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1. Refining and Petrochemicals - Rompetrol.com 1. Refining and Petrochemicals - Rompetrol.com


C. Key directions for 2011-2015 Top priorities » Focusing on the most important TRG assets » Integrating within/aligning with the mother company, KMG » Increasing of market share » Developing new products, locations, programs Rompetrol Logistics The sales volumes have the same structure as it did the previous year: - Primary Distribution (railway transportation) – 74%; - Secondary Distribution (road transportation) – 26%. Sales Volume by Activity (thousand tons) 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 671 1,865 0 2009 ¢ Primary ¢ Secondary Primary Distribution Retail « Rompetrol Annual Report 2010 // 22 653 1,825 2010 The transported volumes during 2010 slightly decreased compared to 2009 (1,825 ktons vs 1,865 ktons). The decrease, being around 2% (around 41 ktons), was mainly due to: - Shutdown of Rompetrol Rafinare (PEM) for repairs and maintenance in October 2010; - Outsourcing the activity to the Romanian Railway Group from the 11th of December 2010. Sales Volume - Railway Distribution (4 Quarters Rolling) (thousand tons) 600 500 400 300 200 100 419 479 501 0 2009 ¢ Q1 ¢ Q2 ¢ Q3 ¢ Q4 465 449 529 2010 The entity managed to increased by the volumes transported for Non-Group companies with 69% compared to 2009 (456 515 331 ktons vs. 269 ktons), while the Group volumes decreased with by 14% (1,369 ktons vs. 1,596 ktons). Sales Volume - Non Grup & Group Companies (thousand tons) 2000 1500 1000 500 0 269 1,596 2009 ¢ Group services ¢ Non-Group services 456 1,369 2010 The structure for the volumes transported for the Group entities remained the same as last year: Rompetrol Downstream and Rompetrol Rafinare (Midia and Vega) being the main clients, while other small quantities were transported for Rompetrol GAS and Rompetrol Petrochemicals. Sales Volume to Group Companies (thousand tons) 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 1,186 152 2009 239 1,035 19 100 13 2010 ¢ RP Downstream ¢ RP Rafinare - Midia ¢ RP Rafinare - Vega ¢ Other (GAS, RPP) During 2010, Rompetrol Logistics used 783 wagons (804 wagons in 2009). The fleet was structured in: 423 owned wagons (439 in 2009) and 360 rented (365 in 2009). Also, the primary fleet contained: 24 owned locomotives (24 in 2009) and 5 rented ones (6 in 2009). 17% 20% 2010 2009 80% 83% ¢ Avg Owned locomotives ¢ Avg Rented locomotives 46% 45% 2010 222 2009 ¢ Avg Owned wagons ¢ Avg Rented wagons 55% 54% Secondary Distribution The transported volumes during 2010 slightly decreased compared to 2009 (653 ktons vs 671 ktons). The decrease, being around 3% (around 17 ktons), was mainly due to the decrease of sales volumes for both our clients: Rompetrol Downstream and Rom Oil. Sales Volume - Road Distribution (4 Quarters Rolling) (thousand tons) 200 150 100 50 0 129 167 2009 195 ¢ Q1 ¢ Q2 ¢ Q3 ¢ Q4 179 135 169 2010 The structure per channels remained the same as last year: COCO (66%), Wholesale (13%), Express (8%), Internal Bases (8%), DODO (3%) and Cuves (2%). Sales Volume by Channels (thousand tons) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 6 92 49 58 444 2009 21 2010 ¢ COCO ¢ DODO ¢ CUVE ¢ EXPRESS ¢ RBI ¢ W2C & W2R During 2010, Rompetrol Logistics used in average 83 tankers (71 tankers in 2009). The fleet was structured in: 43 owned tankers (42 in 2009) and 41 rented (29 in 2009). 49% 41% Service Cost 2010 2009 59% 51% 14 86 50 55 430 187 ¢ Avg Owned tankers ¢ Avg Rented tankers The Service Cost decreased from USD 58,030 thousand in 19 162 2009 to USD 49,612 thousand in 2010 (about 15% - USD 8,418 thousand). The decrease is in line with the transported volumes variance. The costs that had a significant impact in this were: Transportation, Maintenance and Salaries. In 2010, a restructuring plan was launched and most of the maintenance services to depots was postponed and then cancelled therefore less maintenance expenses occurred. Salary expense was linked to headcount decrease, while the restructuring plan and transportation expenses are linked to decrease of demand from Rompetrol Downstream and Rom Oil. Service Cost Structure & Variance (thousand USD) 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 58,030 17,165 8,615 16,694 2,251 13,305 2009 Service Cost -606 -186 2009 2010 -1,083 ¢ Consumables & Other ¢ Utilities ¢ Salaries ¢ Maintenance ¢ Transportation & Other -4,460 -2,083 49,612 15,082 4,155 15,611 2,064 12,699 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2010 Service Cost The structure remained the same as the prior year: salaries (31%), transportation (31%), consumables & other (26%), maintenance (8%) and utilities (4%). Also each type of cost decreased: consumables & other with 8%, utilities with 6%, salaries with 52%, maintenance with 12% and transportation with 15%.. Summary 2010 and 2011 During 2010 the entity started a restructuring plan as per Group strategy: - Handling Operations and Technical & Maintenance were transferred to Group companies (Rompetrol Rafinare and Rompetrol Downstream) from Q3 2010; - Non Core activities (Metallic Manufacture, Service Auto) were restructured in Q4 2010; - Primary Distribution was outsourced by Rompetrol Group to The Romanian Railway Group SA (Non Group company) from December 2010. All the wagons and locomotives owned by Rompetrol Logistics were sold and employees transferred to The Romanian Railway Group SA; - Shipping Agency activity was transferred to Byron Shipping SRL (Group company) from March 2011; - Secondary Distribution was outsourced by Rompetrol Group to Transpeco Logistics & Distribution SA (Non Group company) from April 2011. All the trucks and tankers owned by Rompetrol Logistics were sold to Transpeco Logistics & Distribution SA and for those in leasing, the contracts were closed. RPT_2010 Annual Report_1024x768.indd 22 22/11/2011 10:34 AM

Retail « Rompetrol Annual Report 2010 // 23 RPT_2010 Annual Report_1024x768.indd 23 22/11/2011 10:34 AM

Retail « <strong>Rompetrol</strong> Annual Report 2010 // 23<br />

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