Personal Style Inventory

Personal Style Inventory

Personal Style Inventory


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STYLE INVENTORY<strong>Personal</strong> <strong>Style</strong> <strong>Inventory</strong>Check the word or phrase in each set that is most like you.1. __ Competitive1. __ Tries new ideas1. __ Will power1. __ Daring2. __ Joyful2. __ Optimistic2. __ Open-minded2. __ Expressive3. __ Considerate3. __ Wants to please3. __ Cheerful3. __ Satisfied4. __ Harmonious4. __ Respectful4. __ Obliging4. __ Diplomatic1. __ Powerful1. __ Restless1. __ Unconquerable1. __ Self-reliant2. __ Good mixer2. __ Popular2. __ Playful2. __ Fun-loving3. __ Easy on others3. __ Neighborly3. __ Obedient3. __ Patient4. __ Organized4. __ Abides by rules4. __ Fussy4. __ Soft-Spoken1. __ Bold1. __ Outspoken1. __ Brave1. __ Nervy2. __ Charming2. __ Companionable2. __ Inspiring2. __ Jovial3. __ Loyal3. __ Restrained3. __ Submissive3. __ Even-tempered4. __ Easily led4. __ Accurate4. __ Timid4. __ Precise1. __ Stubborn1. __ Decisive1. __ Positive1. __ Takes risks2. __ Attractive2. __ Talkative2. __ Trusting2. __ Warm3. __ Sweet3. __ Controlled3. __ Contented3. __ Willing to help4. __ Avoids4. __ Conventional4. __ Peaceful4. __ Not extreme1. __ Argumentative1. __ Original1. __ Determined1. __ Persistent2. __ Light-hearted2. __ Persuasive2. __ Convincing2. __ Lively3. __ Nonchalant3. __ Gentle3. __ Good-natured3. __ Generous4. __ Adaptable4. __ Humble4. __ Cautious4. __ Well-disciplined1. __ Forceful1. __ Assertive1. __ Aggressive1. __ Eager2. __ Admirable2. __ Confident2. __ Life-of-the-party2. __ High-spirited3. __ Kind3. __ Sympathetic3. __ Easily fooled3. __ Willing4. __ Non-resisting4. __ Tolerant4. __ Uncertain4. __ AgreeableSource: David Merrill & Roger Reid, <strong>Personal</strong> <strong>Style</strong>s and Effective Performance, 1981.

STYLE INVENTORYTallying the <strong>Personal</strong> <strong>Style</strong> <strong>Inventory</strong>: Instructions1. Count the number of “ones” that you marked. Write that number in the Tally Box marked#1. Do the same with the numbers two, three, and four.2. On the first tally box below, draw a line through the number on the bar graph thatcorresponds with your total number of “ones." This is the end line for your bar graph.3. Beginning at the left end, shade the space on the bar up to your end line on the first bargraph.4. Do the same for the second, third, and fourth graphs.5. The longest bar is your predominant style. The second longest bar is your backup style.Tally BoxDriver1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18Expressive2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16Amiable3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16Analytic4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14TOTAL (equals 24)

STYLE INVENTORYPeer <strong>Style</strong> <strong>Inventory</strong>Check the word or phrase in each set that is most like:1. __ Competitive1. __ Tries new ideas1. __ Will power1. __ Daring2. __ Joyful2. __ Optimistic2. __ Open-minded2. __ Expressive3. __ Considerate3. __ Wants to please3. __ Cheerful3. __ Satisfied4. __ Harmonious4. __ Respectful4. __ Obliging4. __ Diplomatic1. __ Powerful1. __ Restless1. __ Unconquerable1. __ Self-reliant2. __ Good mixer2. __ Popular2. __ Playful2. __ Fun-loving3. __ Easy on others3. __ Neighborly3. __ Obedient3. __ Patient4. __ Organized4. __ Abides by rules4. __ Fussy4. __ Soft-Spoken1. __ Bold1. __ Outspoken1. __ Brave1. __ Nervy2. __ Charming2. __ Companionable2. __ Inspiring2. __ Jovial3. __ Loyal3. __ Restrained3. __ Submissive3. __ Even-tempered4. __ Easily led4. __ Accurate4. __ Timid4. __ Precise1. __ Stubborn1. __ Decisive1. __ Positive1. __ Takes risks2. __ Attractive2. __ Talkative2. __ Trusting2. __ Warm3. __ Sweet3. __ Controlled3. __ Contented3. __ Willing to help4. __ Avoids4. __ Conventional4. __ Peaceful4. __ Not extreme1. __ Argumentative1. __ Original1. __ Determined1. __ Persistent2. __ Light-hearted2. __ Persuasive2. __ Convincing2. __ Lively3. __ Nonchalant3. __ Gentle3. __ Good-natured3. __ Generous4. __ Adaptable4. __ Humble4. __ Cautious4. __ Well-disciplined1. __ Forceful1. __ Assertive1. __ Aggressive1. __ Eager2. __ Admirable2. __ Confident2. __ Life-of-the-party2. __ High-spirited3. __ Kind3. __ Sympathetic3. __ Easily fooled3. __ Willing4. __ Non-resisting4. __ Tolerant4. __ Uncertain4. __ AgreeableSource: David Merrill & Roger Reid, <strong>Personal</strong> <strong>Style</strong>s and Effective Performance, 1981.

