African Studies 2010 - Library

African Studies 2010 - Library

African Studies 2010 - Library


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JournalsInternational <strong>African</strong> InstituteThe International <strong>African</strong> Institute (IAI)was founded in 1926 in London and haspublished its renowned journal Africa since1928. The IAI promotes the scholarly studyof Africa’s history, societies and culturesand realises its aims primarily by means ofscholarly publishing. Africa is known as theworld’s leading journal on local-level cultureand social change in Africa.Visit the Edinburgh University Press <strong>African</strong><strong>Studies</strong> webpage for more information onour <strong>African</strong> <strong>Studies</strong> book, series and journalpublishing:www.euppublishing.com/page/<strong>African</strong><strong>Studies</strong>Edinburgh University Press, in associationwith the IAI, also publishes the International<strong>African</strong> <strong>Library</strong>, a major vehicle for makingavailable some of the most importantoriginal scholarship on Africa in the fieldsof anthropology, sociology, politics andhistory.www.internationalafricaninstitute.orgJOURNALAfricaJournal of the International <strong>African</strong>InstituteEditor: Professor Karin Barber, University ofBirminghamAfrica, the premier journal devoted to thestudy of <strong>African</strong> societies and culture, remainsthe main UK-based, international journalpublishing on the whole of Africa, and in alldisciplines of the humanities, social sciencesand environmental studies, while retaining itshistoric core orientation to ethnographicallyrich, historically informed knowledge of life onthe ground in Africa.Africa aims to give increased attentionto <strong>African</strong> production of knowledge,highlighting the work of local <strong>African</strong> thinkersand writers, emerging social and culturaltrends ‘on the ground’, and links betweenlocal and national levels of society. At thesame time, it maintains its commitment to thetheoretically informed analysis of the realitiesof Africa’s own cultural categories. Each issuecontains five or six major articles, arrangedthematically, extensive review essays andsubstantial book reviews.Four issues per year o volume 80 o <strong>2010</strong>ISSN 0001-9720 o eISSN 1750-0184www.eupjournals.com/AFRLocal <strong>African</strong> Intellectuals StrandAfrica features a thematic strand highlightingthe work of local <strong>African</strong> thinkers andwriters, especially those who are not partof the mainstream academic or political lifeand whose work is often unpublished, orpublished in obscure or empheral outlets.<strong>African</strong> Countries InitiativeAfrica is available free of charge, in electronicformat, to libraries and non-profit researchand educational institutions in Africa. Byopening the journal up to institutions inAfrica, the Institute is fulfilling its historicmission and highest priority to promoteaccess to <strong>African</strong> research and publicationinternationally.Further information for Librarians is availableat www.eupjournals.com/page/infoZone/librariansFor a full list of qualifying countries, visitwww.eupjournals.com/afrwww.euppublishing.com 3

