Archeonaut - APT Basilicata

Archeonaut - APT Basilicata

Archeonaut - APT Basilicata

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GlossaryWe have prepared a small dictionaryto help you untangle yourself fromthe technical terms used in thearchaeological texts and in themuseums and archaeological areasto describe the exhibited objects.This will help you enjoy your visit andnot feel too confused when, in frontof what definitely looks like a vase ora cup, you find something writtenthat is difficult to pronounce, suchas “oinochoe trilobata” or worsestill, “skyphos” or “louterion”, just tomention a few.It must be pointed out that thisterminology has become partof conventional use all over theworld and helps archaeologists, inparticular, to classify different typesof objects and their uses. These namesdo not always correspond to thosethat were used in the past to indicateobjects for ordinary or special use.ACROTERIUM: a decorative elementplaced at the apex of a templepedimentAGORA: the political heart of the Greekcity, squareALABASTRON: a narrow-shapedcontainer for perfumed oils, often madefrom alabasterARYBALLOS: Aspherical flask used forperfumesAULOS: a fluteBAND CUP: a bowl with handles paintedwith a decorative bandBUCCHERO: pottery made with aspecial firing method that gave it a blackcolourCHITON: a short tunic worn by menand womenCHORA : the territory of a GreekcolonyCHTHONIC: pertaining to theunderworldKRATER: a large, open-shaped vase inwhich wine was mixed with water andspices for banquets DEINOS: a sphericalvase placed on a standDIADUMENOS: an athlete who wore aband around his head after victoryEPOS: a cycle of historical ormythological legendsERGASTERION: a craftsmen’sworkshopETHNOS: a peopleFIBULA: a brooch for garmentsGHENOS: a tribeGORGON: a mythological figure withserpents instead of hair (Medusa wasone of the Gorgons) who could turnpeople to stone with her gazeHERAION: a sanctuary dedicated toHeraHIEROGAMY: marriage between a godand a goddessKANTHAROS: a drinking chalice withtwo high handlesKERAMEIKOS: a potters’ districtKLINE: a bedKYLIX: a shallow drinking cup withtwo horizontal handlesLEBES GAMIKOS: a round vase with alid, used in marriage ceremoniesLEKYTHOS: a flask for perfumedointmentLEONTE: a lion’s skin (Heracles woreone, from Nemeus, the lion he killed)LOUTERION: a basin used for sacredablutions, placed on a standMAENAD: a woman from the retinue ofDionysiusNAOS: a temple chamber where thestatue of the divinity was placedOIKOS: house, domestic environmentOINOCHOE: a jug for pouring wineOPPIDUM: a fortified settlementPANTHEON: the entire group of godsPATERA: a shallow dish used inbanquetsPELIKE: a round vase with twohandlesPEPLOS: a female garment consistingof a long, wide strip of fabric that waspassed under the right arm and over theleft shoulderPHORMIX: a stringed instrumentsimilar to a lyrePYX: a container with a lid, often madeof gold, silver or ivoryPLATEIA: the longest street in a cityPOLOS: a cylindrical-shaped headcovering worn by divinities and priestsPOMPE: a procession, often for afuneralPROMETOPIDION: a mask to protecta horse’s foreheadPROTOME: a human or animal headused as a decorative elementRHYTON: a horn-shaped drinkingvesselSYMPOSIUM: a gathering in whichwine was drunkSIREN: a mythological creature with awoman’s face and a bird’s bodySTEPHANE: a crownSITULA: a bucket-shaped container forliquidsSKYPHOS: a deep bowl for drinkingSTRIGIL: a curved instrument used byathletes to remove sweat after physicalactivityTEMENOS: a sacred area onlyaccessible to priestsTHYMATERION: a censer for burningincenseTUBA: a musical wind instrumentTYMPANON: a musical percussioninstrument (a type of drum)ZOOMORPHIC: in the form of ananimal

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