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O nanna chetana,aagu nee aniketana<strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRIGADE</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong>The Brigade School, J.P. Nagar Campus @ Brigade Millennium, 7th Phase, Bangalore 560 078Ph: +91-80-4130 1390 / 5760 2626 Fax: +91-80-4130 1391enquiry@brigadeschools.org www.brigadeschools.orgO nanna chetana,aagu nee aniketana<strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRIGADE</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong><strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRIGADE</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong>Co-educational CBSE affiliated Nursery through Std 10BSB2/5C/06/06 DESIGNED AT resourcedesign.co.in PRINTED AT MYTEC.

Our VisionAbout Brigade Group"There are two lasting bequests we can give our children:One is roots. The other is wings." —Hodding Carter, Jr.We believe that:Each child is a unique individual who possessesinherent potential of different types. Our objectiveis to identify, tap and develop this potential. To doso, we have to ensure that the child not only learnswell, but also learns happily and, in the process,develops into a confident, complete person. Ourphilosophy is realised through the personalattention we extend to each child and ourencouragement of open lines of communicationbetween students and faculty.Our students should have firm roots in our land,our culture, our language and our ethos. At thesame time, we want our students to develop aworld-view and become universal citizens who areaware of, and at ease with, other cultures,religions, viewpoints and lifestyles.Education involves far more than the acquisition ofknowledge. The real achievement of education isteaching students to enjoy the process of learningand to apply all that they learn to real lifesituations.Established in 1986, Brigade Group is a nameinstantly identified with Bangalore: the city inwhich it is headquartered and with which it sharesits past and future.Brigade Group has over 70 projects to its credit, inboth Bangalore and Mysore. These include luxuryapartment complexes; self-contained, integratedenclaves; state-of-the-art software and retailfacilities and modern offices. The organisationwas amongst the first in the industry to get thecoveted ISO 9001-2000 certification; anindication of its commitment to meeting, andthen excelling, quality benchmarks. BrigadeGroup's associates and partners are the best intheir fields.Brigade Group's corporate vision has evolvedwith time and organisational growth. Its visionand intent now encompass not just buildingbetter homes and offices, but also providing abetter quality of life for those who occupy them.In recent times, Brigade Group's areas of operationand interest have expanded to include areas relatedto property management services, the hospitalityindustry and, through the Brigade Foundation,education, healthcare and community development.Brigade FoundationThe Brigade Foundation is a charitable trust set upby Brigade Group. In the sphere of education, oneof the Foundation's main objectives is to meet theeducational needs of a range of people in bothurban and rural areas.Co-curricular activities and a collaborative learningand working culture are as important asacademics.Colourful signage everywhere reflectsthe spirit of the school.FOR MORE INFORMATION ON PROJECTS VISIT www.brigadegroup.com OR WRITE TO <strong>BRIGADE</strong> GROUP, <strong>BRIGADE</strong> TOWERS, <strong>BRIGADE</strong> ROAD, BANGALORE 560025

12O nanna chetana, aagu nee aniketana24th Main Extension (Being developed by Brigade Group)SSMRV College<strong>THE</strong> <strong>BRIGADE</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong>TennisTo 24th MainThe Brigade School, set in a safe green enclaveOur school motto and logo are anextension of our philosophy: let thespirit fly, let the mind soar into newhorizons…Our school motto...O nanna chetana,aagu nee aniketanaO my spirit,transcend all boundariesOur school motto istaken from the first line of the poemAniketana, written by Karnataka's poetlaureate Kuvempu in 1956.In this poem, Kuvempu seeks to breakout of the narrow confines of home,religion and country, and to reach forthe eternal and the universal.A household name wherever Kannadais read and spoken, Kupalli VenkatappaPuttappa (K.V. Puttappa, 1904-1994) isrevered as one of the great Kannadapoets of the 20th century. He haswritten over 70 books, includingpoetry, novels, essays and plays.Kuvempu believed in "manuja mata,vishva patha" (mankind's religion isthe universal path of all people), aphilosophy reflected in several of hispoems and essays....Our school logoOur logo is the visual translation of ourmotto.The bird, a seagull, represents thesoaring spirit and intellectual freedom.The yellow square stands for energy,optimism and happiness.The fact that our motto is from aKannada poem symbolises the need forrootedness. The script being in Englishrepresents a universaloutlook.