JournalsAfrica special issues are frequent and recenthighlights include:Knowledge in PracticeExpertise and the Transmission ofKnowledgeAfrica Volume 79 Issue 1Guest Editors: Kai Kresse & Trevor H. J.MarchandThis collection illustrates the exercise of‘expertise’, and explores the criteria by whichexpert knowledge is judged and the socialprocesses of its validation. Grounded inethnographic fieldwork among builders,healers, diviners, poets and Islamic scholars,the articles reflect upon the words and deedsof skilled practitioners as they are enouncedand enacted in the realm of ritual and thesacred, as well as in the schedule of everydaylife and work. Set within local networks andthe wider context of national agendas andglobal economies, a multiplicity of channelsfor the constitution of knowledge and thenegotiation of expertise are explored.February 2009 o 160ppPb o 978 0 7486 3889 5 o £16.99Perspectives on Vigilantism in NigeriaAfrica Volume 78 Issue 1Guest Editor: David PrattenThis collection focuses on the rise ofvigilantism and the privatization of armedsecurity in Nigeria from a number of freshperspectives that move beyond the ‘collapsedstate’ thesis to grasp the more productive anddynamic dimensions of sociality and securityboth today and during the colonial period.January 2008 o 168pp o ePb o 978 0 7486 3600 6 o £16.99Nature as Local Heritage in AfricaAfrica Volume 77 Issue 1Guest Editors: Thomas J. Bassett &Marie-Christine Cormier-SalemThis collection of papers presents the fruitsof a collaborative project between <strong>African</strong>,American and French scholars seeking tounderstand in more specific terms hownatural heritage, territory, and identity relateto each other.January 2007 o 168ppPb o 978 0 7486 3264 0 o £19.99<strong>African</strong> Socialisms and PostsocialismsAfrica Volume 76 Issue 1Guest Editors: Anne Pitcher & Kelly AskewAlthough scholars have written in depthon the downfall of socialist and communistregimes in the former Soviet Union and Eastand Central Europe, the impact of thesechanges on socialist states in Africa wasno less monumental. This pathbreakingcollection of papers documents the fate ofthese <strong>African</strong> postsocialist states.January 2007 o 128ppPb o 978 0 7486 2483 6 o £17.99ALSO AVAILABLECollective Memory, Reproduction andGeneration in AfricaAfrica Volume 75 Issue 1Pamela Feldman-SavelsbergJanuary 2005 o 124ppPb o 978 0 7486 2397 6 o £19.99Grandparents and GrandchildrenAfrica Volume 74 Issue 1Wenzel Geissler, Erdmute Albur &Susan WhyteJanuary 2004 o 128ppPb o 978 0 7486 2525 3 o £17.994 <strong>African</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>

JournalsAfrica BibliographyCompiler: T. A. Barringer, Editor, <strong>African</strong>Research and Documentation and formerlyLibararian, Royal Commonwealth Society(1991-1996 compiled by Chris Allen)‘… an essential reference guide to be consultedby academics, students and researchers with aninterest in Africa … The International <strong>African</strong>Institute are to be commended for this annualcollection.’ - Association of Southern <strong>African</strong>Indexers and BibliographersISSN 0266-6731 o eISSN 1757-1642www.eupjournals.com/ABIBFORTHCOMINGAfrica Bibliography 2008November 2009 o 440ppPb o 978 0 7486 4031 7 o £100.00ALSO AVAILABLEAfrica Bibliography 2007December 2008 o 440ppPb o 978 0 7486 3851 2 o £100.00Africa Bibliography 2006November 2007 o 370ppPb o 978 0 7486 3441 5 o £99.95Africa Bibliography 2005March 2007 o 400ppPb o 978 0 7486 2775 2 o £99.95Africa Bibliography 2004January 2005 o 400ppPb o 978 0 7486 2466 9 o £99.95Africa Bibliography 2003December 2004 o 400ppPb o 978 0 7486 2398 3 o £99.95Africa Bibliography 2002December 2003 o 400ppPb o 978 0 7486 2091 3 o £99.95Africa Bibliography 2001December 2002 o 400ppPb o 978 0 7486 1821 7 o £99.95Africa Bibliography 2000December 2001 o 400ppPb o 978 0 7486 1663 3 o £99.95Africa Bibliography 1999December 2000 o 400ppPb o 978 0 7486 1580 3 o £99.95Africa Bibliography 1998December 1999 o 400ppPb o 978 0 7486 1492 9 o £99.95Africa Bibliography 1997June 2000 o 400ppPb o 978 0 7486 1449 3 o £99.95Africa