Beth tfiloh Bulletin Beth tfiloh Bulletin

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Beth tfiloh Bulletin Beth tfiloh Bulletin

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june 2010 sivan-tammuz 5770<strong>Beth</strong> Tfiloh<strong>Bulletin</strong>BETH TFILOH BULLETINCelebrating the Joy of Judaism,Embracing all Jews.sivan-tammuz 5770june 2010THIS MONTHAT BTSunday, June 13High SchoolgraduationSunday, June 20adult bat mitzvahcelebrationTuesday, June 29fast of sheva asarb’TammuzBT SENIOR CLASSIN ISRAELThe <strong>Beth</strong> Tfiloh Classof 2010 enjoyed ameaningful trip to Israel,where they spent fiveweeks as a culminationof their <strong>Beth</strong> Tfiloheducation.Thursday, June 3, 2010Honoring Phyllis & Leonard AttmanEvent ChairsShellye & Steve Gilden<strong>Beth</strong> & Michael SellmanSponsorship ChairTom MoranTHANK YOU !!!for makingSPOTLIGHT 2010a huge success!I N S I D E > Calendar 2 | B‘nei Mitzvah 3 | Brotherhood 4 | Sisterhood 4 | School News 5 | Contributions 6 | Good & Welfare 8

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN june 2010 sivan-tammuz 5770june 2010 SIvan-tammuz 5770Weekday Services SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Shabbat ServicesSun Shacharit 8:30 amM-F Shacharit 7:00 amS-Th Mincha 6:45 pmS-Th PM Class 6:55 pmS-Th Maariv 7:05 pmSun Shacharit 8:30 amM-F Shacharit 7:00 amS-Th Mincha 6:45 pmS-Th PM Class 6:55 pmS-Th Maariv 7:05 pmSun Shacharit 8:30 amM-F Shacharit 7:00 amS-Th Mincha 6:50 pmS-Th PM Class 7:00 pmS-Th Maariv 7:10 pmSun Shacharit 8:30 amM-W Shacharit 7:00 amS-W Mincha 6:50 pmS-W PM Class 7:00 pmS-W Maariv 7:10 pm6 24 sivan13 1 tammuzBar Mitzvah:AlexandarGoldstein20 8 tammuz27 15 tammuz7 25 sivan 8 26 sivan 9 27 sivan14 2 tammuz 15 3 tammuz 16 4 tammuz21 9 tammuz 22 10 tammuz 23 11 tammuzFirst Day of BTCamp1 19 Sivan 2 20 sivan8th GradeCelebration HS Spring Formal Athletic Awards Nite28 16 tammuz 29 17 tammuz 30 18 tammuzFast of the17 th of Tammuz3 21 sivan 4 22 sivanT-F Shacharit 7:00 amT-Th Mincha 6:40 pmT-Th PM Class 6:50 pmT-Th Maariv 7:00 pm Mincha 8:11 pm6:40 pmKabbalatShabbat 6:55 pmArts Awards DinnerHS GraduationRosh ChodeshAdult Bat MitzvahProgramKindergarten FolliesBaccalaureateAawrds CeremonyMincha 8:10 pmClass 8:50 pmMaariv 9:00 pmt h e 3 w e e k sSpotlight 20108:15 pmMincha 6:45 pmKabbalatShabbat 7:00 pm8:19 pmMincha 6:50 pmKabbalatShabbat 7:05 pm5 23 sivan10 28 sivan 11 29 sivan 12 30 sivanLast Day of School -1/2 Day Dismissal17 5 tammuz 18 6 tammuz 19 7 tammuz8:18 pmMincha 6:45 pmKabbalatShabbat 7:00 pm24 12 tammuz 25 13 tammuz 26 14 tammuzPlease note:T’hillim arerecited eachweekday morning10 minutes priorto Shacharitprayers.All Star ShabbatRosh ChodeshshelachAM Class 8:10 amShacharit 8:45 amThe Minyan 9:00 amTeen Minyan 9:32 amPM Class 6:55 pmMincha 7:45 pmSeudah 8:15 pmMaariv 9:05 pmShabbat Ends 9:11 pmkorachAM Class 8:10 amShacharit 8:45 amThe Minyan 9:00 amTeen Minyan 9:32 amPM Class 7:00 pmMincha 7:50 pmSeudah 8:20 pmMaariv 9:10 pmShabbat Ends 9:15 pmchukatAM Class 8:10 amShacharit 8:45 amThe Minyan 9:00 amTeen Minyan 9:32 amPM Class 7:05 pmMincha 7:55 pmSeudah 8:25 pmMaariv 9:15 pmShabbat Ends 9:18 pmbalakAM Class 8:10 amShacharit 8:45 amThe Minyan 9:00 amTeen Minyan 9:32 amPM Class 7:05 pmMincha 7:55 pmSeudah 8:25 pmMaariv 9:15 pmShabbat Ends 9:19 pm

june 2010 sivan-tammuz 5770BETH TFILOH BULLETINMazel Tov B'nei Mitzvahvumn hbc cuy kznRebecca SternvecrDaughter of Connie andMichael SternMon. May 31, 2010Rebecca attends<strong>Beth</strong> Tfiloh DahanCommunity Schooland is the granddaughter of Magdaand Lloyd Stern, and Margie andRichard Brininger. Her hobbiesinclude piano, gymnastics, reading,family games, and painting. For herMitzvah Project, Rebecca will bevolunteering at the Hackerman-PatzHouse.AlexanderMichaelGoldsteinuvhktSon of Jane and MarkGoldsteinSun. June 13, 2010Alex attends <strong>Beth</strong>Tfiloh Dahan Community Schooland is the brother of Ari and JeremyGoldstein. He is the grandson ofGloria and the late Isak Goldstein,M.D., and Eudice and the late MartinLowenthal. His hobbies includetennis, baseball, cross-countryrunning, basketball, and video gaming.For his Mitzvah Project, Alex iscollecting books for Baltimore Readsand is assisting at their “Books for KidsDay.”<strong>Beth</strong> TfilohChesed CommitteeIf you would like to request a visitfor a loved one either at homeor in an assisted living/nursinghome, or would like to hear afriendly voice on the telephone(or if you wish to volunteer to dothis mitzvah), please call RoselynKalb at 410-486-3456.Mercaz NewsPreview BT in the AMIt is said that Jewish learningenriches our souls. What betterway to accomplish this than tojoin BT in the AM: The Adult BeitMidrash for Women! BT in theAM is an opportunity for womenof all backgrounds and levels ofobservance to think creatively whilelearning about their Judaism. Get a“tasting” of these outstanding classeson Monday, June 14th. You maychoose to attend one, two or all threesessions. Bring your friends! Advancereservations required. Call the Mercazoffice at 410-413-2321 or email us atmercaz@b<strong>tfiloh</strong>.org.9:00 – 9:30 amParshat Hashavua: The WeeklyTorah PortionInstructor – Mrs. Sara Lanner9:30 – 10:30 amThe Book Of PsalmsTeam of instructors to be announced10:45 – 11:45 amThe Ten