Syllabus - Courses in Psychology - UCLA

Syllabus - Courses in Psychology - UCLA

Syllabus - Courses in Psychology - UCLA


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<strong>Psychology</strong> 112B http://courses.psych.ucla.edu/ W<strong>in</strong>ter 2010Dr. M. S. Fanselow Office hours: Mon 10:00-11:008643 Franz TR 9:30-10:45am KNSY PV 1200B<strong>Syllabus</strong>: Psychobiology of Fear and AnxietyYOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INFORMATION IN THIS SYLLABUS.PLEASE READ IT. THERE ARE THINGS HERE YOU MUST KNOW TO PASS THECLASS.Course Content: Fear is one of the most powerful emotions, and is present <strong>in</strong> manyforms of psychopathology. This course will attempt to answer the questions of “what isfear?” and “why do we experience fear?” from a biological perspective. Toward this goalwe will exam<strong>in</strong>e laboratory research and theoretical views of fear. Our <strong>in</strong>vestigations willdeal primarily with laboratory data mostly collected from animals other than humans,although to some extent how these data relate to anxiety disorders <strong>in</strong> humans will bediscussed.Course Requirements: The course will be based on lecture material. There will berecommended read<strong>in</strong>g to complement the lecture material. These can be downloadedfrom the course web site. Exams will cover the read<strong>in</strong>g only to the extent the material wasalso covered <strong>in</strong> lecture.Student Evaluation:Exams: There will be 3 short answer format exams. They are dur<strong>in</strong>g lecture on April 26,May 17, and dur<strong>in</strong>g f<strong>in</strong>als week (June 12 @ 3 pm). The first 2 exams will be <strong>in</strong> classand will each contribute 23% to your grade. The last exam, given dur<strong>in</strong>g f<strong>in</strong>als week, willbe 31% of your grade. While it will be the same format of the other exams it will alsohave a few course overview questions.The exams must be taken on the assigned date. There are no makeups and amissed exam will be scored as a failure. Please check this syllabus and the f<strong>in</strong>al examschedule before you make any travel plans, etc.Exam format: Each exam will be short answer format. The idea is that the ideal, wellthought-out, answer will be 2-3 sentences.Course Schedule: The last page of the syllabus provides a schedule of lecture topics.Recommended read<strong>in</strong>gs are listed by week <strong>in</strong> on the course web site. I will attempt tostay on the lecture schedule but gett<strong>in</strong>g ahead or (more likely) beh<strong>in</strong>d is probable. Examswill cover all lectures given prior to the exam, regardless of the schedule.Plagiarism: There is an honor code <strong>in</strong> force for this course. All students are required tosubmit only their own work. Students are not to communicate with other students dur<strong>in</strong>gexams <strong>in</strong> any way. No notes or books can be visible dur<strong>in</strong>g exams. Additionally anyknowledge of a violation of the honor code must be reported to the Professor,immediately. Any plagiarism, cheat<strong>in</strong>g or other violations of this honor code will result <strong>in</strong>an automatic grade of F <strong>in</strong> the course and be reported to the Dean of Students.1

Web Page: There will be a class web page. It will have the recommended read<strong>in</strong>gs. Thesite can be accessed throughhttp://courses.psych.ucla.edu/course.php?srs=328346200&term=10W.Office Hours:Dr Fanselow Mondays 10:00-11:00 8643 Franz HallLily Brown (TA) Mondays 11:00-12:00 A281 FranzPlease do not email the TA or Professor directly with questions about course content.Post these questions to the Discussion Board on the Course Web page and they will beanswered. Access the web page through: http://courses.psych.ucla.edu/2

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