Bibliography 1996December 2003 o 400ppPb o 978 0 7486 1211 6 o £99.95Africa Bibliography 1995November 199 o 400ppPb o 978 0 7486 0878 2 o £99.95Africa Bibliography 1994March 1996 o 400ppPb o 978 0 7486 0854 6 o £99.95Africa Bibliography 1993July 1993 o 400ppPb o 978 0 7486 0532 3 o £99.95Africa Bibliography 1992March 1994 o 400ppPb o 978 0 7486 0483 8 o £99.95Africa Bibliography 1991July 1993 o 400ppPb o 978 0 7486 0847 4 o £99.95<strong>African</strong> Journal of International andComparative LawEditors: Professor Rachel Murray, Universityof Bristol & Dr Kofi Oteng Kufuor, Universityof East LondonThe <strong>African</strong> Journal of International andComparative Law provides invaluablerefereed material in both international andcomparative law on a pan-<strong>African</strong> basis.It includes articles on public or privateinternational law, either in English or French,as well as a section on recent developmentsrelevant to the continent. The eminentEditorial Board includes members frominternational institutions in Geneva and fromuniversities in Africa, the UK and the US.Two issues per year o volume 18 o <strong>2010</strong>ISSN 0954-8890 o eISSN 1755-1609www.eupjournals.com/AJICL2008www.euppublishing.com 5

The Politics of Religious Change on theUpper Guinea CoastIconoclasm Done and UndoneRamon Sarró, University of LisbonBased on research spanning over 12 years,this book offers an in-depth analysis of aniconoclastic religious movement initiatedby a Muslim preacher among coastal Bagafarmers in the French colonial period. Withan ethnographic approach that listens ascarefully to those who suffered iconoclasticviolence as to those who wanted to ‘get rid ofcustom’, Sarró discusses the extent to whichiconoclasm produces a rupture of religiousknowledge and identity, and analyses itsrelevance in the making of modern nationsand citizens. This book will appeal tothose with an interest in the anthropologyof religion, iconoclasm, the history andanthropology of west Africa, or the politics ofheritage.Key Features• Examines the historical complexity of theinterface between Islam, traditional religionsand Christianity in west Africa, and the linkswith dramatic political changes• Offers a detailed ethnographic approach• Presents a dialogue between the fieldfindings, a long tradition of anthropologyand the most recent anthropologicaldebatesDecember 2008 o 256pp o e13 illustrations, 4 line drawingsHb o 978 0 7486 3515 3 o £50.00Art, Performance and Ritual inBenin CityCharles Gore, School of Oriental and <strong>African</strong><strong>Studies</strong>This book explores the roles of contemporaryurban shrines and their visual traditionsin Benin City focusing on the charismaticpriests and priestesses who are possessed bya pantheon of deities, the communities ofdevotees, and the artists who make artifactsfor their shrines. The visual arts are part of awider configuration of practices that includesong, dance, possession and healing. Thesepractices provide the means for exploring therelationships of the visual to both the verbaland performance arts that feature at theseshrines. Charles Gore raises fundamentalquestions about how the art of Benin, andnon-Western art histories more generally,are understood and presents an original andrevisionist account of Benin art history.October 2007 o 256pp37 colour illustrationsHb o 978 0 7486 3316 6 o £50.00International <strong>African</strong> <strong>Library</strong>Masquerades of ModernityPower and Secrecy in Casamance, SenegalFerdinand De Jong, University of East AngliaHow do those on the margins of modernityface the challenges of globalization? Thisbook demonstrates that secrecy, performedas a weapon of the weak, empowers