chong Tad WengMrs Fang Sin GuekMr Faris Akbar HajamaideenMrs Lam Yoke PengMr Lau Lee YeeMr Lim Cher YamDr Ng Eng Hong (1 June 2009)Mr Ng Weng Lam (1 June 2009)Mr Ong Eng ChanMiss Pee Suat Hoon (1 June 2009)Mr Roland Tan Keng HockMr V MaheantharanMr William Chan Weng LinMr Lee Chee WhyeMr Leong Chun NamMr Lim Jit ChengMr Caleb Lye Kok ChoyMrs Helen MokDr Robert A StraughanMrs Yap Siew LayMr Yoong Yuen SooDr Audrey A YuenSecretary: Mr Tan Peng Ann<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Annual Report 2009/1009

managementteamPrincipalMr Tan Hang CheongDeputy Principal (Corporate Development)Mr Hee Joh LiangDeputy Principal (Services)Mr Edward Quah Kok WahDeputy Principal (Technology and Industry)Mr Lim Peng HunADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORTDirector, Computer and Information SystemsMr Chang Boon HaiDirector, Continuing Education and Training(renamed Professional & Adult ContinuingEducation (PACE) Academy from November2009)Mr Peter Lee Hoong FattDirector, Corporate CommunicationsMrs Kai Tamin-GohDirector, Educational DevelopmentMr Lau Lee Yee (till 31 May 2009)Miss Pee Suat Hoon (from 1 June 2009)Director, Estates and DevelopmentMr C PannirselvamDirector, FinanceMrs Cheng Cheng LinDirector, Human ResourceMiss Caroline Hu Wei ChooDirector, Industry ServicesMr Song Nay HayDirector, Internal AuditMr Ronnie Chan Chin SingDirector, LibraryMrs Fang Sin GuekDirector, Organisation DevelopmentMrs Yeung-Ng Geak HongSTUDENT AND ACADEMIC SERVICESCLUSTERSenior DirectorMr Tan Peng AnnDirector, Academic ProgrammesMr Liao Kuo Tang (till 31 May 2009)Mr Lau Lee Yee (from 1 June 2009)Registrar/Director, Academic ServicesMr Tan Peng AnnDirector, International and Student ServicesMr Chew Cheah BoonDirector, Student and Alumni AffairsMr Liew Beng Keong10 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Annual Report 2009/10

ACADEMICAPPLIED AND HEALTH SCIENCES CLUSTERSenior DirectorDr Chai Min SenDirector, Chemical and Life SciencesDr Chai Min SenDirector, Mathematics and ScienceMiss Chao Yunn ChyiARCHITECTURE, DESIGN AND ENVIRONMENT CLUSTERDirectorMr Lim Cher YamDirector, Architecture and the Built EnvironmentMr Lim Cher YamDirector, DesignMr Jeffrey Ho Kiat (till 28 February 2010)Mr Faris Akbar Hajamaideen (from 1 March 2010)BUSINESS, IT AND HUMANITIES CLUSTERSenior DirectorMr Lim Peng HunDirector, BusinessMr V MaheantharanDirector, Communication, Arts and Social SciencesMrs Lam Yoke PengDirector, Digital Media and Infocomm TechnologyDr Timothy Chan Wai KuenENGINEERING CLUSTERSenior DirectorDr Dave Chong Tad WengDirector, Electrical and Electronic EngineeringDr Dave Chong Tad Weng (till 31 May 2009)Mr Ng Weng Lam (from 1 June 2009)Director, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering(renamed School of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineeringfrom 1 June 2009)Mr Ong Eng Chan (till 31 May 2009)Dr Ng Eng Hong (from 1 June 2009)Director, <strong>Singapore</strong> Maritime AcademyMr Roland Tan Keng Hock<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Annual Report 2009/1011