2 11The Brigade SchoolThe leader takes charge:A team meeting in progressat the mini-stadium.Affiliated to the CBSE Board, The BrigadeSchool is a co-educational institutioncovering Nursery to Std 10 levels. The schoolbegan its first academic year in 2004. Youngin years and spirit, yet rich in academicexperience, it has already earned thereputation of being an institution ofexcellence. Initial planning is underway toset up a branch of the school in theMalleswaram-Rajajinagar area.The Brigade School is managed by theBrigade Foundation, a not-for-profit trust setup by Brigade Group, one of Bangalore'sleading property developers and an ISO9001-2000 certified company.Our budding musicians at a school cultural programme.FacilitiesSpacious and safe class rooms……that open into enclosed gardenspaces with sand pits and greenery.Children's playground with swings, seesawsand slides.A private, three-acre landscaped parkthat abuts the school (part of theresidential campus in which the school islocated).A range of toys, craft materials andlearning aids.Age-appropriate books and audio-visualmaterials, selected by experts,to stimulate the imagination andencourage pleasurable learning.A solemn moment:Investiture ceremony of the Head Boy and Head Girl.Follow the leader: A teacher leads hercharges to class on arrival at school.A spirited performance by our little'kodavas'!

10 3Pre-schoolOur FacilitiesNurseryLower Kindergarten (LKG)Upper Kindergarten (UKG)Pre-school, being a child's first experience in the formaleducation system, can be an anxious time for both childrenand parents. Which is why we have taken special care to createa warm, welcoming and cheerful atmosphere, in whichchildren feel secure and happy. An environment that makesthem want to come to school each morning.Learning is encouraged and facilitated through enlightened,child-friendly teachers; individual attention to children; groupdiscussions and interactions and carefully selected books andlearning aids. The emphasis is on anxiety-free learning ratherthan reading and writing by rote. Nature, singing and paintingare a much-loved part of everyday school life. Children learnother important lessons too: to share, abide by simple rules,get on well with other children and accept the authority ofkindly adults.And with the confidence that our Pre-school children gain inthis nurturing environment, their transition to primary schoolbecomes a smooth and happy progression.With thought-provoking ideas on its walls andceiling, the bright and vibrant library encourageslearning and discovery.Students enjoy a football match at the mini-stadium.The Brigade School is located withinthe campus of a beautiful, 22-acreresidential enclave in J.P. Nagar, SouthBangalore.Some of the enclave facilities—suchas a swimming pool, and alandscaped three-acre park, withfloodlit amphitheatre, ministadiumand basketball court; —areavailable to the school. Otherhighlights include:The tree-dotted quadrangle,with a stage at one end, which isthe school's main gathering placefor daily morning assemblies, smallschool ceremonies and tea andlunch breaks.Spacious, well-ventilatedclassrooms that open out intowide, bright hallways.The "wall encyclopaedias" thatrun the length of nearly allhallways, which are as informativeas they are beautiful.Landscaped gardens at bothground and terrace levels.Airy, well-equipped laboratoriesfor physics, chemistry, biology andlife skills.Separate language and mathlaboratories.A spacious and cheery library andwell equipped audio-visual room.A large computer centre, withfloor-to-ceiling windows runningalong one side, equipped with 40computers.A Tuck Shop, where healthysnacks are available during tea andlunch breaks.The school will also have access to theair-conditioned, 450-seatauditorium at the MLR ConventionCentre, located just across the road.The auditorium will have a large stagewith professional sound and lightingfacilities.Building blocks—a great way to learn!

4 9AcademicsStructure & TimingsExperiments at the chemistry lab in progress.There's always something new to learnat the audio-visual room.Our academic focus is based on a philosophy ofteaching that is consistent with exemplary practicesand meets national standards in education.We follow the Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) syllabus, widely regarded as one with the mostenlightened outlook and curricula within oureducation system. The core faculty of the school is aproactive team of experienced teachers, who combinehigh standards of teaching with sensitivity to theemotional needs of their students.Each stage of schooling—primary, middle andhigh—is carefully constructed. A student's journeyfrom one level of school to the next is made asseamless and rewarding as possible.Our CurriculumOur academic curriculum from Std 1 to Std 10:English (medium of instruction)Second Language options:Standards 1-5: Kannada or HindiStandards 6-10: Kannada, Hindi or SanskritThird Language options:Standards 6-8: Kannada, Hindi or Sanskrit(Hindi is mandatory, as either a second or thirdlanguage option)MathematicsPhysics, Chemistry and Biology (Science)History, Civics and Geography (Social Science)A parent picks her child up after school, while teachersdiscuss the day's events.Marching in line to go home!SectionsPre-school: Nursery, LKG and UKG. All classes havetwo sections (36 children per section),with two trained teachers each forNursery and LKG, along with ayahs.Primary School : Standards 1 to 3Middle School : Standards 4 to 8High School : Standards 9 & 10Standards 1 to 10 have three sections of 36 children each.Academic TermsFirst TermSecond TermThird TermTimings: June to Dasara: Dasara to Christmas: January 1 to mid-AprilNursery : 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.LKG & UKGStd 1 to Std 10: 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.Our school works a 5-day week.Extra classes for Standards 9 and 10 may be held onSaturdays, if and when required.Special practices and rehearsals for Standards 4 to 10 maybe held from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays andSaturdays too, if required.