Commandments /Connecting The Haftorah To TheWeekly PortionInstructors – Rabbi MitchellWohlberg / Mrs. Zipora SchorrBT in the AM: The Adult Beit Midrash forWomen, will offer a preview class on Monday,June 14 (see schedule above)Synagogue NewsReclaim your <strong>Beth</strong> JacobSimcha PlaquesOne of the many archival itemspreserved from the <strong>Beth</strong> Jacobsynagogue facility were the SimchaPlaques that were located in thedownstairs lobby at <strong>Beth</strong> Jacob.Through the efforts of our <strong>Beth</strong> Tfilohsynagogue leadership together withHarry Zemel, Bobby Klein and RonEisenberg, these plaques are beingmade available to former <strong>Beth</strong> Jacobmembers on Sunday, June 27 from 10am to 2 pm in the Tuvin Library.The committee would appreciatevolunteers to help organizethe plaques in advance of theirdistribution. If you are available toassist in this effort on Sunday, June 13from 10 am to 2 pm, please contactRon at 410-484-1979.<strong>Beth</strong> Jacob Simcha Plaques may bereclaimed on Sunday, June 27 from 10 am to 2pm in the Tuvin Library.JOB OPPORTUNITIESIf you know of any job opportunitiesin the Baltimore area, or if you arein need of assistance in obtainingemployment, we urge you to contactthese two local resources:Jewish Career Services410-466-9200info@jcsbaltimore.orgJoblink Baltimore410-602-8700jobinfo@joblinkemployment.com

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN june 2010 sivan-tammuz 5770Sisterhood NewsOur closing meeting of the yearwill be held June 14th at 7:30 P.M.in the Tuvin Assembly Hall. Theprogram that evening, presented byDr. Michael Sellman, Chairman ofthe Neurology Department at MercyHospital, is “Boosting Your BrainHealth”. Learn how you can stay atyour sharpest with just a few easychanges. This program promises tobe fun and informative. Guests arewelcome.Sisterhood’s Chesed Committeewill be ordering delicious honeycakes from the Sunflower Bakery inGaithersburg, MD. Sunflower Bakeryhas been established to prepareindividuals with developmentaland other disabilities for gainfulemployment in the baking industry.They are trained by professionalpastry chefs,and are learning bakingskills, safety and sanitation practices,equipment usage, cleanup, productdevelopment and presentation.The products are certified by theRabbinical Council of GreaterWashington. For more informationor to order your honey cakes go towww.beth<strong>tfiloh</strong>.com/Sisterhood to print theform. Contact Roselyn Kalb 410-486-3456 or Hilda Yankelov 410-655-4942 for any questions.Sisterhood had a very exciting andproductive year with informativeprogramming and diverse activitiesfor everyone’s interest. Many of ourmembers have joined <strong>Beth</strong> TfilohSisterhood from other congregationsfor our engaging programs andactivities that provide currentinformation and warm camaraderie.To those <strong>Beth</strong> Tfiloh congregantswho have not yet affiliated withSisterhood, we welcome your supportas well. Please contact Iris Pevner410-486-8054 for membershipinformation.The Sisterhood Gift Shop is readyfor Father’s Day. Treat him to a newtallit, some with matching kippot andtallit bag; to a non- tarnishing silverplate wine fountain; to a beautifulArtscroll Pirkei Avot (Ethics of ourFathers) or a personal kiddush cupin sterling silver, wood or ceramic.We also have wonderful gifts for thegraduates in your life.Sisterhood has established the BettyJ. Katz Sisterhood Shabbat FlowerFund from contributions madeto Sisterhood in memory of BettyKatz, a past President of Sisterhood.We would like to thank the manyBoard members who sponsored theSisterhood Shabbat Kiddush andassisted in all areas of this event.Ongoing ProjectsSisterhood Gift ShopPhone: 410-413-2227Sun., Tues., & Wed. – 10 am-1 pmMon., Tues., & Thurs. – 1 pm-4 pmMitzvah CardsBrenda Boches 410-585-1045Marcia Miller 410-922-3487Special Mitzvah CardsCharlene Schimberg 410-413-2217Chesed CommitteeRoselyn Kalb 410-486-3456Brotherhood NewsThe <strong>Beth</strong> Tfiloh Brotherhoodcurrently is making plans for theupcoming programming year. Workis under way to reinstitute a “BlueBook” to provide the <strong>Beth</strong> TfilohCommunity with convenient accessto the names and discount coupons ofarea merchants and service providers.Also in the offing are a summer picnictogether with the Camp and a trip toan Orioles game at Camden Yards.In addition, the Brotherhood ismaking plans to host its annualBlood Drive in conjunction withthe Red Cross on November 21and a Sports Night with a BaltimoreRaven. The coming months alsowill see the rededication of ourbeautiful, relocated Brick Plaza. TheBrotherhood also plans to presentits annual Midot Award at the<strong>Beth</strong> Tfiloh Dahan High Schoolcommencement ceremony to honorthe student whose behavior mostexemplifies Torah teachings.We strongly encourage all men tojoin us in the Brotherhood. Dues arenominal and it’s rewarding to knowthat you are helping to make <strong>Beth</strong>Tfiloh the vibrant congregation thatit is. Brotherhood already does alot to provide meaningful activitiesand to support the Congregation,School and Camp, but we could doeven more with your help. Pleasecall the Brotherhood at 410-486-1900 Extension 238 or e-mail us atbrotherhood@b<strong>tfiloh</strong>.org.

