2014 Buyers' Guide - Filtration News

2014 Buyers' Guide - Filtration News

2014 Buyers' Guide - Filtration News

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Company | <strong>News</strong>Quantachrome to Open Facility in IndiaBy Ken Norberg, EditorQuantachrome India will supportsales, marketing, andservice of Florida, USAbasedQuantachrome’s entire range ofparticle characterization instruments inIndia. With the rapid advancement ofmaterial science technology, research,and industry, the Indian market hasgrown to be one of Quantachrome’smost important overseas markets. Theestablishment of Quantachrome Indiawill strengthen Quantachrome’s positionin India for its core technologies of poresize analysis, pore structure analysis,surface density, surface area, water vaporsorption, and representative sampling.Quantachrome’s surface characterizationtechnologies are critical in enablingadvanced industries to developnew age materials, and characterize thesurface characteristics of existing powdersand porous materials. Industriessuch as petrochemical, chemical, catalyst,ceramics, carbon, polymers, energy,pharmaceutical, food, paints,medical device, metal powders, agriculture,mining, and pigments, utilizeQuantachrome’s laboratory surfacecharacterization analyzers to help themunderstand how a porous or powderedmaterial’s surface properties influencetheir performance attributes.Over the last ten years, India has witnesseda rapid advancement in both researchand industrial production in areasthat benefit from Quantachrome’s familyof material characterization instrumentation.This has resulted in the rapidgrowth of the Indian market for surfacecharacterization instrumentation.Quantachrome India willstrengthen the support of existing customersin India, as well as allow it tomore closely support new customers.Quantachrome India has been staffedby individuals with an average of 10years of experience in selling and supportingQuantachrome’s surface areaand porosity analyzers.Quantachrome’s Director of InternationalSales, Jeff Dixon commented:“We are very pleased to put in placethe infrastructure and resources thatwill allow us to support the growth ofthe surface characterization market inIndia in the coming years. Quantachromeprides itself on providing superiorlocal sales and technical supportfor our laboratory instrumentation.Due to the unparalleled combined experienceof the management staff ofQuantachrome India with our products,applications and technologies, weare confident that they will be able toprovide superior support to our existingand new customers in India.”Quantachrome India succeededQuantachrome Instruments’ now formerpartner, Blue Star Limited, on July10, 2013.For 45 years, Quantachrome’s scientistsand engineers have revolutionizedmeasurement techniques and designedinstrumentation to enable the accurate,precise, and reliable characterization ofpowdered and porous materials. Thecompany has an unwavering commitmentto providing state of the art technology,and unparalleled superiorcustomer service and support.FN32 • August 2013 • www.filtnews.comFor more information contact:Quantachrome InstrumentsWebsite: www.quantachrome.com

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