Anglo-Saxon & Celts Unite - The New Ensign

Anglo-Saxon & Celts Unite - The New Ensign

Anglo-Saxon & Celts Unite - The New Ensign


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against the promoters of the riot. Sam Silkin, Labour Attorney General, afervent Zionist and of the Board of Deputies of British Jews rejected thisout of hand.One of those who support the socialist Workers Party with politicalleadership and financial sponsorship in Adam Kidron, the son of awealthy South African property dealer and landlord.STIFLING THE OPPOSITION – THE ANTI-NAZI LEAGUE.<strong>The</strong> original inspiration for the formation of the Anti-Nazi League camefrom MOSSAD, the Israeli Intelligence Agency and from the Board ofDeputies of British Jews. <strong>The</strong> league has two objectives;1. to gather together left wingers who are within the LabourParty and those outside the Labour Party and,2. to prevent by violence any British nationalist or patrioticorganizations from holding meetings and other activities.This applies to the Conservative Party as well as the so calledright wing organizations.An editorial in the Socialist Worker of January 8th 1978 stated:-“Members of the Socialist Workers Party have been in the forefront of theA.N.L. - major elements in the founding of A.N.L." Indeed many leadingmembers of the Socialist Workers Party are also leading members of theAnti-Nazi League. <strong>The</strong> S.W.P. controls A.N.L. and S.W.P. A.N.L. branchesin many places share the same meeting places and offices. <strong>The</strong> Chartistof April 1978 stated:- “A.N.L. is a S.W.P. brainchild".<strong>The</strong> Board of Deputies of British Jews representative. on the steeringcommittee of the Anti-Nazi League is Miriam Karlin. Other Jews on thesteering committee are Paul holborrowitz (Whose brother, JonathanHolborrow, is news editor of the Daily Mail). Peter Hain, Frank Allaum,Ion Mikardo, Martin Savitt., Maurice Ludmer.. Sidney Bidwell, PaulRose. Another person interested is Roger Godsiff, Labour mayor ofLewisham.( Page 9 )

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