Better, sooner, more convenient health care in Midlands

Better, sooner, more convenient health care in Midlands Better, sooner, more convenient health care in Midlands
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3The Integrated Family Health NetworkA regional focus on improving patient journeysIntegrated Family Health Network Commissioning ModelMCGGMCBWhatHowPHO PHO PHO PHO PHOWhereIFHCs and other PracticesPeopleThe establishment of the Midlands Commissioning BoardThe Midlands Commissioning Board (MCB) is made up of appointees (with specific agreedcompetencies) of the seven Midlands Integrated Family Health Network member organisations. Itsmembership will also include two independent members, one of whom will be the chair; and fromtime to time, specialists co-opted as required.This group provides a Midlands lead contract point for negotiating both regional and nationalfunding agreements, as well as enabling improved systems and capabilities for commissioningregional, local and practice level healthcare, without impacting the autonomy of the partnerorganisations.The MCB will ensure access to tools which will allow more effective regional and local commissioningof health services by the partner organisations and practices to improve the quality of outcomes forthe populations we serve, including:• leading the achievement of better health and well-being for the midlands community• reducing health inequalities by ensuring funding decisions are based on need• commissioning high quality services in partnership with clinicians and patients designed to meetthe needs and preferences of people regionally and locally• creating the right balance of co-operation and contestability to ensure that communities andtaxpayers benefit.In order to ensure that health provision, whilst reactive to individual needs, never loses sight of theregional population perspective, targets, and indeed promises, the MCB has a key role putting in27

The Integrated Family Health NetworkA regional focus on improving patient journeys3place incentives and support to ensure that locality based commissioners are empowered to provideinnovative high quality services to meet the needs of their population.This dual approach to service provision will ensure that the board will more effectively ensure thatthere are appropriate and proportionate arrangements in place for managing regional, local andpractice-based needs.The establishment of the Midlands Clinical Governance GroupClinical leadership, engagement, and involvement are fundamental to the development andcommissioning of effective and high quality primary health care services. The Midlands Networkrecognises the need for a strong clinical perspective in decision making concerning both regionaland local strategic planning and implementation of sustainable health care services acrossthe Network.The MCGG will have within its core membership: members of the Integrated Family HealthCareTeam (GPs, Primary Nurses, Pharmacists etc), Public Health Physicians, District Health Board GPLiaisons, Member of Maori Advisory Group, Laboratories representatives, Medical Advisor, NursingAdvisor, Quality Advisor, Population Health Advisor, District Health Board GM Funding and Planning,Secondary Medical Advisory, Community Services Manager.Other co-opted expertise as required could include: Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Dentistry, InformationManagers etc.The MCGG will work in partnership with central and local planners, Local PHO Boards, LocalManagement Groups (LMGs) and other key stakeholders, in identifying the needs and models ofservice, and to ensure the development of high quality, effective, safe and accessible services forthose enrolled in the Midlands Network.Key to the MCGG role will be the promotion, establishment and ongoing support forinterdisciplinary care. Interdisciplinary care is about organising services around patients in such a waythat it improves the care, communication and health outcomes for people. It calls on each disciplineto collaborate, to draw on one another’s expertise and to ensure that the very best care is providedfrom the expertise available amongst the professions for a particular person and their whanau.The role of MCGG will include the following four keys areas:1. Considering new and emerging policy developments affecting the health care sector (andparticularly the Midlands Network);This will include:• Discussing ideas for new initiatives in health care planning and provision;• Developing strategic position statements/discussion papers regarding new directions /developments in the health care sector;• Recommending strategies, policies and multi-level action to improve health andreduce inequalities;• Align advice as much as possible with key health care strategy documents.2. Guide strategic direction on new and existing health initiatives with the Midlands Network with aview to sustainability;This will include:• Evaluating strategies/projects under development within the partner organisations as well asexisting interventions, with particular emphasis on clinical and broader strategic relevance androbustness, process, quality and outcome measures;• Provide direction for improving existing health care initiatives across the Midlands Network;28

3The Integrated Family Health NetworkA regional focus on improv<strong>in</strong>g patient journeysIntegrated Family Health Network Commission<strong>in</strong>g ModelMCGGMCBWhatHowPHO PHO PHO PHO PHOWhereIFHCs and other PracticesPeopleThe establishment of the <strong>Midlands</strong> Commission<strong>in</strong>g BoardThe <strong>Midlands</strong> Commission<strong>in</strong>g Board (MCB) is made up of appo<strong>in</strong>tees (with specific agreedcompetencies) of the seven <strong>Midlands</strong> Integrated Family Health Network member organisations. Itsmembership will also <strong>in</strong>clude two <strong>in</strong>dependent members, one of whom will be the chair; and fromtime to time, specialists co-opted as required.This group provides a <strong>Midlands</strong> lead contract po<strong>in</strong>t for negotiat<strong>in</strong>g both regional and nationalfund<strong>in</strong>g agreements, as well as enabl<strong>in</strong>g improved systems and capabilities for commission<strong>in</strong>gregional, local and practice level <strong>health</strong><strong>care</strong>, without impact<strong>in</strong>g the autonomy of the partnerorganisations.The MCB will ensure access to tools which will allow <strong>more</strong> effective regional and local commission<strong>in</strong>gof <strong>health</strong> services by the partner organisations and practices to improve the quality of outcomes forthe populations we serve, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g:• lead<strong>in</strong>g the achievement of better <strong>health</strong> and well-be<strong>in</strong>g for the midlands community• reduc<strong>in</strong>g <strong>health</strong> <strong>in</strong>equalities by ensur<strong>in</strong>g fund<strong>in</strong>g decisions are based on need• commission<strong>in</strong>g high quality services <strong>in</strong> partnership with cl<strong>in</strong>icians and patients designed to meetthe needs and preferences of people regionally and locally• creat<strong>in</strong>g the right balance of co-operation and contestability to ensure that communities andtaxpayers benefit.In order to ensure that <strong>health</strong> provision, whilst reactive to <strong>in</strong>dividual needs, never loses sight of theregional population perspective, targets, and <strong>in</strong>deed promises, the MCB has a key role putt<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>27

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