theirperformers and serves to mark boundariesand define the local in the global. Focusingon initiation rituals, masked performancesand modern art, de Jong shows that ritualsand performances long deemed obsolete,serve the insertion of their performers inthe world at their own terms. The peopleof the Casamance region in Senegal havealways used their rituals and performances toincorporate the impact of Islam, colonialism,capitalism and contemporary politics andcontinue to do so today. This book will interestanthropologists, historians, political scientistsand all those studying how globalisationaffects peripheral societies.October 2007 o 256pp39 b&w illustrationsHb o 978 0 7486 3319 7 o £50.00www.euppublishing.com 7

International <strong>African</strong> <strong>Library</strong>Philosophising in MombasaKnowledge, Islam and Intellectual Practiceon the Swahili CoastKai Kresse, University of St AndrewsHonorable Mention, Herskovits Book Award2008This book provides an approach to theanthropological study of philosophicaldiscourses in the Swahili context of Mombasa,Kenya. In this historically established Muslimenvironment, philosophy is investigated associal discourse and intellectual practice,situated in everyday life. Two poets and anIslamic scholar are portrayed against thebackground of regional intellectual history,Islamic scholarship, as well as commonpublic debates and private discussions. Thesecontextual portrayals discuss exemplaryissues for the wider field of research onphilosophical discourse in Mombasa and theSwahili context on the whole, with referenceto the lives and projects of distinct individualthinkers. Ultimately, the study directsattention beyond the regional and the <strong>African</strong>contexts, towards the study of knowledgeand intellectual practice around the world.May 2007 o 288ppHb o 978 0 7486 2786 8 o £60.00The Man-Leopard MurdersHistory and Society in Colonial NigeriaDavid Pratten, University of OxfordWinner, Amaury Talbot Prize (RAI) 2008This book is an account of murder and politicsin Africa, and a historical ethnography ofsouthern Annang communities during thecolonial period. Its narrative leads to eventsbetween 1945 and 1948 when the imperialgaze of police, press and politicians wasfocused on a series of mysterious deathsin south-eastern Nigeria attributed to the‘man-leopard society’. These murder mysteries,reported as the ‘biggest, strangest murderhunt in the world’, were not just forensic butalso related to the broad historical impactof commercial, Christian and colonial aidrelations on Annang society.June 2007 o 448ppHb o 978 0 7486 2553 6 o £50.00ALSO AVAILABLEEthnicity and the Making of History inNorthern GhanaCarola LentzApril 2006 o 384pp o EHb o 978 0 7486 2401 0 o £35.95Islam and the Prayer EconomyBenjamin F. SoaresJuly 2005 o 256ppHb o 978 0 7486 2285 6 o £55.00Pb o 978 0 7486 2358 7 o £18.99Medicine Murder in Colonial LesothoThe Anatomy of a Moral CrisisColin Murray & Peter Sanders‘A major contribution to our knowledge of thehistory of 20th-century Africa’ - AlexanderMcCall Smith, THE SupplementMay 2005 o 494ppHb o 978 0 7486 2284 9 o £60.00Islamic and Caste Knowledge Practices amongHaalpulaaren in SenegalBetween Mosque and Termite MoundRoy DilleyJune 2004 o 270ppPb o 978 0 7486 1990 0 o £19.99Theatres of Struggle and the End of ApartheidBelinda BozzoliMay 2004 o 336ppPb o 978 0 7486 1941 2 o £24.99Population and Progress in a Yoruba TownElisha P. RenneJuly 2003 o 256ppPb o 978 0 7486 1815 6 o £27.99‘Half-London’ in ZambiaContested Identities in a Catholic Mission SchoolAnthony SimpsonMay 2003 o 224ppPb o 978 0 7486 1804 0 o £33.99From War to Peace on the Mozambique-MalawiBorderlandHarri Englund‘An exceptionally rich study’ - <strong>African</strong> AffairsDecember 2001 o 232ppPb o 978 0 7486 1577 3 o £25.998 <strong>African</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>