june 2010 sivan-tammuz 5770BETH TFILOH BULLETINSchool NewsFor more School news, photos and videos, visit www.beth<strong>tfiloh</strong>.com/mybtBT students tapped forNational Honor SocietyThe 2010 Induction Ceremonyof the <strong>Beth</strong> Tfiloh Chapter of theNational Honor Society took place,with 4 juniors and 37 sophomoresrecognized for their outstandingscholarship, service, character andleadership.In order to be consideredfor membership, students mustdemonstrate outstanding scholarshipby maintaining a cumulative,unweighted average of 3.6 adjustedfor each honors or AP course. Inaddition, a student must demonstrateleadership and commitment to serviceby being a leader in one schoolorganization or by being an activeparticipant in two organizations (oneof the two may be a sports team). Oneactivity may be outside of school butthe student must demonstrate strongleadership qualities. No student whohas been the subject of a disciplinaryaction during the first trimesterwill be considered for membership,and all members must complete thecommunity service requirement eachyear. In addition, successful candidatesmust meet the highest standard ofcharacter and ethical conduct. Thisincludes accepting criticism, respect,courtesy, honesty, responsibility, andbeing helpful to others.Mazel Tov to the following studentswho were inducted this spring:11th Grade - Max Cardin, AyeletHamburger, Kaila Hough, DeanKaplan. 10th Grade - RebeccaAbbott, Joshua August, Dara Baker,Adiva Berkowitz, Max Chason,Michelle Czinn, Michal Denburg,Evan Eisenberg, Zoe Eisenberg, EmilyEisner, Noah Ferentz, Jacob Finglass,Ellie Goldenberg, Ari Goldstein,Samuel Hirsh, Alexandra Kadish,Dara Kramer, Dakota Katz, AndrewLebowitz, Ilana Lehmann, Ian Lever,Above - ROBOT CHALLENGE - BT Seniors received first and second place honors in both the2-leg race and 4-leg race in the Maryland Engineering Robot Challenge. Pictured is the firstplace 4-Leg team of Andrea Bookoff, Eric Chason, Melissa Harans and Casey Lichter.Below - THE LOWER SCHOOL PRODUCTION, featured a look “Inside BT”, with awonderful variety of songs written and directed by Mr. Brian Singer, and accompanied onpiano by Mrs. Elaine Hercenberg and orchestra.Ilana Levin, Eric Manski, Emily Miller,Rachel Peters, Andrew Sabintsev,Joseph Schwartz, Talia Schwartz,Ashley Sefret, Jake Shapiro, AdamSharp, Max Spitz, Mark Stein, SamuelSturner, Daniel White, Yaniv Yaffe,Gabriel Zuckerberg.Right - NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETYinductees were congratulated by Mrs. ZiporaSchorr, Director of Education, and Rabbi AaronFrank, High School Principal.

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN june 2010 sivan-tammuz 5770We gratefully acknowledge the following contributions to our Congregation & SchoolROSALIE AND RICHARD ALTERSCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Honor of:Cantor Avi and Ahuva Albrecht, on Haddas’engagement, by Rosalie and Richard Alter.In Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Rosalie and Richard Alter,Marsha and Gene Modell.Lee David Chiat, by Rosalie and Richard Alter.Beloved brother of Roberta Shaffman, by Rosalieand Richard Alter.PHYLLIS AND LEONARD ATTMANSCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Honor of:Shellye Gilden, in appreciation of her love andsupport, by Randi, Bunky, Sofia, Jordana, and ZoeEisenberg.BETH TFILOH DAHANCOMMUNITY SCHOOLIn Honor of:Cantor Avi and Ahuva Albrecht, on Haddas’engagement to Ephraim Goldenberg, by Deborahand Searle Mitnick.Cantor Avi Albrecht, with thanks for makingSeth’s Bar Mitzvah so special, by Mindy and JudLipowitz.Phyllis and Leonard Attman, on being chosenas Spotlight 2010 honorees, by Ruth and DavidNaftaly.A generous contribution was made by HowardBarshop.Judy and Charles Caplan, on their son’s marriage,by Adele and Jerry Sidle.Joyce Grand, on the birth of her granddaughter,by the Brenner Family.Arthur Lazerow, by Deborah and Searle Mitnick.Rabbi Daniel Lerner, for his friendship andguidance, by Neil Sweren.Elaine Lowen, on being honored by Israel Bondsof Maryland at the Golda Meir Dinner, by Ruthand David Naftaly.Stan Lustman, with thanks for making Seth’s BarMitzvah so special, by Mindy and Jud Lipowitz.Zipora Schorr, with thanks for making Seth’s BarMitzvah so special, by Mindy and Jud Lipowitz.Rabbi Ross Singer,with thanks for makingSeth’s Bar Mitzvah so special, by Mindy and JudLipowitz.Phyllis Waxman, on the birth of her grandson, bythe Brenner Family.Rabbi Chaim Wecker, for his help in learning aHaftorah, by Neil Sweren.Janet Weisenfreund, with thanks for makingSeth’s Bar Mitzvah so special, by Mindy and JudLipowitz.Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg, with thanks formaking Seth’s Bar Mitzvah so special, by Mindyand Jud Lipowitz.Speedy Recovery to:Debbie Allen, by Jeff Amdur.Jack Weinglass, by Roselyn and Irv Kalb.In Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Mindy Berger, MichaelDanels, Tara and Seth Reid, Mildred Berman,the Bercovitz Family, Dana and Herman Brecherand Family, the Brenner Family, Ellen and MarkDorenfeld, Alan Fishbein, Bonnie Glick, EvelynGross and Carol and Steven Batoff, Jayne andAndrew Klein, Elaine and Danny Liebfeld, Mindyand Jud Lipowitz and Family, Shirley and IrvLittman, Gina, Stephen and Michael Millstein,Deborah and Searle Mitnick, Ruth and DavidNaftaly, Marlene and Mark Nusinov, Marilyn andJosef Rosenblatt, Marilyn and Alfred Rosenstein,Marlene and Jack Rubin, Selma and RichardRynd, Marcia and Alvin Sachs, Beatrice Schaffer,Barbara Smelkinson, Sherri, Neil, Rachel, andRyan Sweren, Ethel and Alvin Tamres.Ray Nachlas Becker, by Claire Beissinger, JosephCooper and Family and Jon H. Levinson andFamily, Sonia and Toby Hymer, Alan Malman,The Medical Staff of Norwest Hospital, Marilynand Ronald Smullian.Lillian Caplan, by Anita and Frank Sappersteinand Family.Barry Hoffman, by Phyllis and Sam Gold, Selmaand Richard Rynd.Irving Kroll, by Deborah and Searle Mitnick.Sara Lander, by the Bercovitz Family.Deborah Schuster, by Bonnie Glick, Evelyn Grossand Carol and Steven Batoff, Jayne and AndrewKlein, Marilyn and Josef Rosenblatt, Selma andRichard Rynd, Sherri, Neil, Rachel, and RyanSweren.Morris and Pearl Silberman, by Adele and JerrySidle.Stewart Wilder, by the Bercovitz Family..BETH TFILOH DAHAN COMMUNITYSCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Honor of:Cherie Brownstein, on her special birthday, byPam and Neil Weissman and Family.Haron Dahan, on his special birthday, by Rozand Marvin H. Weiner.Jud Lipowitz on his birthday, by Judy and MartyMintz.Mindy and Jud Lipowitz, on their son, Sethbecoming a Bar Mitzvah, by Adrienne, Charles,and Adam Goldstein.Sherri and Jeffrey Venick, on the birth of theirgrandson, Judah, by Joan and Larry Feldman.In Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Donna and Irwin Azman,BT Middle School Family, Ineza and DavidChikvashvili, Mindy and Marc Dickler, NaomiFeldman and David Gorelick, Adrienne, Charles,and Adam Goldstein, Linda Hollander andFamily, Mickey and Leeds Katzen, Laurie andMichael Kott, Jeannie and Irvin Lazinsky, Louiseand Morty Macks, Wendy, Jeffrey, Josh, Adam,and Erin Miller, Edith and Saul Moses, the PassenFamily, Irene and Robert Russel, Syndi andRobert Saltzman, Anita and Frank Sapperstein,Barbara and David Schwartz, Marie and MartySchwartz, Susan and Scott Yurow.To commemorate the yahrzeit of Samuel Fisher,by Jeannie Lazinsky and Doris Schwartzman.Barry Hoffman, by Edith and Saul Moses.David Levin, by Wendy, Jeffrey, Josh, Adam, andErin Miller, the Trattner Family, Susan Yurow.Suzanne Low, by ABC-Amega, Inc, Laurie andBob Brodsky, DAS Enterprises, Cynthia Dickman,Gina and John Dussi, Gail and Gerald Kandel,Kathleen and Thomas Laudicina, Ronni andHoward Levinson, Ann (Neumann) and MortLibov, the Locke Family, Judy and Paul Lourie,Leslie and Rick Monfred, Wendy and ArnoldPosner, Syndi and Robert Saltzman, CaroleSatmary, Laurie, Jason, Skylar, Dari Jo, Landon,and Gyllian Sklar, Lisa and Zack Steinmetz,Sherri, Neil, Rachel, and Ryan Sweren, Elaine andOscar Wasserman, Sophia Zukowski.Sydney Miller, by Zipora SchorrDeborah Schuster, by Donna and Irwin Azman,Barbara and David Schwartz, Marie and MartySchwartz.Morris and Pearl Silberman, by Ineza and DavidChikvashvili.MICKEY AND BERNIE BLIDENMIDDLE SCHOOLIn Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Mickey and Bernie Bliden.Ray Nachlas Becker, by Mickey and BernieBliden.BROTHERHOOD S. HAROLD COHENSCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Honor of:Haran Dahan on his 85th birthday, by Mimi andMartin Cohen.Ellen and Sid Cohen on the birth of grandchild,by Sandy and Heshy Schoenfeld.In Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Eva and David Engles.Barry Hoffman, by Marcia and Jay Danick.BESSIE AND SAUL CAPLANENDOWMENT & SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Memory of:To commemorate the yahrzeits of Bessie and SaulCaplan, by Eunice Kohn.CHARLES CRANE AND FRONAAND HOWARD S. BROWNEDUCATION FUNDIn Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Myra and Bill Fox, Gayleand Manny Levy, Laurie, Jason, Skylar, Dari Jo,Landon, and Gyllian SklarDIAMOND FAMILYSCHOLARSHIP FUNDSpeedy Recovery to:Nadyne Turner, by Dr. Liebe Diamond.In Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Dr. Liebe Diamond

june 2010 sivan-tammuz 5770BETH TFILOH BULLETINMilton Aidus, by Dr. Liebe DiamondBeatrice Herman, by Dr. Liebe DiamondMartin Himeles, Sr., by Dr. Liebe DiamondSAMUEL AND SIDNEY EPSTEINCHAPEL FUNDIn Honor of:Gerald Berg on his special birthday, by Debbieand Alan Summerfield.JEROME AND RHEDA FADER CAMPSCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Honor of:Mr. and Mrs. Irv Lieberman, on their daughter,Anna’s engagement and forthcoming marriage, byEsther Berelowitz.