1. xerox 560 computer system - The UK Mirror Service

1. xerox 560 computer system - The UK Mirror Service

1. xerox 560 computer system - The UK Mirror Service


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Instruction NameMnemonicDesignationFunctionTranslate Byte StringTrans I ate and Test Byte Stri ngEdit Byte StringTBSTTBSEBS<strong>The</strong>se instructions are in the immediate byte operand classand are memory-to-memory operations. <strong>The</strong>se operationsare under the control of information that must be loadedinto certain general registers before the instruction is executed.Except for the MOVE BYTE STRING instruction,which proceeds four bytes at a time under certain conditions,a byte string instruction proceeds one byte at a timeand may be interrupted after any individual byte operation.Upon return, execution resumes from the pointofinterruption.<strong>The</strong> general format for the information in the instructionword and in the general registers is as follows:Instruction word:Contents of register R:Contents of register Ru 1 :CountDesi gnationOperationRFunctionDesti nation nrlrlr~~~<strong>The</strong> 7-bit operation code of the instruction.(If any byte-string instruction isindirectly addressed, the basi c processortraps to location X l 40 1 at the time of operationcode decoding. )<strong>The</strong> 4-bit field that identifies register Rof the current general register block.Source Address(cont. )CountDestinationAddressbyte of the source byte string operand.<strong>The</strong> effective source address is the sourceaddress in register R plus the displacementvalue in the instruction word.An 8-bit field that contains the true count(from 0 to 255) of the number of bytesinvolved in the operation. This field isdecremented by 1 as each byte in thedestination byte string is processed. Ao count means IIno operation ll with respectto the registers and main memory.A 19-bit field that contains the byteaddress of the first (most significant)byte of the destination byte-string operand.This field is incremented by 1 aseach byte in the destination byte stringis processed.In any byte-string instruction, any portion of register Ror Ru1 that is not explicitly defined (i. e., bit positions8-12), should be coded with zeros for real and virtualaddressi ng.Since the value Ru1 is obtained by performing a logicalinclusive OR with the value 0001 and the value of theR field of the instruction word, the two control registersare Rand R + 1 if R is even. However, if R is an odd value,register R contains an address value that functions both as asource operand address and as a destination operand address.Also, if register 0 is designated in any byte-string instruc-... ___ 1 _______ .. ~ ___ TnA ... IC"1 ATe A"'I/""'\ TeC"T n'\rre C"TnT"'I"" ____ IIIVII \CAvCPI IVI "'\r\I'4"'LJ"'IL r\1'4V IL ... I U,I ........'\11'4'\,.7 UIIUEDIT BYTE STRING), its contents are ignored and a zerosource address value is obtained. Thus, the followingthree cases exist for most byte-string instructions, dependingon whether the value of the R field of the instruction wordis even and nonzero, odd, or zero:Case I, R is even and nonzero<strong>The</strong> effective source address is the address in register R plusthe displacement in the instruction word; the destinationaddress is the address in register R + 1, but without thedisplacement added.DisplacementMask/FillSource AddressA 20-bit field that contains a signedbyte displacement va lue, used to forman effective byte address. <strong>The</strong> displacementvalue is right-justified in the 20-bitfield, and negative values are in twolscomplement form.An 8-bit field used only with TRANSLATEAND TEST BYTE STRING and EDIT BYTESTRING. <strong>The</strong> purpose of this field isexplained in the detai led discussion ofthe TTBS and EBS instructions.A 19-bit field that normally contains thebyte address of the first (most significant)Case II, R is odd<strong>The</strong> effective source address is the address in register R plusthe displacement in the instruction word; the destinationaddress is also the address in register R, but without thedisplacement added.Case III, R is zero<strong>The</strong> effective source address is the displacement value inthe instruction word; the destination address is the addressin register <strong>1.</strong> In this case, the source byte-string operandis always a single byte.Byte-String Instructions 87

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