Asante IdentitiesHistory and Modernity in an <strong>African</strong> Village 1850-1950T. C. McCaskieMarch 2001 o 288ppPb o 978 0 7486 1510 0 o £21.99Serving ClassMasculinity and the Feminisation of Domestic Service inTanzaniaJanet BujraJanuary 2001 o 288ppPb o 978 0 7486 1484 4 o £21.99Death in AbeyanceIllness and Therapy among the Tabwa of Central AfricaChristopher Davis2002 Wellcome Medal (RAI)July 2000 o 342ppPb o 978 0 7486 1305 2 o £33.99Songs of the Women MigrantsPerformance and Identity in South AfricaDeborah JamesDecember 1999 o 248ppPb o 978 0 7486 1304 5 o £28.99Translating the DevilReligion and Modernity among the Ewe in GhanaBirgit MeyerJuly 1999 o 288ppPb o 978 0 7486 1303 8 o £33.50Christians and Chiefs in ZimbabweA Social History of the Hwese People, c. 1870s – 1990sDavid MaxwellJanuary 1999 o 288ppPb o 978 0 7436 1130 0 o £22,99Land, Ecology and Resistance in Kenya, 1880-1952Fiona MackenzieFebruary 1998 o 256ppPb o 978 0 7486 1021 1 o £25.99An <strong>African</strong> Niche EconomyFarming to Feed Ibadan 1968-88Jane GuyerJuly 1997 o 224ppPb o 978 0 7486 1033 4 o £29.99The Politics of Cultural Difference in NorthernCameroonPhilip BurnhamMarch 1996 o 220ppHb o 978 0 7486 0812 6 o £27.50Poetry, Prose and Popular Culture in HausaGraham FurnissMarch 1996Pb o 978 0 7486 0786 0 o £28.99Permanent PilgrimsThe Role of Pilgrimage in the Lives of West <strong>African</strong>Muslims in SudanC. Bawa YambaMay 1995 o 256ppHb o 978 0 7486 0592 7 o £26.99The Advance of <strong>African</strong> CapitalThe Growth of Nigerian Private EnterpriseTom ForrestJuly 1994 o 316ppHb o 978 0 7486 0492 0 o £27.50Rainforest RelationsMelissa LeachJuly 1994Hb o 978 0 7486 0493 7 o £25.99International <strong>African</strong> <strong>Library</strong>Ranching and Enterprise in Eastern BotswanaIsaac Ncube MazondeMarch 1994Hb o 978 0 7486 0467 8 o £22.99<strong>African</strong> Philosophy in Search of IdentityD. A. MasoloAugust 1994 o 256ppPb o 978 0 7486 0496 8 o £29.99Strangers and TradersJeremy EadesSeptember 1993 o 248ppHb o 978 0 7486 0386 2 o £31.99Black MountainColin MurrayJune 1992Hb o 978 0 7486 0344 2 o £22.99I Could Speak Until TomorrowKarin BarberApril 1991 o 366ppPb o 978 0 7486 0287 2 o £33.99Between God, the Dead and the WildRichard FardonMarch 1991 o 272ppPb o 978 0 7486 0284 1 o £33.99Tears of the DeadRichard WerbnerOctober 1991 o 224ppPb o 978 0 7486 0331 2 o £28.99Women’s MedicineI. M. LewisJuly 1991 o 300ppHb o 978 0 7486 0261 2 o £30.00www.euppublishing.com 9

International <strong>African</strong> SeminarsSERIESInternational <strong>African</strong> SeminarsThe International <strong>African</strong> Seminars and thevolumes based on them have long beenregarded as one of the International <strong>African</strong>Institute’s most important contributions to<strong>African</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>. The seminars bring <strong>African</strong>istspecialists together from inside and outsidethe continent to debate particular topicsin Africa, ranging from indigenous <strong>African</strong>systems of thought and Islam in sub-SaharanAfrica to urbanisation and trade and theformation of elites.NEWMedia and Identity in AfricaEdited by John F. M. Middleton &Kimani Njogu, Kenyatta University, Kenya<strong>Studies</strong> of the media in Africa, incorporatingboth <strong>African</strong> and international perspectives,are few. This book demonstrates how mediaoutlets are used to perpetuate, questionor modify the unequal power