<strong>Beth</strong> Goldsmith Russel, on her 60th birthday, byRheda and Jerry Fader.In Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Rheda and Jerry Fader.GILBERT I. FRIEDEL MEMORIALSCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Honor of:Marlyn and Herbert Seidman, on their 50thwedding anniversary, by Selma and Jules Shaivitz.MORRIS FRINER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Freda Friner.GARFINKEL FAMILY LEARNINGASSISTANCE FUNDIn Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Miriam and JayGerstenblith.Deborah Schuster, by Miriam and JayGerstenblith.GENERAL FUNDIn Honor of:Cantor Avi and Ahuva Albrecht on theengagement of Haddas, by Maria and MartySchwartz.Buzzy Berg on his special birthday, by Tootsieand Mark Eisenberg.Lillian Hackerman on her special birthday, byIrene Pasarew.Rabbi Daniel Lerner and Rabbi Ross Singer forproviding a place to burn chometz, by Emma andJacob Exler.A generous donation has been made on theoccasion of 55th anniversary of Shirley andHoward Shapiro.Speedy Recovery to:Eileen Himmelrich, by Susan, Bruce, Adrian andAlex Rabin.David Liebman, by Bonnie Glick.In Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Herta and Arthur Baitch,Rosalie and Malcolm Renbaum.Dorothy Glazer, by Alan Fishbein.Barry Hoffman, by Elizabeth and Sidney Geller.Sylvia Kramer, by Shirley Hoffman and family.Irving Kroll, by Lillian and Willard Hackerman,Peggy and Ben Schapiro.David G. Levin, by Alan Fishbein.SONIA AND STANLEY GOLDBERGADOPT-A-CHILD FUNDSpeedy Recovery to:Lois Miliman, by Sonia and Stanley Goldberg.Peachy Schwartz, by Sonia and StanleyGoldberg.In Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Dawn and Glenn Goldberg,Leslie, Ron, Rachel and Lance Goldberg, Soniaand Stanley Goldberg.Gilbert Segall, by Dawn and Glenn Goldberg,Leslie and Ron Goldberg, Sonia and StanleyGoldberg.ALAN J. KARLIN CHATANTORAH HONOR FUNDIn Honor of:Helen Gordon on being selected by theFederation of Jewish Women Organization ofMD., by Carolyn Noel, Beverly Baumohl, JuneKarlin.Kathi and Jeffrey Karlin on the opening of theirnew restaurant, by Helen and Jerry Gordon.Speedy Recovery:Marvin Weiner, for continued good health, byHelen and Jerry Gordon.In Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Myra and Bill Fox, Roz andMarvin Weiner, June Karlin, Lois and Jacob YosefMiliman.Dorothy Glazer, by Carol and Phil Matz.Suzanne Low, by June Karlin.Deborah Schuster by Myra and Bill Fox, Brendaand Irwin Nudelman.MAX AND ESTHER KAYEISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Honor of:Cherie Brownstein, with belated birthday wishes,by Sherri and Jeff Venick.Sarah Feldman Horowitz, on graduating fromLaw School, by Sherri and Jeff Venick.Shelley and Bob Kaye, on the birth of theirgrandson, Levi, by Kathy and Bruce Posner.LAWRENCE M. KATZISRAEL TRIP FUNDIn Honor of:Henry Rosenberg, Jr. by Melissa and JordanLevine.JEROME KIRSON SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Memory of:Esther Finifter, by Anita and Frank Sapperstein.JOSEPH AND ROSE LAZINSKYLIBRARY FUNDIn Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Wende and MichaelLevitas.ERIC LEVI MEMORIALSCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Memory of:Barry Hoffman, by the Angster Family—Marlene,Gwen, Neda, Zalmon, and Debbie.JERRY LICHTER SCHOLARSHIPENDOWMENT FUNDIn Honor of:Caren Lichter and Stan Sack, by Kathleen andRaymond Levin, Eileen and Allan LevineSeth Lipowitz, on becoming a Bar Mitzvah, byBarbara and Sam Lichter.In Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Barbara and Sam Lichter.Dorothy Leah Glazer, by Barbara and SamLichter.David Levin, by Barbara and Sam Lichter.Morris and Pearl Silberman, by Barbara and SamLichter.LOUISE D. AND MORTON J. MACKSARTS ENDOWMENT FUNDIn Memory of:Deborah Schuster, by Louise and Morty Macks.MORTON J. AND LOUISE MACKSLIBRARYIn Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Selma and Melvin Kitt.THE MERCAZ DAHAN CENTER FORJEWISH LIFE AND LEARNINGIn Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Fran and Steve Pruce,Brenda and Irwin Nudelman.Morris and Pearl Silberman, by Shirley and IrvLittman.NELSON NEUMAN FAMILYKIDDUSH FUNDIn Memory of:Irv Kroll, by Ricka Neuman.PRAYER BOOK FUNDIn Honor of:Cantor Avi and Ahuva Albrecht on theengagement of Haddas, by Reba and ArnoldCohen,Joseph Askin on his 75th birthday, by JoAnn andRichard Kupfer.Martin Auster and Adrian Dobs on theengagement of their son Harry, by the CarlinerFamily.Helen Gordon for being honored at theFederation of Jewish Women’s Organization of

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN june 2010 sivan-tammuz 5770MD., by Rosalie and Malcolm Renbaum, Soniaand Irv Lansman.Lillian Hackerman on her special birthday, byLillam Hackerman, Charlotte Kessler, HenryZetlin.Marlyn Seidman on her special birthday, by Ellenand Sidney Cohen.Henry Zetlin with wishes for a happy and healthyPassover, by Silvia and Bert Glesby.Speedy Recovery to:Eileen Himmelrich, by the Carliner Family.Iris Silverman, by Jerry Silverman, Robert andLinda Silverman.Nadyne Turner, by Sandy and Heshy Schoenfeld.In Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Marcy Rynd Ashpes, RetaDavis and Family, Cantor Melvin and CaroleLuterman, Diane and Jeffrey Powers, Selma andRichard Rynd, Holly and Steve Venick, Leopoldand Shirley Vogelstein, Ann Katz, Leslie andRonnie Goldberg, Selma and Richard Rynd,Michael Yerman, Kathy and Bruce Posner.Milton Aidus, by Henry Zetlin.Ray Becker, by Susan, Bruce, Adrian and AlexRabin.Sylvia Diener, by Lorraine and HowardBronstein, Ellen