8 5HousesOur CBSE-based ApproachMass PT display by the Middle School (L to R: Hoysala, Ganga and Chalukya houses).Probably nothing symbolises the schoolspirit more than the excitement andchallenge inspired by competitive events. AtThe Brigade School, these events are linkedto sports, academics, the arts, debates,elocution…and many things in between!At the Middle School, or Standard 4 level,children are placed in one of the school'sfour 'Houses', each of which is named aftera dynasty that shaped Karnataka's historyand culture: Chalukya, Vijayanagara, Gangaand Hoysala.This heralds the start of a school-long loyaltyand commitment to the House and itsmembers. The result is a sense ofcollaborative team spirit of the highestorder.Fostering a student-centred approach: Students share a few light moments with theirteacher outside the classroom.A student-friendly, student-centred, interactivefocus.A balanced breadth of academic coverage;neither does it overburden the student, nor is itsuperficial.Constant, innovative review of the syllabus toensure it is contemporary and meaningful, withdue importance being placed on skill-based,job-oriented and job-linked inputs. Subjectscovered include communicative English, spokenKannada, disaster management, life skillseducation and more.Ideal for children of people with transferrablejobs, since CBSE-affiliated schools are found inall major cities.Updation of teachers' skills through workshopsand training programmes.Regular monitoring by the CBSE Board, therebyensuring that its academic standards andeducational philosophy are being met.Chalukya House proudly displays its trophies on Sports Day.With a little help,Art and Craft classes canbe lots of fun!Teamwork: Members of a club work on a projecttogether.

6 7Co-curricular ActivitiesStudents go rock-climbing at Antargange.Practising for the athletic relay heats.A creative and stimulating nature studyclass.Kathalaya: A storytelling session inprogress.We believe that what goes on outside the classroomis as important as what goes on within it. Our regularacademic timetable is therefore complemented by avariety of co-curricular courses, clubs and activities.The entire school—from Standards 1 to 10—benefitsfrom our co-curricular courses. Even though theyhave a full schedule, students of Standards 6 to 10enjoy participating in at least one Sport and oneArt/Performing Arts/Club activity.Our students are given an opportunity to participatein inter-house and inter-school competitions, andshowcase their talents at school functions.SportsWith experienced Physical Training instructors, specialcoaches for basketball, football and swimming, abandmaster and excellent facilities, sports areobviously an important part of our school life.The Brigade Millennium enclave has outstandingsports facilities, which are available to the school,including a covered, heated swimming pool. Thethree-acre Millennium Park, adjacent to the school,has a floodlit mini-stadium and basket ball court witha synthetic running track, and an amphitheatre.Sports activities held here include:Basketball Athletics Brass BandKho-kho Mass PT VolleyballArt and Performing ArtsRich in history and cultural tradition, the arts play animportant role in education—both for their intrinsicvalue and their ability to enhance the overalldevelopment of a child. At The Brigade School, cocurricularactivities in this sphere include art and craft,music, dance and theatre. These are conducted asgroup activities, rather than on an individual basis.School outings to the theatre and places of culturaland historical interest are organised regularly.MindspaceMindspace seeks to ensure the overall well-beingand happiness of students by addressing issues suchas careers; the physical, mental and social dimensionsof growing up; and intra- and inter-personal skills.Other activities in Mindspace include: encouragingthe reading habit; teaching of spoken Kannada forintegration into the local society; yoga; lateralthinking; learning to learn; general knowledge;special computer workshops; life skills; debates andseminars; and special training for slow learners.Students in stylised animal costumes,Cultural Day.Students enthrall the audience at acultural show.Our special computer workshops helpclass assignments.Modern Dance and Movement classesincorporate moves used inself-defence arts.FootballSwimming

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