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eritaThe Official Newsletter ofISSUE NO: 56 OCT – DEC 2012kdn no: PP9740/05/2013(033253)For Internal Circulation OnlyBuildingNew Frontiers04 Innovation andCorporate Renewal09 <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> is One of Malaysia’sMost Valuable Brands34 Yayasan TSLSC Awards RecordRM1,334,960 to 25 ScholarshipRecipients

Erarbeitung von Empfehlungen zur Novellierung des Kindertagesförderungsgesetzes(KiföG M-V).Sie stellt dazu die Gliederung und die inhaltlichen Vorschläge aus der Arbeit der Adhoc-AGdes Unterausschusses vor.Die Unterlagen und die Beschlussvorlage wurden den Mitgliedern in Vorbereitungder Sitzung übersandt.Es erfolgt der Hinweis auf das bereits am 17.04.08 im LJHA vorgestellteEckpunktepapier zur Novellierung des KiföG M-V. Das Gesetz wurde nochmals inder Gesamtheit durchgesehen und der Neuregelungsbedarf inhaltlich punktuellzusammengetragen. Erste Erkenntnisse der 2. Effektestudie zum KiföG M-V wurdenmit herangezogen. Es erfolgte eine breite Beteiligungsspanne durch Gespräche mitKindertagesstätten, Jugendämtern, Trägern, Eltern. Somit entstand das nunvorliegende, jedoch noch vorläufige Material, da die Ergebnisse der 2. Effektestudiesollten Berücksichtigung finden. Ebenso sollten die Ergebnisse derBildungskommission „Lebenslanges Lernen“ geprüft und ggf. einbezogen werden.Der Vorsitzende dankt für die Ausführungen und bittet um weitere Anmerkungen derMitglieder des LJHA.Die Mitglieder erklären, dass die vorliegenden Papiere als aktueller Diskussionstanddes LJHA anzusehen sind, die weitere Gesetzentwicklung jedoch abzuwarten seiund noch keine Festlegung erfolgen kann.Eine Definition der Qualitätskriterien für Kindertagesstätten ist erforderlich. EinePositionierung der Landesregierung sollte erfolgen.Der Vertreter des Ministeriums für Soziales und Gesundheit Mecklenburg-Vorpommern begrüßt das intensiv und detailliert vorbereitete Material mit hoherGestaltungsqualität und sieht es als Anregung und Bereicherung für die Arbeit imzuständigen Fachbereich des Ministeriums.Es erfolgt der Hinweis zur Befassung einer Arbeitsgruppe des Landkreistages mit derNovellierung des KiföG M-V. Die Arbeitsergebnisse sollten zusammengeführtwerden. Frau Prof. Mönch-Kalina informiert, dass bereits ein 1. Gespräch zuinhaltlichen Fragestellungen geplant ist.Zum Zeitrahmen bei der Novellierung wird wiederholt auf die Beachtung derHaushaltsdiskussion und die Vermeidung des Themas im Wahlkampf hingewiesen.Frau Prof. Mönch-Kalina erwidert dazu, dass eine Fertigstellung Ende 2009 geplantist, das Inkrafttreten zum 01.01.2010 steht aber noch in Frage. Da die Novellierungdes KiföG M-V haushaltsrelevant sein wird, sollten mit den Novellierungsvorschlägenschon berechenbare Grundlagen für den Gesamtetat des Landes geschaffenwerden.Es erfolgt ein Einwurf mit Bezug auf die Zeitschiene des parlamentarischenVerfahrens. Hier wird angeführt, dass eine gute Verständigung im Vorfeld zurBeschleunigung des Verfahrens führen kann. Der LJHA sollte dabei zurKonsensherstellung genutzt werden.Durch den LJHA wird abschließend einstimmig folgender Beschluss gefasst:Die Papiere sind der aktuelle Diskussionstand des LJHA für die Novellierung desKiföG’s und werden als Grundlage für die Weiterarbeit im UnterausschussKindertagesbetreuung/Tagespflege und für die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ministeriumfür Soziales und Gesundheit Mecklenburg-Vorpommern u. a. beteiligtenOrganisationen zur Kenntnis genommen.3

MESSAGE FROM THE GROUP EXECUTIVE DIRECTORBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>05Malaysian Government’s Transformationan additional competitive edge in thecompany in its process of corporateIn the specialty fats segment,the concept of Creative Studio,which brings both our customers’and our own technical andmarketing personnel together ina conducive setting, has provento be a hit among our multinationaland regional customers.Some of the above examples may not be breakthroughideas but I consider them to be unique initiatives taken byus in the face of “conventional wisdom” prevailing at thosetimes and also unique in the scale and consistency withwhich they are implemented.Corporate RenewalMany of us have seen or heard about once big andestablished companies declining or fading away over theyears. Some recent examples are Nokia, Hewlett-Packardand Kodak Eastman. From being a rapidly growing mediumsized company in the eighties and nineties, <strong>IOI</strong> has evolvedto become a large and established business corporation,some may say one of the industry leaders in Malaysia andthe region today. The risks of <strong>IOI</strong> falling into this categoryof large and clumsy “dinosaur companies” are becomingreal and relevant too.Fortunately, our mainstay business in the plantationsegment is quite stable and less susceptible to changingindustry and market trends. However, in the downstreammanufacturing segment and increasingly in the propertydevelopment segment, constantly changing market trendsand the entrance of more aggressive competitors require usto be more agile and to come up with new ideas andstrategies frequently.Innovative products at Creative Studio.“It is not the strongest of thespecies that survives, nor themost intelligent that survives.It is the one that is the mostadaptable to change.”Charles Darwin

COVER FEATUREBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>07BuildingNew FrontiersIn 2012, the economy of Malaysia continued its steady growth of 5% to 6% and the propertymarket enjoyed a correlated performance to the economic growth. Following the announcementof Budget 2013 and positive outlooks of a healthy year with increasing opportunities to investin overseas properties due to the globalisation of the real estate market, property players aregeared up for an exciting time ahead.For <strong>IOI</strong> Properties, since it was privatised by <strong>IOI</strong> Corporation Berhad in 2009, it has weatheredthe storms of uncertainty and has increased its revenue base continually with a steadystring of launches and forays, locally and internationally. It registered an operating profit ofRM704.0 million for the financial year 2012 and is determined to forge ahead with ways toimprove and move forward in 2013 through its strategy of increasing its global portfolio bydoing a variety of residential, commercial, retail and industrial products as well as propertyAll 640 units of Skypod Residences’ freeholdinvestment, with sustainability and innovation in mind.service apartments were snapped up withinAs one of the top property players in Malaysia, <strong>IOI</strong> Properties three hours of its launch on 19 May 2012.has successfully developed comprehensive self-containedsuburban townships along the high growth corridors in Klang Valley and Southern Johor.Synonymous with the development of Puchong, its flagship project, Bandar Puteri Puchong, nowhas an estimated gross development of RM7.2 billion. It is home to various projects by <strong>IOI</strong> Propertiessuch as Skypod Residences and the recent 8-acre Puchong Financial Corporate Centre (PFCC)which is seen as Puchong’s corporate and financial hub.In line with the government’s “go green” motto, <strong>IOI</strong> Properties also stepped up its responsibilityas a socially-responsible developer by adopting the ISO 9001:2008 standards for its propertyPuchong Financial Corporate Centre development with all on-going projects achieving a Qlassic quality score of not less than 75% andwas the first to be conferred MSCMalaysia Cyberstatus in Puchong. all commercial buildings meeting the Green Building Index. Its green effort is reflected in its semidetachedSkyville Residences which scored a CONQUAS rating of 78.4.Currently, property owners are excited about <strong>IOI</strong> Properties’ 16 Sierra and looking forward to the vibrant 80-acre <strong>IOI</strong> Rio Citycommercial project which directly faces <strong>IOI</strong> Properties’ The Cube.16 Sierra’s 530-acre township boasts of 16 different themedgardens for each phase and a private clubhouse.