and Sidney Cohen.Dorothy Glazer, by Janet, Howard, Karen andStephanie Blum, Elayne and Marvin Kohl, MarionShulman and Morty Miller.Barry Hoffman, by Corinne and Jeffrey Gulin,Debbie and Norman Goldschmidt and Family.Irving Kroll, by Sonia and Martin Bodner andfamily, Theodore Chernak, Henry Zetlin.Seymore Marcus, Elma and Marvin Rombro.Sydney Miller, by Evelyn Gross, Carol andSteven Batoff, Wendy and Edward Gross, themembers of the Morris I. Feld Guild.Deborah Schuster, by Etty and Isaac Gheiler,Diane and Jeffrey Powers, Leopold and ShirleyVogelstein, Randi, Bunky, Sofia, Jordana and ZoeEisenberg.Bernie Siegel, by Beverly Kroll and Family.RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUNDIn Honor of:Harry Gendason on his 94th birthday, bythe family of Harry Gendason, Children,Grandchildren, and Great Grandchildren.Krystal and Jeffrey Kleinberg on their specialSimcha, by Alison and Michael Kleinberg.Rabbi Wohlberg and Family for a happy Passover,by Sandy and Sheldon Dobres and Family.Speedy Recovery to:David Lebson, by Melvin and Blanche Bernstein.In Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Minnie and Irving Hyatt,Blanche and Melvin Bernstein, Robin and HaroldTucker.Helene Eisner, by Philip Aronson.Barry Hoffman, by Minnie and Irving Hyatt.Sara Lander, by Alison and Michael Kleinberg.Deborah Schuster, by Minnie and Irving Hyatt.RABBI ROSENBLATT FUND:In Memory of:Deborah Schuster, by Sandy and HeshySchoenfeld.MILTON AND RAE SAMUELSONMEMORIAL FUNDSpeedy Recovery to:Toba Samuelson, by Phyllis Kolodner, Barbaraand Steve Samuelson.In Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Phyllis Kolodner andFamily.Hyman Grayson, by Phyllis Kolodner.Michael Oshrine by Phyllis Kolodner.SISTERHOOD GIFT FUNDIn Honor of:Sallie and Harold Goldberg, on theirgranddaughter, Jennifer becoming a Bar Mitzvah,by Iris and Danny Pevner.Helen Gordon, on being honored by theFederation of Jewish Women’s Organizations, byEvelyn Gross and Family, Shirley and Irv Littman,Adele and Jerry SidleShelley and Bob Kaye, on the birth of theirgrandson, Levi, by Sandy and Sheldon Dobres.Dianne and Stan Zweback, on the birth of theirgranddaughter, Annabella, by Sallie and HaroldGoldberg, Sandy and Heshy Schoenfeld, SylviaTulkoff.In Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Iris and Danny Pevner,Charlene Schimberg, Sylvia Tulkoff.Robert Bass, by Iris and Danny Pevner.Dorothy Glazer, by Iris and Danny Pevner.Barry Hoffman, by Sandy and Sheldon Dobres,Iris and Danny Pevner, Charlene SchimbergSydney Miller, by Sandy and Sheldon Dobres,Iris and Danny Pevner, Charlene Schimberg,Dianne and Stan Zweback.Deborah Schuster, by Sandy and SheldonDobres, Iris and Danny Pevner.Morris and Pearl Silberman, by Helen and JerryGordon, Iris and Danny Pevner.RABBI MITCHELL WOHLBERGBOOK FUNDIn Honor of:Lillian Hackerman on her special birthday, byMaxine and Stanley Orlove, Evelyn Silver.Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg, in appreciation for thehonor given during the Passover service, by JoanD. Rombro.Speedy Recovery:Iris Silverman, by Jerry, Robert and LindaSilverman.In Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Barbara and Ray Carson.Sylvia Diener,by Judge and Mrs.Paul Dorf.Beatrice Herman, by Judge and Mrs. Paul Dorf.Barry Hoffman, by Judge and Mrs. Paul Dorf.Irving Kroll, by Judge and Mrs. Paul Dorf.Sydney Miller, by Leslie Beck and Family.Deborah Schuster, by Zlata and Sam Glozer,Judge and Mrs. Paul Dorf.YAD B’YAD FUNDIn Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Debra and Simcha Varon.Suzanne Low, by Debra and Simcha Varon.LINDA AND SEYMOUR YAFFESCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FUNDIn Honor of:Ellen and Noah Lightman, in appreciation forspeaking to the Chavurah, by Amit and HenryYaffe.Speedy Recovery to:Sally Davis, by Amit and Henry Yaffe.In Memory of:Esther Ann Adler, by Amit and Henry Yaffe,Linda Yaffe.Mazel TovWe extend a Mazel Tov to the following members:cuy kznTo Donna and Calvin Belsky on their 50thwedding anniversary.To Eva Fine and Ira Fine on the engagement oftheir daughter, Joanna to Michael Joseph, son ofOrri and Stan Joseph of New York.To Esther Herman on her birthday.To Ja-Ni and Robert Hirschmann on the birth ofa daughter.To Sheila Lichter on the Bar Mitzvah of hergrandson, Jordan Katz.To Searle Mitnick on his election the theAmerican College of Real Estate LawyersTo Barbara Mussey on her special birthday.To Barrie and Harold Smullian on the birth oftheir grandson, Chase Logan, son of Jen and NeilSmullian.To Dora and Joe Waranch on the marriage oftheir granddaughter, Emily, daughter of Lynneand Larry Waranch, to Victor Hermann, son ofAnn Kaiser.To Marcie and David Zisow on the birth oftheir grandson, Henry Benjamin Zisow, son ofMatthew and Michelle Zisow.Condolencesvfrck oburfzWe extend our heartfelt condolences to the followingmembers:To Myra Aidus on the loss of her husband,Milton Aidus.To Walter Becker on the loss of his wife, RayBecker.To Rhoda Brown on the loss of her mother,Florence Sternberg.To Elaine Katz and Janice Bolten on the loss oftheir mother, Eleanor Harris.

