cpancf service agreement form - Clinical Psychology Associates of ...

cpancf service agreement form - Clinical Psychology Associates of ...

cpancf service agreement form - Clinical Psychology Associates of ...


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depositions or court appearances (outside <strong>of</strong> Alachua or Marion Counties) fees are based upon $3800 per full day, or$2000 per ½ day (9-1 or 1-4) in addition to travel expenses (flight, car rental or mileage may apply) and a $150-200per day per diem for lodging and up to $50 per day for meals.CONTACTING USDue to our work schedule, your therapist may not be immediately available by telephone. We usually have staffavailable to answer phones between 9 AM and 5 PM excluding holidays and weekends. Brief, routine after hourmessages may be left on <strong>of</strong>fice voicemail and will be reviewed by our front <strong>of</strong>fice staff and responded to duringnormal business hours. Our after-hours voice mail also provides a phone number to reach us with more urgent afterhoursmatters. When you leave messages at the <strong>of</strong>fice, we will make efforts to return your call within 24-72 hours,with the exception <strong>of</strong> weekends, holidays, or if we are out <strong>of</strong> town. In some cases, we may have one <strong>of</strong> theCPANCF psychologists, residents, assistants or staff return your call if we are not available or on vacation. In othercases we may arrange for coverage with the independent practice <strong>of</strong> C. Russell Clifton, Ph.D. if we are out <strong>of</strong> town.If you are difficult to reach, please in<strong>form</strong> us <strong>of</strong> some times when you will be available.If you are unable to reach us and feel that you can’t wait for us to return your call, contact your family physician orthe nearest emergency room and ask for the psychologist or psychiatrist on call. In case <strong>of</strong> medical emergencies,overdoses <strong>of</strong> medication or situations where your physical health or safety is in immediate danger call 911.Our website is for educational purposes only. Please do not use our website to contact us with any patientin<strong>form</strong>ation. We do not always check the site regularly for e-mail and any correspondence received is not secure.LIMITS ON CONFIDENTIALITYThe law protects the privacy <strong>of</strong> all communications between a patient and a psychologist, but some situations areexcluded by law. In most situations, we can only release in<strong>form</strong>ation about your treatment to others if you sign awritten Authorization <strong>form</strong> that meets certain legal requirements imposed by HIPAA and/or other Federal or Statelaw.There are other situations that require only that you provide written, advance consent. Your signature on thisAgreement provides consent for the following activities and those provided in the attached Notice:• We may occasionally find it helpful to consult other health and mental health pr<strong>of</strong>essionals about a case. During aconsultation, we make every effort to avoid revealing the identity <strong>of</strong> our patients. The other pr<strong>of</strong>essionals are alsolegally bound to keep the in<strong>form</strong>ation confidential. If you don’t object, we will not tell you about theseconsultations unless we feel that it is important to our work together. We will note all consultations in your <strong>Clinical</strong>Record (which is called “PHI” in my Notice <strong>of</strong> Psychologist’s Policies and Practices to Protect the Privacy <strong>of</strong> YourHealth In<strong>form</strong>ation).• You should be aware that we share <strong>of</strong>fices with and practice with other mental health pr<strong>of</strong>essionals and that weemploy administrative staff, residents, students and interns. In most cases, we need to share protected in<strong>form</strong>ationwith these individuals for both clinical and administrative purposes, such as scheduling, billing, returning messagesto you, and quality assurance. All <strong>of</strong> the mental health pr<strong>of</strong>essionals are bound by the same rules <strong>of</strong> confidentiality.All staff members, students and interns have been given training about protecting your privacy and have agreed notto release any in<strong>form</strong>ation outside <strong>of</strong> the practice without the permission <strong>of</strong> a pr<strong>of</strong>essional staff member.• We have contracts with a number <strong>of</strong> independent practices, government and state agencies, municipalities,employee assistance programs, billing program vendors, and hardware and s<strong>of</strong>tware vendors/maintenanceindividuals and companies and entities which are considered “Business <strong>Associates</strong>”. When applicable and requiredby HIPAA, we have <strong>form</strong>al Business Associate contracts with these businesses, in which they promise to maintainthe confidentiality <strong>of</strong> any data they are disclosed or come into contact with except as specifically allowed in the4

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