08COVER FEATUREBERITA<strong>IOI</strong><strong>IOI</strong> Properties is determined to be morethan a township developer but aninternationally renowned player thatcompetes in the global market.<strong>IOI</strong> Rio City City is poised to be the next lifestyle pulse ofPuchong where people can work, shop and live in one place.Also in the pipeline is <strong>IOI</strong> Properties’ current flagship projectcalled <strong>IOI</strong> City Development, a 36-acre development that willtransform <strong>IOI</strong> Resort City into a commercial and entertainmentcentre with the construction of a mega four-storey <strong>IOI</strong> City Mall,two office blocks and a business class hotel.<strong>IOI</strong> City Mall, the largest shopping mall in the south of Klang Valley, will feature theGarden Mall concept with lots of alfresco dining in a net lettable area of 1.35 millionsquare feet that includes some 350 shops and 7,200 car parks.BUILDING STRATEGIC ALLIANCES IN SINGAPOREOver in Singapore, despite the government’s property coolingmeasures which may affect demand for high-end properties, <strong>IOI</strong>Properties is confident the continued resilient performance in themass market segment will ensure its projects will continue to dowell.Since 2007, it has steadily entrenched its reputation as a soundproperty developer in the island republic by venturing into high-endresidential developments and integrated mixed developmentsthrough strategic partnerships. These projects include The Pinnacleand Seascape (which garnered the FIABCI Singapore PropertyAward – featured on page 17), both located at Sentosa Cove, theiconic South Beach project and Cityscape at Farrer Park.In January 2012, it made its latest foray in line with its regionalexpansion plan to extend its brand name and product offerings tothe mass housing market in Singapore. It successfully tendered fora 2.4-hectare prime land at Jalan Lempeng, Clementi for a midendcondominium development.VENTURING INTO CHINAAfter studying the China market for three years, <strong>IOI</strong> Propertiesexpanded its presence abroad to China where it embarked on twomixed-use property developments in the Jimei District in Xiamen,Fujian Province of China, citing confidence in Xiamen as one of themodel cities recognised as one of the best managed and livablecities there.Foundation work has begun on its first development of a7.7 acre land into a 900,000 square feet commercial and residentialdevelopment and is expected to complete in the next two years.Its second project, an independent property development, is anintegrated mixed development consisting of four phases (a fourmillion-square-feetdevelopment of a shopping mall, hotel, officesand residential units in the form of condominiums and villas)undertaken over the next ten years.MOVING FORWARD WITH CONFIDENCEWith a proven track record in township development and goodlocation of its townships, <strong>IOI</strong> Properties is seizing every viableopportunity to expand its stream of properties as it looks for theright balance of growth in its portfolio.Moving forward, <strong>IOI</strong> Properties is determined to be more thana township developer but an internationally renowned player thatcompetes in the global market and capitalises on the biggeropportunities available outside Malaysia.The South Beach project was recently accorded two Building & Construction Authority (“BCA”)Green Mark Platinum Awards for its Residential and Commercial components in May 2012.

258.10604.30Q1 ’2012 Q1 ’2013<strong>IOI</strong>’s Net Profit(RM million)<strong>IOI</strong>’s Q1 Earnings Up 134%CORPORATE UPDATESBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>Corporation Bhd (<strong>IOI</strong>)’s earnings leapt to RM604.3 million for the quarter ended 30<strong>IOI</strong> September 2012, marking a 134% increase from RM258.1 million a year ago. The significantincrease was due mainly to foreign exchange gains and higher contributions from the property andresource-based manufacturing divisions.Profit from the plantation division profit dropped 28% to RM401.2 million from RM557.1 million due tolower fresh fruit bunches (FFB) production, and lower crude palm oil (CPO) and palm kernel prices.Meanwhile, higher margins from oleochemical and specialty fats segments contributed to the resourcebasedmanufacturing division’s profit of RM73.2 million compared to RM33.2 million gained in the previouscorresponding period.<strong>IOI</strong>’s property development profit climbed 9% to RM111.8 million thanks to higher share of resultsfrom Singapore jointly controlled entities. Back home, the property investment profit jumped 13% toRM15.2 million from RM13.5 million as occupancy rates and rental yields of select real estate improved.09<strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> is One of Malaysia’sMost Valuable Brands<strong>Group</strong> was unveiled as one of the top Malaysia’s Most Valuable Brands (MMVB) 2012 in a study<strong>IOI</strong> conducted by global brand consultancy firm Interbrand. The ranking was based on three primarycomponents – financial performance, role of brand, and brand strength.With a brand value worth RM1,340 million, <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> was ranked 13th in the list of the top 30 most valuablebrands in Malaysia. This recognition cemented <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’s strong brand presence in the country.<strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’s brand building efforts and progress on all business fronts, namely plantation, property and resourcebasedmanufacturing, were awarded by the Association of Accredited Advertising Agents of Malaysia (4As) andMedia Prima, which were joint presenters of MMVB 2012.Bumitama Agri VotedMost TransparentCompany (Runner-Up)Head of Investor Relations of Bumitama Agri Ltd Mrs Christina Lim (centre)with Chairman of Singapore Exchange Ltd Mr Chew Choon Seng (left) andSIAS Management Committee Member Mr Christopher Cheong (right).An associate company of <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>, Bumitama Agri Limited (BAL) was unveiled as one of the runner-upsfor the Most Transparent Company – New Issues Category during the 13th SIAS [Securities InvestorAssociation (Singapore)] Investors’ Choice Awards 2012 on 3 October 2012 in Singapore.The prestigious award was introduced in 2000 to encourage public-listed companies to be more transparent tohelp investors make informed decisions. The award was based on key criteria such as timeliness of news release,substantiality of news release, clarity of news release, degree of media access, frequency of corporate results,availability of segmental information and communication channels (e.g. company website, webcasting).SIAS, largest organised investor lobby group in Asia with almost 70,000 retail investors as members, is awatchdog for investor rights in Singapore. Voluntarily run by a Management Committee comprising various professionals, it activelypromotes investor education, corporate governance and transparency.

10CORPORATE UPDATESBERITA<strong>IOI</strong><strong>IOI</strong> Joins Forces inMalua Wildlife ConservationRepresentatives from the four Malaysian palm oil companies signing the Malua Conservation Agreement to protect Malua BioBank’s threatened wildlife.<strong>IOI</strong>Corporation Berhad, together with three palm oil companies, joined hands in a partnership with MaluaBiobank, a project managed by New Forests Asia that covers 34,000 hectares of lowland rainforest, to improve theprotection of threatened wildlife in the Heart of Borneo (HoB).On 6 November 2012, <strong>IOI</strong> Corporation Berhad, TH <strong>Group</strong>, Kwantas Corporation Bhd and the Selangor Agriculture DevelopmentCorporation signed the Malua Wildlife Conservation Agreement during the opening of the International Conference of the HoBinitiative. The landmark initiative was witnessed by Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai, who represented ChiefMinister Datuk Seri Musa Aman. Also present was Sabah Forestry Director Datuk Sam Mannan, former Prime Minister TunAbdullah Ahmad Badawi and his wife Tun Jeanne Abdullah, who is also Chairwoman of Lanskap Malaysia.The Malua Wildlife Conservation Agreement is the first step in implementing the findings of a study funded by the MalaysianPalm Oil Council (MPOB) that suggested the need for a cooperative effort to prevent illegal hunting and poaching occurring in theMalua forest reserve.Mr Darius Sarsha who is the Director of New Forests Asia which manages the biobank, said the partnership would be focusing onimproving boundary security within the plantations, recruiting and training oil palm workers as honorary wildlife wardens, managinghuman-wildlife conflicts and improving environmental awareness of workers and their children living in the oil palm estates.Meanwhile, Sabah Forestry Department Director Datuk Sam Mannan said, “This agreement is a positive step forward anddemonstrates how the palm oil industry can play its part and work with partners to better protect Sabah’s globally significantbiodiversity.”For more details visit www.maluabiobank.comExternal StakeholderConsultation Meeting 2012An external stakeholder consultation meeting was heldon 22 October 2012 at Bukit Leelau Mill. The annualmeeting was part of the RSPO Certification requirement andwas a joint effort between Bukit Leelau Mill and BukitLeelau Estate.The stakeholders had the opportunity to share theirviews and opinions in addition to giving suggestions toimprove the relationship between the operating units andexternal stakeholders. Representatives from the Balai PolisPaloh Hinai, Badan Kawal Selia Air, Felda Palm Oil Manager,The meeting adjourned at noon whereby the guests were treated to lunch.An opportune time to strengthen the relationship between the guests andthe mill and estate management.estates, primary schools, FFB supplying estates, contractorsand suppliers were among the guests who attended.The meeting was chaired by Mill Manager Encik NorAshari Bin A. Latiff who gave a briefing on the safetyprocedures and enlightened the guests on the company’ssustainable achievements and commitment to the RSPO andISCC. The company’s future plans and improvements toachieve better production and efficiency were made knownwhile <strong>IOI</strong>’s sustainability video and green milling technologywere shown.All the concerns, complaints and suggestions voiced tothe mill and estate management were recorded andexplained to the particular stakeholders. Actions will betaken where necessary while comments and suggestionswill be discussed thoroughly among the management.

CORPORATE UPDATESBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>11Pamol Welcomes Guests fromAll Over the WorldKao Japan VisitIn the span of three months, Pamol <strong>Group</strong> in Kluang was the centre of attractionfor various international guests who were keen to know more about crude palmoil, palm kernel and its milling processes.Senior Assistant Manager In-Charge of Pamol Barat Estate Mr Pang Tien Longbrought them to witness the whole chain of process starting from planting of oil palmsand its harvesting process in the estate, to loading and transporting fresh fruit bunches(FFB) to the mill. They also toured the mill with Senior Assistant Mill Manager In-Charge of Pamol Kluang Palm Oil Mr Chai Tian Siang who explained the milloperations.The guests included thosefrom Kraft Foods Limited ANZ,Meiji Co. Ltd and KanekaCorporation, Kao Corporationfrom Japan, Rikevita (Malaysia)Sdn Bhd, Peter Greven Asia SdnBhd, Chiba Plant Japan and more,who were all equally impressedwith the sustainable practices inplace at Pamol Estate and itsmill.Assistant Manager Mr Wong Ming Yu elaboratedon the equipment used by harvester.Kraft Food VisitMr Saidani briefed how the ramp receives FFB.Meiji VisitMr Chai talked about the boiler process.Trees grown to ideal height for ergonomicharvesting condition for workers.Peter Greven Asia VisitBuffalo pulling cartwith fresh fruit bunches.Mr Chai explained the palm oil mill process.Rikiveta Malaysia VisitVisitors were impressed by how we load FFB in the cage.