june 2010 sivan-tammuz 5770BETH TFILOH BULLETINTo Phillip Levin, on the loss of his father, DavidG. Levin.To Shirley Miller on the loss of her husband,Sydney Miller.To J. Max Millstone on the loss of his sister,Beatrice Herman.To Rosalie Renbaum on the loss of her brotherand sister-in-law, Morris and Pearl Silberman.To Morris Segall on the loss of his father, GilbertSegall.To Les Vogel on the loss of his father, LaurenceVogel.Shabbat Kiddush SponsorsWe gratefully appreciate the generosity of the followingindividuals for their sponsorship of the weekly Shabbatmorning Kiddush:APRIL 17 - Laura and Jeffrey Baverman in honorof their daughter, Jenna becoming a Bat Mitzvah;and byCarol and Allan Pristoop in honor of the auf-rufand forthcoming marriage of their son, Rafi toChavi KahnAPRIL 24 - Judy and Marty Mintz in honor oftheir grandson, Seth becoming a Bar Mitzvah,and in honor of their up-coming 50th weddinganniversary.MAY 1 - the Nelson Neuman Family KiddushFund.MAY 8 – the Sisterhood in honor of SisterhoodShabbat.MAY 15 - Sharon and Harvey Grutman in honorof their son, Steven becoming a Bar Mitzvah.Seudah Shelishit SponsorsWe gratefully appreciate the generosity of the followingsponsors of the weekly Shabbat afternoon Seudah Shelishit:APRIL 24 - Searle and Deborah Mitnick tocommemorate the 33rd yahrzeit of Edward A.Gersuk and the 10th yahrzeit of Herbert Mitnick.MAY 8 - Dr. Sandy and Howard Rosenblatt inmemory of Sandy’s father, Samuel Shapiro, andHoward’s parents, Sophia N. Rosenblatt andBernard I. Rosenblatt; and by Heshy and SandySchoenfeld and Marilyn and Josef Rosenblatt andtheir families to commemorate the yahrzeit ofMaurice Schoenfeld, beloved father.Yahrzeit ContributionsIsidore Adler, by Samuel AdlerClarence Amdur, by Marlene Amdur FergusonRose E. Atkins, by Phyllis NeumanRena Bass, by Mr. and Mrs. Maurice BassSylvia M. Bedine, by Marshall BedineIrving Bierer, by David NaftalyMoris Benus, by Sharon BenusMorris Blasbalg, by Herman BlasbalgHyman Louis Bloom, by Mr. and Mrs. LeonardBloomRebecca Z. Bloom, by Harry ZemelRose Faye Caplan, by Mrs. Ray SternDorothy Carlin, by Jacqueline Wilen, Maury CarlinAnnette Cohen, by Viviane CohenIsaac Cohen, by Viviane CohenJulius Cohen, by Joyce BedineLloyd Cohen, by Jacqueline GordonEmanuel Colvin, by Sallie GoldbergRae Danoff, by David DanoffElsie Davidov, by Howard DavidovFranklyn Davis, by Jan PickerMelvin M. Desser, by Dorothy (Dotsey) Roth, SoniaGrohCharles Dickman, by Doris FinkKate Eisner, by Allen EisnerHerman Engel, by Rita SollodAnna Enten, by Adele SidleEstelle Feder, by Donald FedderAlvin Feibus, by Judith VogelhutSilvio Finci, by Sonya SetrenBernard H. Fink, by Doris FinkFannie Finkelstein, by Jack FinkelsteinWilliam Finkelstein, by Cicely FinkelsteinAnnie Fried, by Elaine FriedMarion Friedman, by Nadine DicksteinMorton Friedman, by Milton FriedmanLouis Fromm, by Mr. and Mrs. Bernard FrommBetty Gellman, by Micki NaiditchReba Glass, by Marvin GlassHerbert Glushakow, by Michael GlushakowSelma Goldberg, by Joel GoldbergDora Gross, by Samuel GrosshandlerBenjamin Grosshandler, by Samuel GrosshandlerArthur Guttman, by Laurence GuttmanMina Hecht, by Betty ZilberJulius Helman, by Ruth SolomonMalka Hershkovitz, by Avi HershkovitzIsidore Hettleman, by Jerome HettlemanHarry W. Hoffman, by Marcia DanoffEdward Kirk, by William KirkMorris Klein, by Robert KleinShirley Kowitz, by Ervin KowitzBenjamin Kremen, by Gladys Roth KremenAda Krichinsky, by William KirkAlexander Kupfer, by Sandra BassSara Kurtz, by Evelyn GrossMax Lattin, by Lottie LattinMartin Leikach, by Ann LeikachLeonard Levin, by Sally ThomasHilda Levine, by Norman LewinDiana Reiner Levy, by Morris LevyEsther Leah Levy, by Ronald SmullianRuth Levine, by Bernard LevineMinnie Levy, by Carolyn L. NoelEsther Bertha Lichter, by Beverly GershMaurice Lipman, by Ilene StarkFlorence Liss, by Steven GildenMeta Mainzer, by Irene ShermanHertha Mansbach, by Irene RusselLottie Mark, by Revanne AronoffFrieda Mayer, by Lutz Alexander PragerKaroline Mayer, by Lutz Alexander PragerSamuel Mayer, by Lutz Alexander PragerYetta Michelson, by Morris RosenA. Leonard Mogol, by Ellen CohenEdith Monfried, by Allan MonfriedRose Betty Kolodny Morris, by Josephine FriedmanEsther Mourad, by Magda SainaMorris Naftaly, by David NaftalyMarian Needle, by Deborah N. BernfeldHerbert Noel, by Carolyn L. NoelRaymond Noel, by Carolyn L. NoelThomas Noel, by Carolyn L. NoelJohn J. Pachino, by Joy PachinoSylvia Pachino, by Rosalind ShenkerBenjamin Louis Patz, by Lillian Hackerman, TedChernakSidney W. Picker, by Jeffrey PickerFannie Pomerantz, by Evelyn GrossNathan Pomerantz, by Evelyn GrossRegina Prager, by Lutz Alexander