relationsbetween the North and the South. Focusingon east Africa, topics include discussionsof the construction of old and new socialentities, as defined by class, gender, ethnicity,political and economic differences, wealth,poverty, cultural behaviour, language andreligion. Globalization is being countered bylocal responses, within the context of socialand cultural identities. Essentially, the bookdescribes the tensions between the globaland the local, tensions not often discussed inmedia studies, thus pioneering new debates.March 2009 o 352pp19 b&w illustrationsHb o 978 0 7486 3522 1 o £50.00Transforming Settlement inSouthern AfricaEdited by Chris de Wet & Roddy FoxThis volume examines the ways in whichchanging political and economic processesimpact upon patterns of populationmovement and settlement. It focuses on thesouthern <strong>African</strong> region as it has moved fromthe experiments of the early independenceera, through civil war and refugee flight, intothe current era characterised by globalizationand the demise of apartheid. Focused casestudies from across the region deal withspecific aspects of these transformations andtheir policy implications.June 2001 o 336pp20 maps/graphsHb o 978 0 7486 1465 3 o £49.9910 <strong>African</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>

NEW<strong>African</strong> American <strong>Studies</strong>Jeanette Davidson, University of OklahomaThis volume introduces students and scholarsto the large and rich area of inquiry andscholarship known as <strong>African</strong> American<strong>Studies</strong> (also called Black <strong>Studies</strong>, <strong>African</strong>a<strong>Studies</strong>, and Pan <strong>African</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>). Studentsare presented with foundational content inthe discipline; a focus on social activism andcommunity service as inextricably linked to<strong>African</strong> American <strong>Studies</strong>; an understandingof related global perspectives; selectedareas of creative narratives and productionin the discipline; and a look to the future ofthe discipline. A common thread runningthroughout each chapter of the text is afocus on the application of knowledge from<strong>African</strong> American <strong>Studies</strong> via advocacy andcommunity service.February <strong>2010</strong> o 272pp o ePb o 978 0 7486 3715 7 o £18.99Hb o 978 0 7486 3714 0 o £50.00Introducing Ethnic <strong>Studies</strong><strong>African</strong> American Visual ArtsFrom Slavery to the PresentCeleste-Marie Bernier, University ofNottingham‘A well researched and interesting book, awelcome addition to its field, and the authorexpresses an individual voice whilst alsoenabling artists to speak to the reader.’- The Art BookThis book examines the quilts, ceramics,paintings, sculpture, installations,assemblages, daguerreotypes, photographyand performance art produced by <strong>African</strong>American artists over a two hundred yearperiod.July 2007 o 280pp o e16 colour illustrationsPb o 978 0 7486 2356 3 o £16.99BAAS Paperbacks<strong>African</strong> FilmmakingNorth and South of the SaharaRoy Armes, Middlesex University<strong>African</strong> Culture & Politics‘An important reference work for films from the<strong>African</strong> continent.’ - International Journal of<strong>African</strong> Historical <strong>Studies</strong>‘Armes’ book covers a broad range of filmmaking,from the experienced work of JeanPierre Bekolo (Cameroon) to the fiction of NabilAyouch (Morocco), and is essential reading foranyone with an interest in <strong>African</strong> film.’ - Sightand Sound<strong>African</strong> Filmmaking: North and South of theSahara is the first comprehensive study inEnglish linking filmmaking in the Maghreb(Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia) with that infrancophone west Africa and examining thefactors (including Islam and the involvementof <strong>African</strong> and French governments) whichhave shaped post-independence production.September 2006 o 240pp o e12 illustrationsPb o 978 0 7486 2124 8 o £17.99Hb o 978 0 74862123 1 o £60.00Traditions in World Cinemawww.euppublishing.com 11