12CORPORATE UPDATESBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>Bahau Estate Excelsin Occupational Safety & Health<strong>To</strong> raise awareness and knowledge on the importance ofoccupational safety and health at the workplace, BahauEstate and the Department of Occupational Safety and Health(DOSH) Negeri Sembilan jointly organised a “Kempen CegahKemalangan Industri & Penyakit Pekerjaan Di SektorPerladangan” event on 18 October 2012.Attended by the estate management around Jempol Districtand government agencies, the event was officiated by theNegeri Sembilan State Exco Chairman for Estate Affairs, HumanResources, Environment and Public Complaints Yang Berhormat(YB) Dato’ V.S. Mogan. Also present were the Director of DOSHNegeri Sembilan Encik Ahmad Kahar bin Abu Bakar, ViceDirector Encik Nor Zamzuri bin Md Nor and <strong>IOI</strong> CorporationBerhad General Manager Mr Tay Ching An.A Certificate of Appreciation with Category “A” on BahauEstate’s excellent safety performance was awarded by the DOSHNegeri Sembilan and presented to Estate Manager Mr Lim HokGen by YB Dato’ V.S. Mogan.Bahau Estate Manager Mr Lim Hok Gen (right) receiving the DOSH certificate.Numerous booths were set up to promote agro-chemicals,PPEs, agricultural hardware and safety signages as well as asafety briefing by the DOSH, performances by Bahau Estate’sworkers and award presentations to estate workers who hadexcelled in their work.At the end of the event, the Director of DOSH presented amemento of appreciation to YB Dato’ V.S. Mogan and <strong>IOI</strong>Corporation Berhad which was represented by Mr Tay Ching An.Certified“Good Nursery Practice ”at Bahau EstateBahau Estate was certified with a Certification of Codeof Good Nursery Practice for Oil Palm Nurseries(CoPN) for its good management and practices in the operationsof its oil palm nursery to produce high quality oil palmseedlings.On 31 May 2012, a Phase 1 audit was undertaken by auditorsfrom the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB). This was followed bya Phase 2 audit on 28 September 2012.Assistant Manager Mr Vickneswaran s/o Subramaniam wasresponsible in delivering a thorough briefing on the estate’s oilpalm nursery practices in accordance to the Food Safety, Qualityand Sustainability Management System (FSQSM). The briefingemphasised Bahau Estate’s traceability, nursery site selection,nursery site preparation, germinated seeds, growing medium,irrigation, storage and safety, nursery management and practice,the use of Advanced Planting Material (APM) as supply chain,record keepings and labelings.After nursery documentations werereviewed by the auditors, they werebrought to the nursery to view the siteoperations.Bahau Estate’s good nursery practiceswere commended with suggestedimprovements for compliance which werewelcomed by Bahau Estate that awaits theissuance of the certificate by MPOB. Thecertificate will be valid for three years fromthe time of audit.Delightful smiles from the Bahau Estate management, <strong>IOI</strong> Research Centre personnel, Safety Department officerswith the MPOB auditors.

HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENTBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>13New FacesLet us welcome the followingnew members into <strong>IOI</strong> family!Kevin WongSenior <strong>Group</strong> Financial ControllerCorporate DivisionMr Kevin Wong is a fellow member ofChartered Management Accountants(FCMA, UK), Certified PublicAccountant (Australia) and a CertifiedGlobal Management Accountants (CGMA).Mr Wong has more than 30 years of experience inaccounting, tax, treasury, business information systemsas well as auditing. He had held various seniorpositions in multinational companies based in Malaysiaand Hong Kong with regional responsibilities. Prior tojoining <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>, he was the regional CFO of amultinational vegetable oil downstream manufacturinggroup with a sales turnover of about USD6 billion.In his present role, Mr Wong will lead the groupaccounting, tax, risk management and informationsystems functions within the <strong>Group</strong> FinanceDepartment of <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>.Mr Wong reports directly to the <strong>Group</strong> ChiefExecutive Officer and concurrently to the <strong>Group</strong>Executive Directors.Tay Koon ChyeGeneral Manager – ProjectProperty DivisionMr Tay Koon Chye holds a Bachelor’s Degree ofConstruction Management & Economics from CurtinUniversity of Technology, Australia. He brings withhim more than 25 years of experience in propertydevelopment and construction.Prior to joining <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>, Mr Tay was the General Manager ofKeppel Land Limited based in China. In his present role, he will overseeall the projects in Bandar Puchong Jaya and Bandar Puteri Puchong.Mr Tay reports to the Property Director.Datin Joanne WongExecutive DirectorYayasan Tan Sri Lee Shin ChengDatin Joanne Wong obtained a Degree in Economicsfrom Sydney University and had working experiencein an international accounting firm and in propertymarketing prior to this appointment. Datin Joanne Wong will developand manage the foundation’s fund disbursement programme,community outreach and public relations activities.Graduates Pick <strong>IOI</strong> asOne of Malaysia’s <strong>To</strong>p EmployersIn a survey conducted by GTI Mediaand powered by Europe’s researchinstitute Trendence, <strong>IOI</strong> CorporationBerhad emerged as one of Malaysia’s100 Leading Graduate Employersfor 2012 as voted by more than 12,000university students and freshgraduates.The online survey “GraduateBarometer 2012 – Malaysian Edition” washeld from April to September. Its results,announced on 22 November 2012,placed <strong>IOI</strong> Corporation Berhad in 15thposition, ahead of corporate giants suchas Sunway <strong>Group</strong> (16th), Sime Darby(20th), Berjaya Corporation (25th) andYTL Corporation (38th). Accounting firmPricewaterhouseCoopers took top spotas the most preferred employer inMalaysia.Into its fifth year in Malaysia, theawards which were officiated byTalentCorp Chief Executive OfficerMr Johan Merican, sought to recognisethe efforts that employers put in tomake their organisation attractivewith career opportunities for itsstaff.

14 BERITA<strong>IOI</strong>HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENTCongratulations to Employees of the Year 2012...During the recent year end gathering, five employees saw their hard work paid offas they were announced as recipients of “Employee of the Year Award” for 2012.The year definitely ended on a high note for the jubilant recipients as they werecongratulated by <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Executive Chairman Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng and <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>Executive Director Dato’ Lee Yeow Chor who presented the award.These employees were chosen for the dedication shown in their work and commitmenttowards the company’s vision and core values. Throughout 2012, they sustained a highlevel of productivity and produced consistent quality of work promptly, demonstratedprofessionalism and possessed strong team ethics, among others.Well done and keep up the good work! Let us all be inspired by their achievementsin striving to do our best in our everyday work.Employee of the Year Award1. Rohana Binti Bakar (Corporate IT)2. Phang Kean Wah (Property Technical)3. Jacquelyn Wong Lai Han(Property Non-Technical)4. Adznan Razila Bin Termizi(Property Building Management)5. Bernard Goh Kean Lee(Plantation & Commodity Marketing)...and <strong>IOI</strong> Service Champions 2012Six employees were also crowned“<strong>IOI</strong> Service Champion 2012” forexemplary service in meeting the needsof customers. Their effort in deliveringthe unique <strong>IOI</strong> Branded Customer ServiceExperience to valued customers of <strong>IOI</strong>Properties was duly recognised andculminated in them receiving their awardfrom <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Executive Chairman<strong>IOI</strong> Service Champion Award1. Maheswary A/PVeeramuthu (Security, HQ)2. Teoh Yong Yong (Sales Admin)3. Azzila Binti Mohd Sair(<strong>IOI</strong> Building Services, Klang)4. Nagesarao A/L Paidithalli(<strong>IOI</strong> Building Services, Puchong)5. Sharon Yee Hai Jing(Sales & Marketing, Puchong)Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng and <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>Executive Director Dato’ Lee YeowChor.The champions were determinedbased on the highest number of votesand excellence rating given by customersto participating employees during the<strong>IOI</strong> Service Champion programme heldfrom August to November 2012. It wasaimed at improving employees’ standardof service excellence as well asencouraging constructive feedback fromcustomers to further improve on <strong>IOI</strong>Properties’ service delivery.Congratulations to the ServiceChampions for showing the way towardsservice excellence!6. Nicholas Poon(Sales & Marketing, 16 Sierra)

HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENTBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>15Dato’ Lee (left) involved in a media exercisewith other top management staff.A fruitful group discussion preparingfor the role play on holding a townhall.Stakeholder Sensitisation& Engagement WorkshopStakeholder Sensitisation & Engagement Workshop was held atA the Putrajaya Marriott Hotel on 16 November 2012 attended by a team of 18 seniormanagement staff from <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>.Facilitated by Dr Millicent Danker of MENTOR Communication Resources, the fulldayinteractive workshop was designed to introduce participants to the skills ofstakeholder engagement. The objective was to enable the participants to appreciatetheir stakeholder management roles better with more effective stakeholder relations,messaging techniques and media exposure to meet the demands in a corporateenvironment.The intensive hands-on workshop wasdesigned to equip and facilitate the participantsas spokespersons and brand messengers onthe significance of a strong message andthe importance of strategic messaging asa preparatory tool for any stakeholderinterface. It offered scenarios withcustomised role plays, live media resourcesand a professional video crew to ensurethat the simulations were as realistic aspossible.Engaged in a group exercise.Dr Millicent’s role-playing activities basedon workplace scenarios helped to enhance the effectiveness of the participants’stakeholder engagement skills and provided a better understanding of fundamental issuesin real life situations. Several role-play interviews were captured on video to enable theparticipants and the trainer to exchange feedback and comments for further improvement.The workshop ended with a more detailed insight into feedback and observations fromboth participants and the trainer. Most of the participants found that the workshop wasrelevant to their work and benefitted from the role plays and group activities.Dr Millicent (left)attending toDato’ Lee’s queries.Discussion time.Recording a role playfor further discussion.

16HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENTBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>Eye Woes...Solved!Tired with blurry or watery eyes at work?How do we take care of our eyes?These were among the many questionsanswered by Dr Asokumaran Thanaraj,Consultant Ophthalmologist from ColumbiaAsia Hospital, Puchong during the “How <strong>To</strong>Preserve Your Vision & Manage WateryEyes” talk on 12 October 2012 organised by<strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’s Human Resource and Training &Organisational Development departments.Dr Asokumaran, certified by the National Specialist Registry(Ophthalmology), explained the common mistakes made when itcomes to eye care, common eye problems and preventivemeasures to preserve their vision. Contact lens users and thosewith glaucoma, diabetes, age-related muscular degeneration, andhypertension were advised to take special care of their eyes.Besides fielding questions from the audience, Dr Asokumaranalso emphasised the importance of regular eye screening checkswith certified and trained eye specialists.FattyLiver,SaysWho?Dr Loong explaining to the crowd.Says Dr Loong Yik Yee, Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist at SimeDarby Medical Centre, Ara Damansara, who conducted a “Fatty Liver Disease– How to Handle a Fat Liver” health talk that benefitted over 100 staff on 7 November2012 at <strong>IOI</strong> HQ.According to Dr Loong, excessive consumption of alcohol can harm the liver, whileobesity is also one of the reasons that causes a fatty liver. Besides a proper diet, herecommended exercising three days a week (with each session lasting at least 30 minutes)to maintain healthy living. It is important to go for a yearly ultrasound and CT scan toensure a healthy liver.Early prevention is important as most individuals with non-alcoholic fatty liver diseasedo not have any symptoms until they develop liver cirrhosis or liver cancer.“The liver can’tand won’t tellwhen it is introuble untilit is almost atthe end ofits rope!”Dr Loong Yik Yee

PROPERTYPrestigious Accolade forseascapeBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>17Seascape – a luxury condominium development located at Sentosa Cove, Singapore – received recognitionfrom real estate professionals and experts as it emerged as the winner of the Residential (Low Rise) categoryin Singapore Property Awards 2012. On 23 October 2012, the award was presented to Seascape (Sentosa) Pte Ltd,a joint-venture company between <strong>IOI</strong> Land Singapore Private Limited and Ho Bee Investment Limited.Inspired by Sentosa Cove’s nautical theme, Seascape boasts of 151 exclusive waterfronthomes featuring large balconies taking the form of hulls of a majestic vessel. Each apartmenthas a spectacular view of the sea while the penthouse is equipped with a private pool for a trulyluxurious living. Amenities include concierge services, a clubhouse, a gymnasium, and extensivewater features. Seascape proves to be the perfect blend of private and exclusive resort living justminutes from the hustle and bustle of main island Singapore.Introduced by FIABCI (The International Real Estate Federation) Singapore, the awardshonour the achievements of Singapore’s real estate projects and developments that wereshortlisted into 14 categories. The winners were judged based on criteria such as design,aesthetics, functionality, contribution to the built environment and community, among others.Winners of these quality projects are able to participate in the FIABCI Prix d’ExcellenceAwards to earn top honours at the global competition.Guessing whatis in the box.Colleaguestucking in.Pop quiz on the run.Creating Positive Vibesamong Colleagues<strong>To</strong> foster a closer working relationship among colleagues and create apositive working environment, Customer Relations Unit organised lunchgatherings with Building Services & Building Maintenance, Landscape,Sales & Marketing and Project departments in Puchong FinancialCorporate Centre (PFCC) in September and November 2012.Colleagues were treated to a buffet lunch and group activitiessuch as The Acting Game, Chopsticks Family, Guess Guess Guess,Pop Quiz and Mystery Pix with attractive prizes. There was also alucky draw at the end of each gathering session sponsored by PutrajayaMarriott Hotel & Spa.The invited colleagues had a good time during the gathering aseveryone mingled and interacted in a more fun and relaxed setting minus allthe email correspondence and serious phone conversations.Not as easy as itseems for theChopsticks Family.<strong>Group</strong> activity topromote interaction.

18 PROPERTYBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>Revellers tryingtheir luck at theLucky Draw booth.COUNTDOWNTO2013!Rhythm Nation hyped it up!Magic isin the air!Deftly wielding chopsticks to be thefastest in gobbling up the long sausage.Thousands of revellers from Puchong and its surroundingneighbourhood gathered at <strong>IOI</strong> Boulevard to bid farewell to2012 at The Palette’s New Year Countdown Party organisedby <strong>IOI</strong> Properties Berhad. The first 500 made off to a great startas they received a mystery door gift each!Entertained by the pulsating beats of Rhythm Nation, thenight’s action-packed programme saw lucky individuals walkingaway with Lucky Draw prizes. The crowd cheered for theirfavourite as revellers were pitched against one another incompetitions to see who can eat burgers/dumplings/long sausagesin the fastest time.Revellers were also treated to a host of discounts andpromotions at F&B outlets at <strong>IOI</strong> Boulevard. But the moment thatall have been waiting for was the stroke of midnight, where thecrowd stood under a brightly-lit sky dazzled by thespectacular fireworks display!Over at <strong>IOI</strong> Mall, shoppers ushered in the New Year with zestas singer Suki Low entertained them with her sweet yet powerfulvocal through the final hour of year 2012. The “One in aMillion” winner serenaded the crowd with several hit songswhile a street magician brought magic and smiles to childrenand adults alike.At the Oasis Atrium, shoppers – both young and old –eagerly awaited to have their faces painted in colourful flowermotives and popular ‘Angry Bird’ characters. Lady Luck smiledupon some shoppers as they took home shopping vouchers. Whata way to start off the New Year!I want Angry Bird on my hand.Energetic performanceto hype up the crowd.

Levitate to a WorldStrategically located at theKempas-Tebrau growth corridorwithin Iskandar Malaysia, D’SummitResidences is right where living,entertainment, environment and business seamlessly convergein a vibrant city.The new high-rise exclusive living boasts of a prime locationthat ensures residents have easy access to North-South Highway,Pasir Gudang Highway and Eastern Dispersal Link (EDL).Accessibility is set to further improve when the proposed MRTsystem connecting Johor Bahru with other destinations inIskandar Malaysia and Singapore takes off.BEYONDORDINARYat D’Summit19BERITA<strong>IOI</strong>PROPERTYOpen now for registration is theOrion <strong>To</strong>wer of D’Summit Residences– a 35-storey residential tower withone-, two-, or three-bedroomapartments. Security is taken seriouslywith CCTV surveillance, securitypatrols, resident’s security accesscard, intercom system and panicbutton in each unit.Residents also get to indulge in aworld of leisure at Level 7, wherebyfacilities such as badminton andbasketball courts, nursery, functionhall, Zen garden, reflexology pathway,green walk, kid’s pool, 50-metre lappool, BBQ pit, playground, jacuzzi,sauna, aqua gym, launderette, gamesroom, playroom, yoga terrace, pooldeck and other water features thatcalms the body and mind. It alsohouses a café and convenient store.Early bird owners will enjoy 0%interest until completion (developerinterest bearing scheme), zero legalfees and zero stamp duty on S&P loan agreement, among others. The fully furnished package has each unit fitted withkitchen cabinet, tap & sink, hob & hood, refrigerator, washing machine, wardrobe cupboard, air conditioner, sofa anddining set, TV cabinet with TV, bedroom set, water heater, curtain, lighting and fan.An epitome of gracious living and tastefully furnished, D’Summit Residences transforms aspirations to reality.

20 OLEOCHEMICALSBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>Oleochemical Company in Malaysia Yet Again!Congratulations! Mr Tan (right)and Mr Lai (left) with the Awardand Certificate.Oleochemical Industries Berhad emerged victorious<strong>IOI</strong> in the Anugerah Industri Sawit (Palm Industry Award) as itscooped the prestigious award for Best-in-Class Palm-BasedOleochemical Company in Malaysia, accorded by the MalaysianPalm Oil Board (MPOB).<strong>IOI</strong> Oleochemical was the defending champion having won theprevious award in 2010 and inaugural award in 2006 (then representedby Acidchem International Sdn Bhd). The award was presented to <strong>IOI</strong>Oleochemical <strong>Group</strong> Executive Director Mr Tan Kean Hua and GeneralManager of Fatty Acids Production Mr Lai Choon Wah in an elaborateddinner cum award presentation ceremony in December 2012.Up against the industry players, many of whom were multinationalcompanies (MNCs) or associated with MNCs, <strong>IOI</strong> Oleochemical was one ofthe only few wholly-owned Malaysian companies shortlisted for the award.These companies were audited on its Management Commitment,Operation Excellence, Quality Excellence, Process Efficiency and PlantSafety plus new focus areas that included Sustainability and CorporateSocial Responsibility efforts.<strong>IOI</strong> Oleochemical PassesU.S. FDA InspectionAcidchem International, Prai and Pan Century Oleochemical, Pasir Gudang passed the inspectionsundertaken by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) which is globally recognised as theauthority on safety of food products.A representative from FDA, Mr David LeRay completed thorough inspections on the glycerineprocessing facilities. The inspections lasted three days each at Acidchem and Pan Century, and werewitnessed by officials from Ministry of Health Malaysia.Both facilities and its various departments fully cooperated withthe inspections and took the opportunity to know more about FDA’sstrict requirements. They shared with Mr LeRay on glycerinemanufacturing process, while he questioned and reviewed documentsas well as collected industrial samples from the facilities.Both facilities passed the inspections with a final classification of“No Action Indicated (NAI)” which meant there were no objectionableconditions or findings during the inspections.What a thorough inspection by the auditor!Collecting product samplesfrom the storage tank.