PragerReuben Proper, by Debbie JacobsonDaniel Rehr, by Dorothy ShermanIda Reisman, by Reta FreemanMilton Resnikoff, Donna BelskyRaisa Rogov, by Isaac RogovSelma Rosenberg, by Harriet Robbins, RonaldRosenbergArturo Rubinstein, by Jane GoldsekerAda Mae Rudick, by Robert KleinMorris Rudolph, by Janet KotelchuckNathan Sachs, by Ray SachsLouis J. Sagner, by Gloria HarrisHerbert Sandler, by Alan SandlerClaire Sanford, by Hanna BergerIsaac Shapiro, by Leroy ShapiroMax Scherr, by Ruth SimonLisette Scheuer, Ann LibovJean Schevker, by Shirley Erkes, Ruth Glazer.Lena Schlachman, by Sidney SchlachmanFannie Schloss, by Stephen SchlossPauline Schofer, by Edith SussmanHarry J. Schwartz, by Risa SchusterJoseph Schwartz, by Louis SchwartzKatie Morstein Schwartzman, by Iris SilvermanHerbert Seidman, by Cherie BrownsteinStella Shaivitz, by Hilda AmsterIsaac Shapiro, by Sanford ShapiroSamuel Shapiro, by Sandy RosenblattFrank Shemer, by Irene ShemerRae Shepard, by Shirley M. YtkinRosalind Shor, by Mrs. Kenie ZutkoffGertrude Siegel, Florence BlockSol Smith, by Diane LottArlene Smolar, by Robin Smolar MinkoffMolly Sobkov, by Ruth SobkovJulius Solomon, by Gilbert SolomonAnne Spector, by Libby WolffMyrna Spector, by Lawrence SpectorAnn Spiegel, by Josh SpiegelNeil Stein, by Dayna LederTheodore Stern, by Mrs. Ray SternHarry Taback, by Claire OrandleJesse S. Taylor, by Harold TaylorHarry Tulkoff, by Sylvia TulkoffAlfred L. Tuvin, by Tuvin FamilyAbraham Velder, by Eli VelderRose Velder, by Eli VelderBeatrice Vogelhut, by Steven VogelhutMax Wiener, by Lance MartinCecelia B. Weiss, by James TuvinLouis Julius Weitz, by Sue PaymerJerome Joel Wilen, by Jacqueline Wilen and childrenBeatrice Winter, by Bruce WinterEdna Cushner Wolfe, by Susan FrankWillis Wolfson, by Dina KarlipGoldye Eggnatz Yudin, by Henne RapkinJulius Yudin, by Henne RapkinHenry Zareswitz, by James TuvinAbraham Zareswitz, by James TuvinMichael Zemel, by Minnie Daniels, Sara ZemelRenee Zettler, by Sonia Maltinsky

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN june 2010 sivan-tammuz 5770<strong>Beth</strong> Tfiloh Congregation3300 Old Court RoadBaltimore, MD 21208Non-Profit OrgU.S. PostageP A I DPermit No. 1262Baltimore, MDTIME SENSITIVEMATERIALBETH T FILOHSynagogue Office 410-486-1900Fax 410-653-0603Schedule of Services Dial 6, 2Information Hotline 410-413-2345mail@b<strong>tfiloh</strong>.org • www.<strong>Beth</strong>Tfiloh.comCelebrating the Joy of JudaismEmbracing all JewsAMERICA'S LARGEST MODERN ORTHODOX SYNAGOGUE<strong>Beth</strong> Tfiloh CongregationRabbi Mitchell Wohlberg Ext. 215Rabbi Daniel Lerner Ext. 213Rabbi Ross Singer Ext. 219Hazzan Avraham Albrecht Ext. 212Rabbi Chaim Wecker, Ritual Director Ext. 218Stanley Weintraub, PresidentGary B. Eidelman, Board ChairmanEve Kresin Steinberg, Executive Director Ext. 251Bruce Fishberg, Sr. Operating Officer/ CFO Ext. 210<strong>Beth</strong> Tfiloh Dahan Community SchoolSwitchboard: 410-486-1905Zipora Schorr, Director of Education Ext 305Linda Hurwitz, President, Board of TrusteesRabbi Aaron Frank, HS Principal Ext. 402Esther Eisenman, HS Judaic Studies Principal Ext. 408Rabbi Mordechai Soskil, MS Principal Ext. 407Nina Wand, LS Principal Ext. 508Lynne Goldsmith, PreSchool Director Ext 303Shoshana Porter & Chane Steinharter, Hebrew School Ext 500Laurie Kott, Director of Admission Ext. 308Harriet Rosen, School Administrator Ext. 310Joan Feldman, Director of Communications Ext. 312Mandi Miller, Development Director Ext. 399<strong>Beth</strong> Tfiloh Youth Center Ext. 220Cherie Brownstein, Youth DirectorMERCAZ Dahan Centerfor jewish life and learningSandy Vogel, Director Ext. 306Fran Pruce & Loryn Lesser, Co-Chairs<strong>Beth</strong> Tfiloh Camps 410-517-3451David Schimmel, DirectorRon Davis, ChairIsrael Advocacy CommitteeLarry Feldman & Joshua Gurewitsch, Co-ChairsMembership Committee Ext. 251Terry Alpert & Dianne Zweback, Co-Chairs<strong>Beth</strong> Tfiloh CemeteryWendy Farley, Cemetery Coordinator Ext. 241Morris Segall, ChairParent Association Ext. 314Cheri Hurwitz, PresidentBrotherhood Ext. 238Dr. Louis Baer, PresidentSisterhood Ext. 239Sonia Maltinsky, PresidentEvelyn Gross & Shirley Miller, Gift ShopTop - IDF SOLDIERS musical ensemble entertain our BT PreSchool students.Left - 8TH GRADERS enjoy their class trip to New York City.Right - 4TH GRADE students examine marine life on the Chesapeake Bay at the SmithsonianEnvironmental Research Center in Edgewater, Maryland.Chesed CommitteeIrv Hyatt, ChairRoselyn Kalb, Sisterhood Chair<strong>Bulletin</strong>Joan Feldman, Editor Ext. 312Lori Bernstein, Layout & Graphic Design10

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