ZANARDI GIORGIO - IZS della Lombardia e dell'Emilia Romagna

ZANARDI GIORGIO - IZS della Lombardia e dell'Emilia Romagna

ZANARDI GIORGIO - IZS della Lombardia e dell'Emilia Romagna


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Dates 2002Title of qualification awarded Courses on “Cost-effectiveness analysis in health care” and “Biostatistics II”Name and type of organisationproviding education and trainingLevel in national or internationalclassificationMediterranean School of Epidemiological and Statistical Methods in Biomedical research -National Research Centre (CNR) -ItalyInternationalDates 2001Title of qualification awarded Course for Manager of DepartmentName and type of organisationproviding education and trainingLevel in national or internationalclassificationSchool for Health Management of Lombardy Region - ItalyNationalDates 2001Title of qualification awarded Courses on “Cost-effectiveness analysis in health care”; “Biostatistics: principles and methods”;“Epidemiologic data analysis”Name and type of organisation Mediterranean School of Epidemiological and Statistical Methods in Biomedical research -providing education and training National Research Centre (CNR) -ItalyLevel in national or international InternationalclassificationDates 1999Title of qualification awarded First International Course on “Advanced methods for test validation and interpretation inVeterinary Medicine”Name and type of organisationproviding education and trainingFreie Universtat Berlin, GermanyLevel in national or international InternationalclassificationDates 1998Title of qualification awarded Course on “Risk analysis”Name and type of organisationproviding education and trainingLevel in national or internationalclassificationIstituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Abruzzo e Molise - Italy,NationalDates 1997-1998Title of qualification awarded Course on “Epidemiological methods in Veterinary Public Health”Name and type of organisationproviding education and trainingLevel in national or internationalclassificationIstituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Abruzzo e Molise - Italy,NationalDates 1983-1984Title of qualification awarded Course in Zoo-prophylaxisName and type of organisationproviding education and trainingLevel in national or internationalclassificationSchool for Scientific Research in Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale <strong>Lombardia</strong> ed Emilia<strong>Romagna</strong> – Brescia - ItalyNational

Personal skills andcompetences.Mother tongue(s)ItalianOther language(s)Self-assessment Understanding Speaking WritingEuropean level (*) Listening Reading SpokeninteractionSpokenproductionENGLISH B1 C1 A2 A2 B1(*)(*)Social skills and competencesOrganisational skills andcompetencesGood ability in social relationships. Three years course (2000-2002) on “Relationship andcommunication between groups”, based on relational analysis, organized by Centro DiocesianoFamiliae Auxilium (ONLUS association) in BresciaOrganization of the epidemiological team in the management of the epidemics and surveillanceplans in animal health at regional and national level.Organization of training courses for veterinarians of the Health Veterinary Local Units ofLombardy Region about epidemics in animal health

Technical skills and competencesExperience as epidemiologist in animal health (epidemic emergencies, monitoring plan, saplingplans, etc.) with special interest in the areas of surveillance and health information systems,epidemiological data analysis, geographical information systemsExperience in field on tuberculosis and brucellosis eradication plans and mastitis control plans.As EU expert I have visited FYROM in 1996 for a inspection about FMD.I am involved as national expert in sub-group Bovine tuberculosis “Task force” (EuropeanCommission, Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General).In 1998-99 I participated actively in eradicating SVD in Lombardy region. I carried out theepidemiological surveys in all outbreaks and I was the epidemiological consultant in order tosupport the decision making at the level of the regional veterinary authorities.Between 1999 and 2009 I have been involved as epidemiologist in H7N1 LPAI and HPAIepidemics, which occurred in Lombardy region.Since 2001 I am involved in the management of information system on Spongiform BovineEncephalopaty related to Lombardy and Emilia <strong>Romagna</strong> Regions and in epidemiological surveyin field.I have taken part in the project of the Lombardy Region about the realization of an integratedsanitary information system.I participated in elaborating of eradication and control plans on SVD and contingency plans onFMD at national level; control plans on Bovine Tuberculosis, Bovine Brucellosis, InfectiousBovine Rinotracheitis, Avian Influenza and Salmonellosis in poultry at regional level.Until 2009 I has been consultant as epidemiological expert of three National Reference Centre:Vesicular Diseases, Bovine Tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) and Leptospirosis.From 1998 to 2009, I was the editor of the two-monthly epidemiological magazine“L’Osservatorio” and I was the responsible of the web site of the Epidemiological VeterinaryCentre of Lombardy Region (www.oevr.org).In 1999 and 2004 I was involved as teacher in epidemiological courses on Vesicular Diseasesorganized by National Health Ministry at national level.I teach epidemiology in postgraduate courses on Animal Health and Swine pathology and I aminvolved in the epidemiological training of the Official Veterinary Services by means of coursesad hoc organized by Lombardy region.Computer skills and competences:Microsoft programmes and epidemiological skills (winepiscope, episheet, freecalc)AnnexesPUBLICATIONS I have authored or co-authored of 124 publications on epidemiology, milk qualityand parasitology.DATE. 19/01/2010

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