Physical Transitionof RSPO SustainableOleochemicals& DerivativesOLEOCHEMICALSBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>Delegation Happy withEsterchem’s Progress21Mr Choong Wai Tuck (left) presenting AOMG’s proposal to the RSPO HPCDerivatives Technical Working <strong>Group</strong>.Since the Roundtable of the Sustainable Palm Oil(RSPO) was founded in 2004, around 9% of all palm oilproduced in the world is RSPO-certified. However,sustainable oloechemicals and its derivatives still have along way to go.The RSPO Home and Personal Care (HPC) DerivativesTechnical Working <strong>Group</strong> under the Trade and TraceabilityStanding Committee proposed the Book and Claim rule foroleochemicals and derivatives which was approved by theRSPO Executive Board in November 2011.In addition, a straightforward, flexible and easilyimplemented GreenPalm programme applies tocircumstances where physical segregation and traceabilityare not feasible. It bypasses the physical supply chaincompletely to allow end-consumer-manufacturer clients tosupport RSPO and in turn, communicate to their customersof their support towards production of sustainable palmoil.In 2012, the push to move up higher in the supply chainoptions (i.e. Mass Balance and Segregation) led <strong>IOI</strong>Oleochemical, which chaired the ASEAN OleochemicalManufacturers <strong>Group</strong>’s (AOMG) RSPO Technical Working<strong>Group</strong>, to propose rules for physical transition of sustainableoleochemicals and derivatives. This group was laterassimilated into the RSPO HPC Derivatives TechnicalWorking <strong>Group</strong>.After numerous discussions on different platforms, theteam had its first face-to-face meeting ahead of RSPO’s RT10in Singapore. The team acknowledged that the proposal isa specific guidance for Mass Balance and Segregration oleoderivatives to be used by certification bodies for auditingpurpose. It also serves as a rough guideline for downstreamcustomers to use as a cost benchmark.The team intends to finalise the proposal ahead of theRSPO Trade and Traceability Standing Committee meetingin January 2013 for further discussion and subsequentapproval from the RSPO Executive Board.Delegation satisfied with the project’s execution.On 29 November 2012, Esterchem project site buzzedwith activities as it welcomed several prominentguests led by Ketua Setiausaha Unit (KSU) of Ministry ofPlantation Industries and Commodities (MPIC) YangBerbahagia Datin Paduka Nurmala Abd Rahim.<strong>To</strong>gether with her deputy, Director Generals of LembagaGetah Malaysia, Lembaga Kenaf dan Tembakau Malaysia,Lembaga Koko Malaysia, Deputy Director General (Services)of the Malaysia Palm Oil Board (MPOB) and a team of morethan 20 officers from various government agencies, theytoured the project site accompanied by <strong>IOI</strong> Oleochemical’smanagement who also briefed the guests on the company’sprofile, project updates and schedules, claim submission toMPOB and Performance Management Delivery Unit(PEMANDU), as well as the reimbursement status.The visit was part of their effortto call upon various Entry PointProject (EPP) sites under the EconomicTransformation Programme (ETP) asidentified under the National KeyEconomic Areas (NKEA).Esterchem (M) Sdn Bhd is buildingtwo esterification plants in Prai thatare valued at an estimated RM130million. The project, which has beenapproved as one of the EPP sites ofthe ETP under the NKEA, is expectedto be completed by end of 2013.The delegation was satisfied with the project’s executionand Datin Paduka Nurmala said that while monitoringprogress of EPP sites is one of MPIC’s Key PerformanceIndex (KPI), such visits also allowed her to interact betterwith the plantation and commodities industry.<strong>Group</strong> photo at project site.General Manager Mr Lai ChoonWah receiving a memento fromDatin Paduka Nurmala.

22 OLEOCHEMICALSBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>Tins of paint and willing arms set off ona noble course to Seri Cahaya Home inBatu Maung, Penang on 3 November 2012.Initiated by the Community Service (CS) of<strong>IOI</strong> Oleochemical, Prai, a group of volunteerscomplete with their painting gears werewarmly greeted by the orphanage’s ownerMadam Kaliamma.Each volunteer was assigned a portion of the wall to paint. The home’sinterior and exterior walls were all freshly-coated with new paint in no time!Meanwhile, some volunteers joined the younger children in colouring bookswith crayons which were all donated by <strong>IOI</strong> employees. After a hard day’swork, even with paint smattered all over their faces and clothes, the volunteerswere happy to make the home a better place for the children.<strong>IOI</strong> Oleochemical Agents’ Gathering 2012Mr Tan briefing the participants.The ‘Family Members’ all united as one.The “Land below the Wind” greeted a diverse group ofPrincipal Agents of <strong>IOI</strong> Oleochemical, fondly known asFamily Members, who came from all over the world for itsannual Agents’ Gathering event held from 1 to 3 November2012. This marked the 6th time that this momentous occasionhad taken place.Set in Pacific Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu, the eventsaw 43 participants from 26 countries and 27 participants of <strong>IOI</strong>Oleochemical from Penang and Pasir Gudang turning up for thegathering themed, “Building Bonds for Sustainable Future” to buildand strengthen bonds for a long-term sustainable relationship.The event started withinsightful presentations fromExecutive Director of <strong>IOI</strong>Oleochemical Mr Tan Kean Huaand several Marketing DivisionHeads from Fatty Acids and Glycerine, Soap Noodles andSpecialty Products business units respectively. Challenges facedby the oleochemical industry, opportunities at stake for thebusinesses, and the company’s progressive development wereamong the topics shared with the participants.Representatives from the Sabah Forestry Department andSabah Wildlife Department also provided participants with firsthandknowledge of the efforts undertaken by Sabah StateGovernment to balance the development of palm oil industrywith forest conservation, and preservation of wildlife for futuregenerations. Then Head of Sustainability for <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’sPlantation Division Mr <strong>To</strong>o Heng Liewbriefed participants on the group’s ongoingefforts to adhere to the Roundtableon Sustainable Palm Oil’s (RSPO)guidelines.The gathering was a success as thefamily of <strong>IOI</strong> Oleochemical bonded andunited for continued success!Participants enjoyedthe cultural show.

Safety Comes Firstat SHE Campaign 2012OLEOCHEMICALS23BERITA<strong>IOI</strong>SHE Campaign’s Objectives:• Raise OSH awareness on safety issuesand possible causes• Provide practical solutions throughgood safety practices and methodsto encourage self-regulation amongemployeesGood health and safety managementis vital in ensuring the productivityand competitiveness of an organisation.In 2012, Pan Century <strong>Group</strong> exceeded itssafety target performance of one millionman hours and capped a total safetytarget performance of 1,159,040 of manhours. A Safety, Health andEnvironment Campaign for 2012 washeld from 25 to 28 September 2012, andlaunched by Department of OccupationalSafety and Health (DOSH) Director TuanOmar Bin Mat Piah.Head of Operations Mr Gurdev Singh,who unveiled the campaign’s bannerwitnessed by the Pan Century staff, urgedall to show commitment to the safety,health and environment in the companythrough their own actions.The campaign recorded a remarkableparticipation by relevant governmentdepartments and agencies including localauthorities and private organisations suchas NIOSH, DOSH, JKJR, MPPG, SLSOLUTION, BOMBA, PAGEMA, JPAM,DOE and Hospital Penawar. Several• Increase employees’ knowledge onrelevant legislations and compliances• Alert employees to new risksand possible solutionscompetitions were held to engage theemployees’ awareness on this topic suchas the Safety Poster Competition,Housekeeping Competition (workplacesafety and cleanliness), and Safety Quizwhich received excellent response.More OSH activities and trainingprogrammes are planned for the comingyear to continuously improve on its OSHtrack record.Functional Team Appreciation CeremonyPan Century Oleochemical Sdn Bhd held its thirdFunctional Team Appreciation event on 27November 2012 to recognise exemplary teams and theircontributions to the organisation. 42 employees consistingof Quality Council members, Head of Departments,respective Functional Teams’ superiors and leaders attendedthe ceremony whereby 11 awards for meritoriousperformance were given.The Functional Teams’ performance were monitored forthe past six months via its KRAs/KPIs and quarterly reportsubmissions.They also have to impress the judges during the halfyearlypresentation with their creativity, innovation,collaboration and teamwork. Out of the 25 teams, theElectrical & Instrumentation (Soap Noodle) and Fatty Acid(ETP) teams were accorded “Good Performance” while nineteams received “Exceeding Requirement” thumbs-up fromHead of Operations Mr Gurdev Singh who presented theawards.Congratulations to the award recipients for beingexamples of “excellence”!£

