Lord Krishna's Vrindavana Pastimes - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Lord Krishna's Vrindavana Pastimes - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree

Lord Krishna's Vrindavana Pastimes - ebooks - ISKCON desire tree


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invites the qualified people, qualified living entities to take part in His pastimes anddevelop loving relationship with Him and go back to Godhead.We know that initially we perform Vaidhi bhakti. We practice devotional service. Bypracticing devotional service we can develop some attachment to Krishna. But thisattachment cannot be fully developed. Unless our attachment to Krishna is fullydeveloped we cannot go back to the spiritual sky. Therefore when Krishna performs Hispastimes He gives us the chance, the opportunities to the living entities who are quitequalified and developed their love for Krishna to the extent that their final attachment isKrishna only, being fully Krishna conscious while on this earth, and then only they areconsidered as qualified, to go back to the spiritual sky. So when Krishna comes to theearth planet he allows different living entities to participate in His pastimes. Also Hebrings many of His eternal associates from the spiritual sky to participate in His pastimes.So in this way Krishna comes with the crew to play on the earth planet and also recruitssome qualified candidates to act in His pastimes, from this material nature. Some of thedemigods are recruited in Krishna’s pastimes. Just to give an example, Indra came asArjuna. Yamaraja came as Vidura. Vayu came as Bhima. Another expansion ofDharmaraja was Yudhisthira. Asvinikumaras came as Nakula and Sahadeva. Laksmidevibecame Pancali or Draupadi. Similarly many demigods came and took part in thepastimes and got qualified to go back to Godhead. So before Krishna came Hecommanded some superiors to appear on the earth planet. Those who are elders- likefather and mother are Vasudeva and Devaki. Vasudeva is actually Kasyapa Muni. AndDevaki is Aditi. Rohini is called Thuri ? Another wife of Kasyapa Muni. So KasyapaMuni is the son of the Demigods. So he came to appear as the father of Krishna and Aditias the mother.Now there is another consideration. There was some questions. Like, Parikshit Maharajaraised. Krishna, right after his birth left Devaki and went to Nanda Maharaja’s housebecause Nanda Maharaj took him there. Thus Devaki did not get the chance to take careof Krishna as her own baby. So Parikshit Maharaja asked why Devaki, inspite of gettingthe Supreme Personality of Godhead as her son, could not get the real chance to showerher paternal affection. So in response to that, Sukadeva Goswami told to ParikshitMaharaja that in the previous kalpa, in Treta yuga when the <strong>Lord</strong> appeared asRamachandra, His father Dasharatha has three wives- Kausalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi. SriRama’s mother was Kausalya. When Rama was about to be enthroned, Kaikeyi becamevery envious. She was fond of Ramachandra, but she has a maidservant named Mantharawho was ugly both outside and inside and instigated Kaikeyi. She told her that since Ramwill be coronated, His mother, Kausalya will be glorified and her position will be nothingmore than a maidservant. ‘Actually your son Bharata should become the king’ she said!Kaikeyi at first objected to that idea saying Rama is the eldest son and has the right to thethrone but Manthara continued provoking her. She said, ‘there is one way that her soncan become the crown prince and after the death of Dasaratha he can become the king’.She reminded Kaikeyi a war in which Dasaratha was injured and was treated carefully byKaikeyi and saved him. Owing to that service Dasaratha gave her two boons. At that timethe boon was not taken. Now Manthara advised Kaikeyi to make use of that opportunity

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