facts andfigures(Academic Year 2009/10)Student Enrolment17,825comprising 15,537 full-time and2,288 part-time students. The newintake of 6,662 students was madeup of 5,303 full-time and 1,359 parttimestudents.Staff Strength1,534comprising 891 academic staffand 643 administrative staff.Continuing EducationProgrammes37,518participants attended a total of 1,002continuing education programmesoffered by <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong>. Theprogrammes included 124 <strong>Singapore</strong>Workforce Skills Qualification courses,334 short courses, 84 tailor-madecourses and 271 certification courses.Graduate Output5,012students graduated from <strong>Singapore</strong><strong>Polytechnic</strong> in the academic year 2008/09.Of these, 4,524 graduated from diplomacourses and 488 from advanced, specialistand post-diploma courses.Student Clubs139student clubs and sports teamscontributed to a vibrant campuslife.12 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Annual Report 2009/10

highlightsApril 2009Four <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> (SP) students won a totalof US$50,000 at the MOTODEV Widget DeveloperChallenge, a software programming competition organisedby Motorola. The students clinched a total of six prizes,including the top "Best Overall Widget" prize, for the twowidgets they developed: "Live Soccer Score" and "StocksAlive".67 students from the School of Chemical and LifeSciences and School of Design went on a term-longImmersion Programme in Da Lian, China. It was the firsttime SP's academic curriculum has been relocated toa satellite campus.‘Colours’, an extension to the main library was completed.The new social space features a cafe, a new magazinesection, Funtasia room (where students can indulge inboard games) and DVD stations.Foodcourt 5 was revamped, complete with chic interiorsand air-conditioning. Popular sandwich chain, Subway,completes the list of fast-food eateries offered on campus.May 2009SP students swept 11 out of a possible 20scholarships offered by the InfocommDevelopment Authority (IDA). The IntegratedInfocomm Scholarship was open tooutstanding ‘O’ Level students who choseto pursue a diploma in the field of informationtechnology.Jasmine Yeong-Nathan, Diploma in Mediaand Communication graduate, was crowned<strong>Singapore</strong>’s Sportswoman of the Year.Kuriakin Zeng, Diploma in Electronics,Computer & Communication Engineeringgraduate, became the first SP student toscore distinctions in all his modules.SP hosted 15 Republic of Rwanda teachersfor seven weeks to attend an InfocommTechnology Programme organised by<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> International. Thetraining programme is one of severalinitiatives planned under the Memorandumof Understanding signed between theRwandan Ministry of Education and<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> International.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Annual Report 2009/1013

June 2009SP was appointed as a Continuing Education Training Centre for the InfocommSector by the <strong>Singapore</strong> Workforce Development Agency and the InfocommDevelopment Authority of <strong>Singapore</strong>. The centre will provide infocomm professionalswith the opportunity to upgrade their skills under the National Infocomm CompetencyFramework of the <strong>Singapore</strong> Workforce Skills Qualification.SP and 21 secondary schoolsofficially adopted MarinaReservoir at the launch of the<strong>Singapore</strong> International WaterFestival. Mayor (NorthwestCDC) and Member ofParliament for Bukit PanjangMr Teo Ho Pin, SP PrincipalMr Tan Hang Cheong andPUB Chief Executive Mr KhooTeng Chye launched theadoption.The Flame Igniting Systemconcept designed by theSchool of Mechanical andAeronautical Engineering andCentre for Experience Designwon SP the top honours atthe first-ever Asian YouthGames torch designcompetition.July 2009His Excellency (HE) Sheikh Hisham, Undersecretary, Ministry ofEducation, Bahrain and the Honourable Dave Hancock, Ministerof Education, Canada visited SP on two separate occasions.Duo from Diploma in Creative Media Design course clinchedsecond place at the Imagine Cup World Finals (Photographycategory) in Cairo, Egypt.Chua Koon Ting, Diploma in Biomedical Science graduate, becamethe first polytechnic student to be accepted to read Dentistry inNational University of <strong>Singapore</strong> under the Faculty’s ExceptionalIndividual Scheme.Chua Koon TingAugust 2009For their “Love IT, Love Timor Leste” project, eight SP studentswere invited to the Presidential Palace to meet HE PresidentJose Ramos-Horta for the symbolic handover of the computerlaboratory and launch of the International Award for Young Peoplein Timor Leste.Five SP students were awarded the National Infocomm Scholarshipout of the 12 scholarships presented to polytechnic students. Itrecognises exceptional students and nurtures them as top talentsfor <strong>Singapore</strong>’s infocomm industry.14 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Annual Report 2009/10