24 BERITA<strong>IOI</strong>EDIBLE OILS<strong>IOI</strong> Loders Croklaan EuropeInvests in Sustainable Growthwith New RefineryMaking our customers more successful is the driving force behind the latest <strong>IOI</strong> Loders CroklaanEurope investment: the brand new Wormerveer refinery that was officially commissioned on 25October 2012. Business Unit Manager of the Specialty Fats division Mr Patrick Cobussen said, “We areconvinced this investment will help our customers in creating top quality products at the best possiblevalue.”The new asset is purpose-built to further increase product quality with lower environmental impact,contributing to both growth and sustainability targets. Production Director Europe Mr Paul Koekoekremarked, “We are proud to have completed this project within such a short time frame. Constructing thenew refinery enabled us to redesign part of the production site and further optimise the infrastructure. Thisall contributes to efficient production at the highest possible quality.”Sustainability Director and board member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Mr Hiddevan Kersen stressed the importance of sustainability as a significant innovation driver, and one that the newrefinery will deliver: “We approach sustainability from a broad perspective. It is not only about the sourcingof sustainable palm oil, but also about investing in facilities that have the lowest possible impact on theenvironment. The new facility uses less energy and cooling water, while reducing losses of preciousraw materials. These factors all contribute to a smaller environmental footprint of the products wedeliver to our customers, who also have ambitious sustainability targets.”The new refinery was festively opened by Chief Operating Officer of <strong>IOI</strong> Loders CroklaanEurope Dr Loek Favre. During his opening speech, he stressed the importance of the newrefinery to confirm the leading position of <strong>IOI</strong> Loders Croklaan in Europe and focused onthe continuous commitment that <strong>IOI</strong> is expressing to sustainably grow this importantmarket. After the speech, the new installation was officially “launched” by two astronautsclimbing the structure after which they took off in a cloud of smoke.£Two “astronauts”preparing fortake-off.Chief Operating Officer Dr Loek Favre emphasising theimportance of the new Wormerveer refinery in strengthening<strong>IOI</strong> Loders Croklaan’s leading position in Europe.In 2011, <strong>IOI</strong> Loders Croklaan integrated the Betapol ® line of specialty fats forinfant formula into the portfolio. After this successful integration, it is now timefor a fresh positioning of this special product.Infant formula made with Betapol ® provides mothers with the best alternativeto mother’s milk. Betapol ® was originally developed by <strong>IOI</strong> Loders Croklaan andit provides babies with benefits such as an improved energy intake, reducedconstipation and stronger bones when compared with ordinary infant formula. Ithas become the standard to make a first class infant formula product and we feelit is the natural alternative to mother’s milk, hence we are proud to position theproduct as “The Natural Standard”.<strong>To</strong> communicate these benefits to our customers and the market, we haveworked hard on the new marketing materials that have been launched in November.We are confident that these new materials will help convince the market thatproducts with Betapol ® should be The Natural Standard for all mothers feedingtheir babies with infant formula products.Read more on the unique characteristics of Betapol ®or download the newproduct brochure and scientific summary at www.betapol.com£

Impressing<strong>IOI</strong> LC Europe’sParticipants atChocotecThe Chocolate Technology 2012 which was held in CologneGermany from 7 to 9 December drew almost 400 influentials from thechocolate confectionery industry. The podium was used to discuss the latesttrends, developments and scientific work in the confectionery industry.Important confectionery companies like Storck, Nestle, Kraft, Lindt andHershey were all present.The programme was filled with lectures by renowned market expertssuch as Sustainability Director of <strong>IOI</strong> Loders Croklaan Europe Mr Hidde vanKersen who drew attention with a presentation on sustainable palm oil. Hislecture and animated discussion were well received.The high profile event also offered companies thepossibility to showcase their new chocolate developmentsfor tasting. <strong>IOI</strong> Loders Croklaan Application ManagersHelga Manson and Nelleke van Oorschot were present atthe booth to showcase the Creative Studio. Manyparticipants visited the <strong>IOI</strong> Loders Croklaan booth toinform themselves on the latest developments and weremesmerised by the innovative presentation of thechocolates made with our fats, all shaped like lollipops.<strong>IOI</strong> Loders Croklaan’s presence at the Chocotec madean impression on the attendants and confirmed ourinnovative and leading position as a supplier to thisimportant industry.£Sustainability Director Mr Hidde van Kersenpresenting the importance of sustainability.The Creative Studio was one of the attractions at Chocotec.EDIBLE OILSBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>25Move for20ı2n 2012, <strong>IOI</strong> Loders Croklaan Europe continued their support of the fight againstI multiple sclerosis (MS) by sponsoring the Move for MS foundation.Move for MS raises money for research against MS by taking part in all kindsof events where it literally “moves” to collect funds. In 2012, this was done byrunning, skating and cycling. <strong>IOI</strong> Loders Croklaan Europe made a donation to thefoundation for every kilometre covered. The move saw many employeesparticipating in the events and four of the team members made an impressiveeffort by running the slopes of the infamous Mont Ventoux mountain in the southof France, the mountain that has featured some of the most historic moments ofthe <strong>To</strong>ur de France cycling race.On 21 December 2012, Chief Operating Officer of <strong>IOI</strong> Loders CroklaanEurope Dr Loek Favre festively handed over a mock cheque of C= 2759.97, whichwas 20% more than the previous year, to the Move for MS foundation. Duringhis speech, he stressed the importance of the efforts of thefoundation and renewed the sponsorship of <strong>IOI</strong> LodersCroklaan Europe for 2013. He encouraged <strong>IOI</strong> LodersCroklaan Europe’s participation in more events andcited that he will indeed take part again in some ofthe running events to raise money for Move forMS himself!At the end of the ceremony, a sculptureillustrating the fight against MS was awarded toDr Loek on behalf of <strong>IOI</strong> Loders CroklaanEurope.£

<strong>IOI</strong> MALLBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>27I-leavenly Christmasat<strong>IOI</strong> Mall PuchongMany made their generous way to<strong>IOI</strong> Mall, Puchong and filled itwith Christmas cheer during its HeavenlyGift with Community at Heart (a nonprofitorganisation) charity project from 1till 23 December 2012. Shoppers throngedthe Gift Trees located at the Oasis Atrium,Ground Floor to pick gifts for those inneed. The event symbolised the Christmasspirit of bringing hope and joy to others,especially the less fortunate community.In conjunction with the event, shoppersalso enjoy Angel’s Gift Packs (complimentarygift-wrapping service) at the Heavenly Giftcounter with proof of purchase from anyoutlet in <strong>IOI</strong> Mall.Public was also encouraged to “Be anAngel” and volunteer to give tuition to needychildren, read to senior folks and the visuallyhandicapped,cleaning charity homes andspending time at orphanagesand old folks’ homes. They also took opportunity toshop for goodies at the Christmas Fair at the mall.£Good response from shoppers.Shopper pledging to contribute.“It’s not how much we give buthow much love we put into giving.”Mother TeresaAngels wrapping the gifts.Best HalloweenCostume goes toLim Jia Qi.I’m letting outmy fangs tonight...SpookyHalloweenThe centre stage at <strong>IOI</strong> Mall Kulai turned ghoulishMe and my when 11 children turned out in their finestteddy bear “horror” attire for the Halloween Kids Costumemake a Competition on 28 October 2012.gruesomepair...The competition, organised by the mall inconjunction with Halloween’s Day, saw MasturinaInsyirah walking away as the winner with her scaryimpersonation of a ghost child. Lim Jia Qi terrified thejudges enough to take home the second prize, whileyoung Angeline Cheng took third place.Besides this, an educational Halloween Kids TreasureHunt saw 27 teams from two categories (Category A: 4 to7 years old and Category B: 8 to 12 years old) striving tooutperform one another based on their proficiency ofEnglish and Mathematics.£

28<strong>IOI</strong> MALLBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>YOUTHAIDS2012 Campaignat <strong>IOI</strong> Mall KulaiIn conjunction with World AIDS Day (observedon 1 December of every year), <strong>IOI</strong> Mall Kulaiorganised “YOUTHAIDS 2012” together with IntanLifezone, Young Malaysian Movement, Agensi AntiDadah Kebangsaan, Majis Belia Daerah Kulaijaya,Pejabat Kesihatan Kulaijaya and the Johor AIDSAction & Research Society. It was held on 8 and 9December 2012 at the Ground Floor (EntranceVoid).The two-day event educated the public on thedisease with an AIDS awareness exhibition and talk,Red Ribbon Message Wall, Red Ribbon Riding, Q&Asession, and a busking-for-AIDS performance.100 cyclists made the Red Ribbon Riding asuccess when they cycled from <strong>IOI</strong> Mall to HutanBandar and back.The objective of organising this event was toinvite public’s participation and raise awarenessabout HIV and AIDS. While the disease is stilltaking thousands of life each year, it is importantto ensure the public, especially teenagers, hasthe opportunity to learn the right facts about HIVand AIDS.£Young Malaysian Movement together with OCPDSuperintendent Zulkefli Haji Yahya of PDRM.Dressed for the occasion!Colourful bicycles vying for “Best Decoration”.Balloon release by OCPD Superintendent Zulkefli Haji Yahyaof PDRM and <strong>IOI</strong> Mall Complex Manager Mr Alex Gwee.