Postcolonial LiteratureA Historical Companion to PostcolonialLiteratures in EnglishEdited by Prem Podder, University ofSouthampton & David Johnson, the OpenUniversityThe focus of the Companion is principallyon the histories of postcolonial literaturesin the Anglophone world – Africa, theMiddle East, South Asia, South-east Asia,Australia and New Zealand, the Pacific, theCaribbean and Canada, as well as thosefurther areas that have also claimed the title‘postcolonial’, notably Britain, East Asia, Ireland,Latin America and the United States. TheCompanion contains 220 entries written by150 acknowledged scholars of postcolonialhistory and literature, and covers majorevents, ideas, movements, and figures inpostcolonial histories.July 2008 o 688pp o ePb o 978 0 7486 3602 0 o £29.99March 2005Hb o 978 0 7486 1855 2 o £165.00NEWA Historical Companion to PostcolonialLiteratures - Continental Europe and its EmpiresEdited by Prem Poddar, University ofSouthampton, Rajeev Patke, NationalUniversity of Singapore & Lars Jensen,Roskilde University‘The Companion is unique in that it provides awealth of analysis and information about allEuropean continental powers and their coloniesand presents the entire assembly in a wonderfulmis-en-scène. It is a ‘true’ companion thatinvites trans-cultural readings of trans-culturalliteratures.’ - Walter Mignolo, Duke UniversityThis is the first reference work to providean integrated and authoritative body ofinformation about the political, cultural andeconomic contexts of postcolonial literaturesthat have their provenance in the majorEuropean Empires of Belgium, Denmark,France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands,Portugal, Spain, Latin America and thePhilippines.Regional Editors: John Beverley, CharlesForsdick, Pierre-Philippe Fraiture, RuthBen-Ghiat, Theo D’haen, Lars Jensen, BirtheKundrus, Elizabeth Monasterios, PhillipRothwellJuly 2008 o 688 pagesHb o 978 0 7486 2394 5 o £150.00ALSO AVAILABLEVictorian Literature and Postcolonial <strong>Studies</strong>Patrick BrantlingerMarch 2009 o 208ppPb o 978 0 7486 3304 3 o £19.99Hb o 978 0 7486 3303 6 o £60.00Postcolonial Literary <strong>Studies</strong>Eighteenth-Century British Literature andPostcolonial <strong>Studies</strong>Suvir KaulFebruary 2009 o 208pp oTPb o 978 0 7486 3455 2 o £19.99Hb o 978 0 7486 3454 5 o £60.00Postcolonial Literary <strong>Studies</strong>Diaspora CriticismSudesh MishramOctober 2006 o 200ppPb o 978 07486 2106 4 o £20.99Hb o 978 07486 2105 7 o £60.00Postcolonial TheoryEdited by Leela GhandiApril 1998 o 208ppPb o 978 0 7486 1104 1 o £22.99Hb o 978 0 7486 1105 8 o £72.00Feminist Postcolonial TheoryA ReaderReina LewisJuly 2003 o 754ppPb o 978 0 7486 1349 6 o £28.99Hb o 978 0 7486 1350 2 o £90.0012 <strong>African</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>

