Anglo-Saxon & Celts Unite - The New Ensign

Anglo-Saxon & Celts Unite - The New Ensign

Anglo-Saxon & Celts Unite - The New Ensign


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BUT RACE IS NOT FOR THE JEWS.Rabbi Jacob Hecht in an article sponsored by the National Committee forthe Furtherance of Jewish Education, wrote In the <strong>New</strong> York Times:-"Intermarriage is suicide, National and Personal. <strong>The</strong>re is no surer way todestroy the Jewish people than to intermarry out of the faith. Uncheckedthe present trend of young Jewish boys and girls to choose mates of otheror no religious affiliations will slowly but surely wipe out the uniqueJewish identity. <strong>The</strong> values and principles which contributed so much tocontemporary culture and civilization will vanish from the face of theearth …… How can you so lightly discard that which your ancestors haveso often sacrificed their lives for." <strong>The</strong> Daily Telegraph of the 28 th ofMay 1974 printed that the Atlanta Rabbinical Association established acomputer match service for single Jews in Georgia to help reverse thegrowing trend, of Jews to marry non-Jews.THE JEW IS DETERMINED TO RETAIN HISRACIAL IDENTITY.<strong>The</strong> Zionist Leader, Dr. Chain Weizmann, wrote in "Great Britain,Palestine and the Jews":- “we are Jews and nothing else, a nation withina nation." Max Nordau, a Zionist leader:- “We are neither German norEnglish nor French. We are Jews. Your Christian mentality is not ours."B. Feltz in the London "Jewish Chronicle" December 8th 1911:- "Jewswho pretend that they can be good patriotic Englishmen are simplytelling lies."Ludwig Lewishon in "Israel" 1926:- "A Jew remains a Jew, assimilationis impossible because a Jew cannot change his national character. Whateverhe does he is a Jew and remains a Jew. <strong>The</strong> majority has discoveredthis fact, but too late; Jews and Gentiles discover that there is no issue.Both believed that there was an issue, there is none."<strong>The</strong>odore Herzl in "<strong>The</strong> Jewish State" page 200:- "A native Eskimo, anAmerican Indian might conveniently adopt every tenet of the JewishChurch, might practice every form of ceremony imposed by Jewish lawsand Jewish ritual, and so far as the religion is concerned be Jew but yet,no one who will reflect for a moment would class them with the Jews as( Page 5 )

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