29BERITA<strong>IOI</strong>HOTELCookingShowdowntoCrownCreative display of fish slices by one of the contestants.On 3 December 2012, something was a-brewing inPutrajaya Marriott Hotel that involved lots of sweat,creative skills and clashing of pots and pans as six chefs battledit out in the kitchen to emerge as the ultimate Chef Bagus!The “Chef Bagus! – Cook-off Challenge” was open to allnon-professional cooking enthusiasts. Launched on the hotel’sFacebook page to good response with many housewives andpeople who simply love to cook submitting their recipes online,six contestants were chosen and brought to the hotel for acooking showdown.The contestants were given 90 minutes to come up withtwo Asian dishes. The hotel provided the ingredients andcooking utensils, and the mysterious ingredients (beef, wholeseabass and tiger prawns) contained in a “black box” that wasonly revealed right before the competition.As the clock ticked, contestants raced against each other tocreate the most delicious dish that can melt the judges’ heart (andstomachs). The atmosphere was made more intense with thejudges scrutinising their cooking methods,organisation and hygiene. At the end of 90minutes, contestants presented their dishes tobe sampled by the judges, namely the hotel’sDirector of Culinary Chef Ken, Malay Chefde Cuisine Chef Zul, Executive Assistant Manager (EAM) of F&BMr Gary Green, and EAM of Rooms Mr Henry Chong.In the end, Nazura Zainal Abidin’s winning recipe of PanfriedSeabass with Tiger Prawn and Potato Patty (withspecial green sauce) and Beef and Vegetable Fritter withSpaghetti and Curry Sauce crowned the housewife fromAmpang, “Chef Bagus!” Grand Champion! <strong>To</strong> commemorate herwin, the dish will be featured in Zest Lifestyle Restaurant for thewhole month of January 2013. She was also rewarded with atrip to Phuket for two, inclusive of a 4D/3N stay at JW MarriottHotel Phuket.Newlywed Faisal Baharom came in as Chef Bagus! firstrunner-up and walked away with a 4D/3N honeymoon stay atMiri Marriott Resort & Spa, while the second runner-up MarhainiAshari will enjoy a 3D/2N stay at Renaissance Kuala LumpurHotel and RM200 dining voucher at Tuscany Italian Restaurant,Putrajaya Marriott Hotel.Chef Ken congratulated the winners and said, “Judging fromthe great feedback and overwhelming responseby our FB fans and supporters, the ChefBagus! – Cook-off Challenge will be anannual affair as it continues to grow biggerand better in the coming years.”£The food presentation and judging round.Contestants briefed on the competition’s do’s and don’ts.Picking the main ingredient from ‘Black Box’.Chef Bagus! Grand Champion – Nazura Zainal Abidin (centre).

30 HOTELBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>Servıng Upa Special ChristmasCharity BenefitChristmas season is a jolly good time to spreadwarmth, love and hope to those in need. Celebratingits global vision “Spirit to Serve our Communities”,Putrajaya Marriott Hotel & Spa opened its doors towelcome students from Persatuan Kanak-kanakIstimewa Kajang and Persatuan Kanak-kanak IstimewaHulu Langat for the Christmas Charity Benefit 2012on 13 December 2012.Held in collaboration with local radio stationTraxxfm’s <strong>To</strong>uches Your Heart programme, the beautifulevening started with the arrival of 75 students from bothwelfare centres chaperoned by their parents as well asteachers. As the strollers filled the air with famousChristmas hits and students had their faces painted, theguests were entertained by an animated balloon clown,stilt-walker and mime artist.Emcees Rishie and Otto from Traxxfm got theevening off to a lively start when they invited Marriott’sbanquet team for its trademark UV light food presentationwhich fascinated guests with the glow-in-the-darkanimation that ended with a comedic announcement forthe feast to begin!Amidst a sumptuous Christmas-themed buffetfeaturing roast turkey, roasted leg of lamb, seafoodcasserole, chocolate fountain and many more deliciousdishes, Traxxfm presenters DJs Kevin Chong, ChristineWong and Par liven up the evening with merriment. Theguests were touched by a performance by Dinie andGodfrey Ooi from the Malaysian Society of the Blindwho belted out some great songs, and internationalviolinist Josh Kua did not disappoint with a specialrendition.The night drew to a perfect end with GeneralManager Mr Simon Yong and his team distributingpresents and gift bags to the children and guests. Hesummed up the Christmas Charity Benefit 2012,“That’s what charity should be all about – a time toshare our good fortune with those in need to maketheir holiday season a little brighter.”The final performance was by the hotel’s inhousecarollers d‘Flaming Reindeers as theyharmoniously sang a “Christmas Medley” withthe audience joining the sing-a-long for atruly merry year ahead!£Dancing andgrooving to theChristmas beat.The Marriott teambidding farewellto the guests.Students fromPKIK & PKIHLenjoyingthemselves.Marriott teamexcited to give outthe goodie bagssponsored by GSK,BMS Organicsand MarriottPutrajaya.

31HOTELBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>‘Tis the season to be jolly,Fa la la la la, la la la la!& a H R Y a h eY a q h a H R Y a h eY a q h a H Ya h eY a q h a HY a h eY a q hContinuing its proud tradition since 2005, PutrajayaMarriott Hotel & Spa’s very own carolling group “d’FlamingReindeers” sang their way all through the joyful season! On14 December 2012, the carollers spread Christmas cheer aroundCyberjaya and shared the holiday spirit while belting famousChristmas carols such as O Holy Night, Jingle Bell Rock, White Christmas, and a string ofChristmas medley.d’Flaming Reindeers consist of the hotel’s associates united from all departments.Starting from November, they practised twice weekly with each session lasting acouple of hours. Assistant Director of Marketing Ms Lydia Mae Hendroff, who was alsothe team manager commented, “I am very proud of all my associates, squeezing intime on top of their workload to attend every practice. Their commitment and All aboard to spread some festive cheer.dedication are something I appreciate and it is their drive that keeps d’Flaming Reindeers on tour year after year.”d’Flaming Reindeers have been touring every year to the companies of the hotel’s corporate clients. It was PutrajayaMarriott Hotel & Spa’s way of saying “Thank You” for their continuous support and end the year on a high note!£C hristmas Charity with Shepherd’s HomeHaving a fun jolly time.On 15 December 2012, Palm GardenHotel invited children of Shepherd’sHome, Dengkil for a cosy ChristmasCharity. The event kicked off with thechildren’s fun and cheerful carolling atthe Palms Café rendering all-timefavourites such as Jingle Bells, Here ComesSanta Claus and more. Santa Claus alsomade an appearance during the eventgiving out sweets to everyone.Then the hotel associates enjoyed alovely Christmas hi-tea with the childrenwhere they tucked into whole roastturkey with condiments, spaghetti withcarbonara sauce, other hi-tea delightsand desserts including scrumptiousChristmas cookies and ice-cream. Afterthe delicious meal, the kids were treatedto games such as musical chairs andmore by the Recreation team.£Belting out sweet Christmas tunes.

32 HOTELBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>Familiarisation <strong>To</strong>ursatPalm Garden HotelPalm Garden Hotel collaborated with <strong>To</strong>urism Malaysia and GayaTravel Magazine for the familiarisation tours of Kembara Cuti-Cuti Selangor from 19 to 22 October and the Kembara Kraf Selangorfrom 7 to 9 November 2012.For the Kembara Cuti-Cuti Selangor, Palm Garden Hotel partlyhosted the group of 56 consisting of travel agent operators, mediaand bloggers. The group enjoyed a 4D/3N tour of the currentand upcoming tourist destinations available around Selangorsuch as Skytrex Adventure, Asian Water Sports Village, RajaTun Uda Library and many more interesting locations.Participants stayed for a night in Palm Garden Hotel and themanagement took the opportunity to introduce the groupto the fun activities available around the hotel such as theTarget Shooting arena and other recreational facilities.GORENGGORENGwithIbu No’uOn 3 December 2012, Palm GardenHotel had the pleasure of Ibu No’ustaying at the hotel in conjunction with theMalaysian Agriculture, Horticulture and Agroculture Exhibition held at the Malaysia AgroExposition Park. Hailing from North Sulawesi,Ibu No’u has the uncanny ability to fryingredients in boiling hot oil with her barehands without getting burnt. She had beenselling banana fritters at the MAHA 2012 forthe 10-day event.For this one day, Ibu No’u fried a varietyof fruits and vegetables such as cempedak,bananas and sweet potatoes at the PalmsCafé Terrace for the viewing of hotel guestsand staffs. The fried items were then sold forRM1 each whereby the proceeds from thesales were donated to the Gaza Fund, acause very dear to the heart of Ibu No’u. Theguests and staffs were in awe watching the53-year old deftly frying the items with herhands.£During the Kembara Kraf Selangor in November,the hotel also partly sponsored the group of 42, thistime mainly members of the media. Throughout thefamiliarisation tour, the group was shown the manycreative destinations available in Selangor such as batikpainting at D’Har Sdn Bhd, beautiful wood carvings atQistina Wood Craft and pewter art at Unggul Art and DesignSdn Bhd. While they spent two nights at Palm Garden Hotel,the management organised a tour to reveal the proposedupgraded hotel rooms which are set to be completed byApril 2013.£

HOTELBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>33Swingıng the C ubat Palm Garden Golf ClubSince the refurbishment and re-launch of Palm Garden GolfClub (PGGC) on 1 April 2012, the new golf course has attracteda string of distinguished golfers from all over the country who arechallenged by its new closing signature Hole 18.Despite the recent downpours, the mood at PGGC continued totee off to great heights as it welcomed a number of dignitaries andVVIP guests including the Queen’s entourage, Deputy PrimeMinister, Home Minister and more for a golf swing or two, all ofwhom have gone on to be familiar faces on the club’s scenicfairways.Besides these distinguished patrons, the premier public golfcourse also enjoyed a positive share of event bookings from thecorporate and government sector such as Telekom Malaysia,Malaysia Airlines, Tradewinds, Standard Chartered Bank, Palm OilRefiners Association of Malaysia (PORAM), MARDI, Wilhelmsen<strong>Group</strong>, Petronas, KLCC and Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN),just to name a few.As the festivities and school holidays kepteveryone busy with family and leisureactivities, PGGC took the opportunityto carry out maintenance works onthe greens to maintain the golfcourse at the premium standardthat most visitors have come toDeputy Prime Ministerheading to the tee-box.expect. PGCC will be ready towelcome the avid golfers whenthey return for a fresh new startin 2013.£Queen withflight mateTengku Puteriadjourningfor lunch.<strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Executive ChairmanTan Sri Dato’ Lee Shin Chengexchanging words with the HomeMinister during KDN’s golf event.Standard Chartered Bank heldtheir annual golf event recently atPGGC on 6 November 2012.

34 FOUNDATIONBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>Awards RecordRM1,334,960 to25 ScholarshipRecipientsOn 17 November 2012, Yayasan Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng (Yayasan TSLSC)marked a significant day as it awarded a record RM1,334,960 worth ofscholarships and academic grants to 25 outstanding students in recognitionof their excellent academic and extra-curricular achievements. This was thehighest scholarship contribution since the introduction of the scholarshipawards in 1998.At the Yayasan TSLSC Scholarship Presentation Ceremony 2012/2013,<strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Executive Director Dato’ Lee Yeow Chor congratulated the deservingstudents on their achievements and gave some words of advice to the youngstudents on the brink of university life. He then presented a mock cheque ofRM1,334,960 to Yayasan TSLSC’s Executive Director Datin Joanne Wong.The <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’s corporate video was shown to give the scholarship recipients a betterunderstanding of <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’s diverse business divisions, followed by informative presentationsby Senior General Manager of <strong>Group</strong> Engineering Mr Wong Chee Kuan on resource-basedactivities and Human Resource Manager Mr Low Kia Wei on the viable career path in <strong>IOI</strong><strong>Group</strong>.On behalf of the 2012/2013 batch of scholarship recipients, Mr Edmund Lau, a ChemicalEngineering student from Universiti Teknologi Petronas, thanked Yayasan TSLSC and <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>for the educational assistance. He summed up their joy by expressing gratitude to their parentsand vowing to do their best to graduate with top honours.After receiving their awards, the scholars and parentsadjourned for high tea at Palm Garden Hotel.£Dato’ Lee congratulating the scholarship recipients in his speech.Senior General Managerof <strong>Group</strong> EngineeringMr Wong giving adetailed presentationof <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’sresource-basedmanufacturingdivision.HumanResourceManagerMr Low imparting someadvice on what it takes to succeedin the corporate world.Dato’ Lee presenting the mock cheque to Datin Joanne Wong.Mr Edmund Lau lookingforward to joining <strong>IOI</strong><strong>Group</strong> and having abright future.

FOUNDATIONBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>35Brings <strong>To</strong>ng Yuen CheertoUnderprivileged FolksIn conjunction with the Winter Solstice (Dongzhi)celebration, residents of Persatuan Rumah AmalMurni, Kajang (PRAM) rejoiced with glee as 30volunteers of <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> and Yayasan Tan Sri LeeShin Cheng (“Yayasan TSLSC”) brought the festivityinto their home on 15 December 2012.The home was established in April 2005 andcurrently houses 26 residents comprising seniorcitizens, orphans plus adult and children whoare suffering from Down Syndrome andphysical disability.After being served KFC lunch by thevolunteers, the residents had a great timeplaying “Musical Chair” and trying their handsat paper windmill handicraft.While some volunteers made “tong yuen”(glutinous rice balls delicacy), others interactedwith the residents and entertained them withMandarin songs. During the “<strong>IOI</strong> Style” dance(a parody of Psy’s Gangnam Style), even <strong>IOI</strong><strong>Group</strong> Executive Director Dato’ Lee Yeow Chorand Executive Director of Yayasan TSLSC DatinJoanne Wong sportingly joined in!“December babies” were feted with birthdaywishes and everyone was happy to share in thebirthday cake. Datin Joanne and volunteers then served“tong yuen” to the residents who also received goodiebags filled with personal necessities and toiletries.“It was nice to see all the smiles as we opened our heartsto help the PRAM residents in celebrating this meaningful festival.I am much encouraged by the visit and convinced that we can domore for the community,” said Datin Joanne Wong.<strong>To</strong> cap off a memorable visit, Dato’ Lee and Datin Joanne presented a chequeworth RM8,000 to President of the home’s committee Mr Poon Swee Hang.£1. A delicious spread of tong yuen.2. Patiently and lovingly feeding KFCto a special needs child.3. Putting plenty of love and tendernessinto a bowl of ‘tong yuen’.4. Let’s see now who gets the final chair...5. December babies celebratinga joyous celebration with a hugepandan layered cake.6. Executive Director of Yayasan TSLSCDatin Joanne Wong delighting the PRAMresidents with bags of goodies.7. <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Executive Director Dato’ Leebreaking out in a parody of Gangnam stylewith five “<strong>IOI</strong> Style” dancers.8. With love and patience,the volunteers reached outto feed KFC to a blindwheelchair-bound woman.

36FAMILY SPIRITBERITA<strong>IOI</strong>2012 Year-EndPartyatHQPlantation Division puttingon a jailhouse-rocking show.Dato’ Lee wishing everyonea Happy New Year!Corporate Division introducingits different-genre dancers.Year-End Lunch Gathering was held on 17 December 2012 for all employees from theA <strong>IOI</strong> Head Office in appreciation of another successful year and to celebrate the holiday season.<strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Executive Chairman Tan Sri Dato’ Lee Shin Cheng was present to grace the happy occasion alongwith the senior management team.<strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Executive Director Dato’ Lee Yeow Chor set the ball rolling with a brief heart-warmingmessage. Then the much awaited “Dancing through the Ages” contest brought the crowd to cheers as thePlantation and Corporate Divisions showcased dances from the 60s right through to Gangnam Style.Judges comprising Executive Director of Yayasan Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng Datin Joanne Wong, SeniorGeneral Manager (<strong>Group</strong> Engineering) Mr Wong Chee Kuan and Senior General Manager (Marketing &Business Development) Ms LeeYoke Har voted for the14-member dance troupe fromthe Plantation Division withtheir attractive dance props andmesmerising steps to the music ofJailhouse Rock to Roly Poly, and Dancing Queen toGangnam Style over the Corporate Division troupe whichdanced to the medley of Seeing You Make Me Smile,Bendito Rumba, Chilli Cha Cha, Tango del Rio, Like Thisand Pretty.Next came the excitement of the “Creativity in Action”Contest where teams from the three divisions wereprovided with 20 sticks of uncooked spaghetti, strands of Plantation Division – the dance champions.thread, scissors, masking tape and a marshmallow each tobuild and sustain the “tallest free-standing structure”with a marshmallow positioned on top of the structure.The Plantation Division won the challenge again withtheir Eiffel <strong>To</strong>wer construction while the Corporateand Property Divisions grabbed the second and thirdplace respectively.The “Employee of the Year” and “<strong>IOI</strong> ServiceChampion” were also unveiled inappreciation of the employees’outstanding performance andcontributions to <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>.The runner-up of the dance competition was the Corporate Division.Makan time to end the yearon a scrumptious note!

Year2O12 in Review37BERITA<strong>IOI</strong>SPECIALJANUARY<strong>IOI</strong> Properties Berhad, through its subsidiary Multiwealth(Singapore) Pte Ltd, won the bid for a 99-year leasehold2.4 hectares parcel of land in Clementi earmarked forcondominium development for RM995.5 million.FEBRUARY<strong>IOI</strong> Loders CroklaanEurope received theAuthorised EconomicOperator (AEO) status– a quality mark forcompanies to enjoysimplified customprocedures and better control over operational as wellas transportation standards.APRILPalm Garden Golf Club unveiled a new scenic18-hole course spanning across 125 acres.MAYSouth Beach development in Singaporegarnered two Building and ConstructionAuthority (BCA) Green Mark PlatinumAwards for its Residential andCommercial componentsrespectively.As part of <strong>IOI</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’s rebranding exerciseto strengthen its identity and brand presence,new signages were successfully installedat all plantation estates.<strong>IOI</strong> Properties Berhadwon the BCI Asia<strong>To</strong>p 10 DevelopersAward 2012 forthe secondconsecutive year.<strong>IOI</strong> Loders CroklaanAmericas unveiled itsplant expansionproject named“APEX” (AdvancedPalm Expansion) inChannahon, Illinoiswhich is reputed to beWestern Hemisphere’slargest palm oilprocessing plant.

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