Tallying the PEER <strong>Style</strong> <strong>Inventory</strong>: InstructionsSTYLE INVENTORY1. Count the number of “ones” that you marked. Write that number in the Tally Box marked#1. Do the same with the numbers two, three, and four.2. On the first scale, draw a line through the number on the bar graph that correspondswith your total number of “ones." This is the end line for your bar graph.3. Beginning at the left end, shade the space on the bar up to your end line on the first bargraph.4. Do the same for the second, third, and fourth graphs.5. The longest bar is your predominant style. The second longest bar is your backup style.Tally BoxDriver1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18Expressive2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16Amiable3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16Analytic4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14TOTAL (equals 24)

Assumptions About <strong>Personal</strong> <strong>Style</strong>sSTYLE INVENTORYThere is no best or worst style.All styles have advantages and disadvantages. All styles are effective whenappropriate to the situation and implemented well.There are no pure styles.We all have parts of each style in us. However, we also have one style thatpredominates, one style in which we are most comfortable and which requiresthe least energy and stress.Behavior style does not explain the whole person.It only defines perceived patterns of behavior. It does not address personality oran understanding of how an individual thinks or feels.Much of the population is different than you are.Other people have different needs. Therefore, they communicate in a differentmanner, use time differently, relate in a different way, make decisions, andmanage conflict in a way that differs from how you do it.We all have goals we hope to attain and results we wish to achieve.However, different interpersonal priorities influence how we go aboutaccomplishing these ends.

STYLE INVENTORY<strong>Style</strong> <strong>Inventory</strong> DescriptionsDRIVER EXPRESSIVE AMIABLE ANALYTICAction orientedVerbalPatientDiplomaticDecisiveMotivatingLoyalAccurateA problem solverEnthusiasticSympatheticConscientiousDirectGregariousA team personA fact finderAssertiveConvincingRelaxedSystematicDemandingEmotionalMatureLogicalA risk takerImpulsiveOrganizedConventionalForcefulGenerousQuestioningAnalyticalAdventuresomeInfluentialSupportiveSensitiveCompetitiveCharmingStableControlledSelf-reliantConfidentConsiderateOrderlyIndependentInspiringEmpatheticPreciseDeterminedDramaticPerseveringDisciplinedAn agitatorOptimisticTrustingDeliberateResults orientedAnimatedCongenialCautiousHIGH WANTSHIGH WANTSHIGH WANTSHIGH WANTSChallengesSocial recognitionGuaranteesHigh standardsAuthorityFreedom from detailsSecurityDetailsPowerTo be with peopleAppreciationPerfectionFreedom from controlsProvide serviceQuality controlTraditional proceduresOptionsGroup activitiesSpecialization

STYLE INVENTORYThe DRIVER STYLE: Task SpecialistThe DoerLISTENINGStrong willedIndependentPracticalDecisiveEfficientPushySevereToughDominatingHarshAUTOCRATIC POWERBehaviorsVerbal/VocalFasterMore statementsLouderMonotoneFocuses on taskUses facts/dataNon-VerbalPoints at othersLeans forward to make pointDirect eye contactClosed handsRigid postureControlled facial expressionRecognizedBySwift reaction timeMaximum effort to controlMinimum concern for caution in relationshipsPresent time frameDirect actionTendency to reject inactionNeed for control/results/achievement

STYLE INVENTORYThe AMIABLE STYLE: Relationship SpecialistThe FeelerINITIATIONSupportiveRespectfulWillingDependableAgreeableConformingUnsurePliableDependentAwkwardCOMPLIANCEBehaviorsVerbal/VocalSlowerFewer statementsSofterVocal inflectionFocuses on peopleUses opinions/storiesNon-VerbalHands relaxed or cuppedLeans back while talkingIndirect eye contactOpen palmsCasual postureAnimated expressionRecognizedByUnhurried reaction timeMaximum effort to relateMinimum concern for effecting changePresent time frameSupportive actionTendency to reject conflictNeed for cooperation/personal security/acceptance

STYLE INVENTORYThe ANALYTIC STYLE: Technical SpecialistThe AnalyzerDECLARATIONIndustriousPersistentSeriousExactingOrderlyCriticalIndecisiveStuffyPickyMoralisticAVOIDANCEBehaviorsVerbal/VocalSlowerFewer statementsSofterMonotoneFocuses on taskUses facts/dataNon-VerbalHands relaxed or cuppedLeans back while talkingIndirect eye contactClosed handsRigid postureControlled facial expressionRecognizedBySlow reaction timeMaximum effort to organizeMinimum concern for relationshipsHistorical time frameCautious actionTendency to reject involvementNeed for accuracy/being right/achievement

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