IndexAdvance of <strong>African</strong> Capital, The 9Africa, Journal of the International 3<strong>African</strong> InstituteAfrica Bibliography 5Africa Bibliography 1991 5Africa Bibliography 1992 5Africa Bibliography 1993 5Africa Bibliography 1994 5Africa Bibliography 1995 5Africa Bibliography 1996 5Africa Bibliography 1997 5Africa Bibliography 1998 5Africa Bibliography 1999 5Africa Bibliography 2000 5Africa Bibliography 2001 5Africa Bibliography 2002 5Africa Bibliography 2003 5Africa Bibliography 2004 5Africa Bibliography 2005 5Africa Bibliography 2006 5Africa Bibliography 2007 5Africa Bibliography 2008 5<strong>African</strong> American <strong>Studies</strong> 11<strong>African</strong> American Visual Arts 11<strong>African</strong> Filmmaking 11<strong>African</strong> Journal of International and 5Comparative Law<strong>African</strong> Niche Economy, An 9<strong>African</strong> Philosophy in Search of Identity 9<strong>African</strong> Socialisms and Postsocialisms 4Albur, Erdmute 4Allen, Chris 5Armes, Roy 11Art, Performance and Ritual in Benin City 7Asante Identities 9Askew, Kelly 4Barber, Karin 3, 9Barringer, T.A. 5Bassett, Thomas J. 4Bernier, Celeste-Marie 11Between God, the Dead and the Wild 9Beyond the State in Rural Uganda 6Black Mountain 9Bozzoli, Belinda 8Brantlinger, Patrick 12Bujra, Janet 9Burnham, Philip 9Christians and Chiefs in Zimbabwe 9Collective Memory, Reproduction and 4Generation in AfricaCormier-Salem, Marie-Christine 4Davidson, Jeanette 11Davis, Christopher 9de Jong, Ferdinand 7de Wet, Chris 10Death in Abeyance 9Diaspora Criticism 12Dilley, Roy 8Eades, Jeremy 9Eighteenth-Century British Literature and 12Postcolonial <strong>Studies</strong>Englund, Harri 8Ethnicity and the Making of History in 8Northern GhanaFardon, Richard 9Feldman-Savelsberg, Pamela 4Feminist Postcolonial Theory 12Forrest, Tom 9Fox, Roddy 10From War to Peace on the Mozambique- 8Malawi BorderlandFurniss, Graham 9Gandhi, Leela 12Geissler, Wenzel 4Gore, Charles 7Grandparents and Grandchildren 4Guyer, Jane L. 9‘Half-London’ in Zambia 8Historical Companion to Postcolonial 12Literatures - Continental Europe and itsEmpires, AHistorical Companion to Postcolonial 12Literatures in English, AI Could Speak Until Tomorrow 9International <strong>African</strong> Institute 3International <strong>African</strong> <strong>Library</strong> 3International <strong>African</strong> Seminars 10Islam and the Prayer Economy 8Islamic and Caste Knowledge Practices 8among Haalpulaaren in SenegalJames, Deborah 9Jensen, Lars 12Johnson, David 12Jones, Ben 6Kaul, Suvir 12Knowledge in Practice 4Kresse, Kai 4, 8Kufuor, Kofi Oteng 5Land, Ecology and Resistance in Kenya 91880-1952Leach, Melissa 9Lentz, Carola 8Lewis, I. M. 9Lewis, Reina 12Mackenzie, Fiona 9Man-Leopard Murders, The 8Marchand, Trevor 4Masolo, D. A. 9Masquerades of Modernity 7Maxwell, David 9Mazonde, Isaac Ncube 9McCaskie, T. C. 9Media and Identity in Africa 10Medicine Murder in Colonial Lesotho 8Meyer, Birgit 9Middleton, John 10Mishram, Sudesh 12Murray, Colin 8, 9Murray, Rachel 5Nature as Local Heritage in Africa 4Njogu, Kimani 10Nolte, Insa 6Obafemi Awolowo and the Making of 6RemoPatke, Rajeev 12Permanent Pilgrims 9Perspectives on Vigilantism in Nigeria 4Philosophising in Mombasa 8Pitcher, Anne 4Poddar, Prem 12Poetry, Prose and Popular Culture in 9HausaPolitics of Cultural Difference in Northern 9Cameroon, ThePolitics of Religious Change on the Upper 7Guinea Coast, ThePopulation and Progress in a Yoruba 8TownPostcolonial Theory 12Pratten, David 4, 8Rainforest Relations 9Ranching & Enterprise in Eastern 9BotswanaRenne, Elisha P. 8Sanders, Peter 8Sarró, Ramon 7Serving Class 9Simpson, Anthony 8Soares, Benjamin 8Songs of the Women Migrants 9Strangers and Traders 9Tears of the Dead 9Theatres of Struggle and the End of 8ApartheidTransforming Settlement in Southern 10AfricaTranslating the Devil 9Victorian Literature and Postcolonial 12<strong>Studies</strong>Werbner, Richard 9Whyte, Susan 4Women’s Medicine 9Yamba, C. Bawa 9www.euppublishing.com 13

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