Archeonaut - APT Basilicata

Archeonaut - APT Basilicata

Archeonaut - APT Basilicata

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aglioTHE GODDESS WHO PROTECTEDFIELDS AND GOATSA sacred divinity on earth and in theunderworld, “she who stands in themidst”, between the world of theliving and that of the dead: this is themeaning of the name Mephitis, thegoddess adored by the Lucanians. Herdivine qualities included the powersof Aphrodite, the Greek goddess ofbeauty, as well as those of Demeter,who ensured the alternating of theseasons and therefore a good harvest.The federal sanctuary in Rossano wastherefore dedicated to her, as we areinformed by the inscriptions in OscanMuseum hallAncient Lucanian Peoples(the language of the Lucanians), usingthe Greek alphabet. Models of carts,bronze spear tips and horses’ bits werebrought to Demeter and Mamerte, whofor the Lucanians was similar to Mars,in fulfilment of vows or to ensure thefavourable outcome of a battle. Allthese symbols leave no doubt that forthe Lucanians war, and its favourableoutcome, was the leit motiv of theirexistence. But first, to establish the kindof human osmosis that did not exist intimes of peace, they would gather incommunal banquets in which wine wasdrunk and roast or boiled meat waseaten, just like the Greeks.The Lucanians, together with theirancestors, the Bretti and the Sabellians,underwent so much misfortune that todayit is difficult to even distinguish theirsettlements. (Strabo the Geographer)ARCHEONAUT AND THE CHILD PRINCESSThere were toys, the sign of a livedchildhood, and precious jewels, omensof a destiny as a bride that was neverfulfilled. This is how the objects ofthe most abundant and unusual gravegoods discovered in Vaglio were foundlying, together with the huddled bodyof a very young woman (who wouldhave been no more than ten years old),almost as a recompense for a destinythat never became a lived life. Theybelonged to a high-ranking female whohad died prematurely, but was alreadyendowed with the accessories of aMuseum hallAncient LucanianPeoplesfuture bride, including amber necklacesand pendants, portraying, among otherthings, a sphinx, a foreboding symbolof the link between the earth and theunderworld, and gold hair clasps. Onher head was laid a precious finelycrafteddiadem, a testament to the skillof the local craftsmen, who certainlyhad contacts with the nearby worldof the Etruscans in Campania. All thepieces from the possessions of the“child princess” can be seen in thehall dedicated to the Lucanians at theNational Archaeological Museum inPotenza.62 63

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