September 2009Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineeringgraduate, Lee Xun Yong, received the DefenceScience and Technology Agency scholarship.The first Games Resource Centre (Unreal TechnologyLab) was launched on campus in collaboration withEpic Games China. The facility is an extension ofthe Connected Games Programme initiated by IDAto serve as an incubator for game development in<strong>Singapore</strong> and the region.Cathleen Cheong Mun Ngah gained entry to theprestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT). The Diploma in Civil and StructuralEngineering graduate enrolled for the Bachelor inCivil Engineering course and was offered an MITscholarship.SP swept the top three positions at the NationalManagement Competition, a national businessstrategy contest.October 2009A multi-disciplinary team of SP students,representing <strong>Singapore</strong>, was the only team froma polytechnic to make it to the semi-finals of theStudents in Free Enterprise (SIFE) World Cupcompetition in Berlin, Germany.The first of its kind in a tertiary institution, the CivilDefence Lionhearters Club was launched on 27 October.Members of the club learn, among other things, to prepare foremergencies and life-saving skills. They also get deployed overseasto undertake humanitarian projects and development programmes.For the second year running, SP’s Media and Communication studentswere responsible for conceptualising, executing and co-producingoktoLIVE! television show specially for children.November 2009Dr Jonathan Loh Yuin-Han, Diploma in Biotechnology graduate, was awarded the Young Scientist Award(Biological & Biomedical Science) 2009 and is now a research fellow at Harvard Medical School.SP topped the education section of the Customer Satisfaction Index of <strong>Singapore</strong> survey conductedby the Institute of Service Excellence at <strong>Singapore</strong> Management University.SP’s School of Digital Media and Infocomm Technology (DMIT) sealed a strategic partnership with theFaculty of Economics of Japan’s Chuo University (CU). Undergraduates from the university will undertakean IT and E-Commerce module from the Specialist Diploma in E-Commerce Technology offered byDMIT. The module will be offered as an elective in CU’s bachelor degree programmes from April 2010.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Annual Report 2009/1015

December 2009An eye examination project for 168 students from NorthlightSchool was conducted by a group of students from theUniversity of Manchester's optometry degree programme, incollaboration with SP and NHG Eye Institute@TTSH.January 2010SP became the first polytechnic to sign a formal agreementwith A*STAR’s Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnologyto develop future scientists and technopreneurs.Minister for Education and Higher Education of Qatar, HE MrSaad Bin Ibrahim Al-Mahmoud, visited SP.A new joint degree programme offered by the Building andConstruction Authority, SIM University and SP was launched.The Bachelor of Science in Events and Sustainable FacilitiesManagement will commence in July 2010.The <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Students’ Union celebrated its50th anniversary on 30 January.Five new courses, Diploma in Digital Animation, Diploma inInternational Business, Diploma in Materials Science, Diplomain Perfumery and Cosmetic Science, Diploma in Visual Effectsand Motion Graphics, and the Common Engineering Programmewere launched.February 2010An agreement with Pratt & Whitney was sealed to allow SP’s engineering studentswith an interest in aviation studies to travel to Beijing for their Overseas IndustrialTraining Programme.SP and the Beijing Technology and Business University sealed an agreementto pave the way for greater overseas exposure for SP students.March 2010A new and healthy snack forthe elderly was created bythree Diploma in FoodScience and Technologystudents. Orensure wasformulated with nutrients,fibre and other essentialsthat the body requires.16 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Annual Report 2009/10

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