1. xerox 560 computer system - The UK Mirror Service

1. xerox 560 computer system - The UK Mirror Service

1. xerox 560 computer system - The UK Mirror Service


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STANDARD 8-BIT COMPUTER CODES (EBCDIC)Hexodecimol .0 1Binary 000.0 000<strong>1.</strong>0 0000 NUL OLE1 .0001 SOH DCI2 0010 STX DC23 0011 ETX DC34 .0100 EaT DC4~L5 .0101 HTI'~I~6 .01<strong>1.</strong>0 ACK SYNS7 Dill BEL ETB~ 8 1000EOMIrBS 1\-,I~9 1001 ENQ EM~A <strong>1.</strong>010 INAK SUBB <strong>1.</strong>011 VT ESCC 1100 FF FS0 1<strong>1.</strong>01 CR GSE 11<strong>1.</strong>0 SO RSF 1111 SI US,3,Most C" .,.Digits2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C 0 E F0010 .0.011 .0<strong>1.</strong>0.0 iQ101 .0110 .01111000 1001 <strong>1.</strong>010 <strong>1.</strong>011 1100 1<strong>1.</strong>01 11<strong>1.</strong>0 11111ds SP & -~.0ss ~~ ~ / ~ a j \1 A J 1fs~~ ~ W ~ b k s 11 B K S 2si~~ ~ ~ ~ c I t ~ 1 C L T 3~~ ~ ~ ~ d m u [ 1 0 M U 4;"" """~!;~;d' ] 1e n v E N V 5'/. '/// @ ~ f 0 w F a w 6'// '// '///~ r/0Z W/g p x G P X 7~~ ~ ~ ~ h q Y H Q Y 8~ ~ ~ ~ i r z I R Z 91-2 !1:~ ~ ~ ~S , ~ ~ ~ ~< * % @'{/// '//// "~i! ~~"""."" ,n/e/d/~( )-~ ~ ~ ~I+ i > =~ ~ ~ ~2 ,2?~ ~ ~ DELIINOTES:<strong>The</strong> characters ,.. \ t ~ [] are ANSCllcharacters that do not appear in any of theEBCDIC-based character sets, though theyare shown in the EBCDIC table.<strong>The</strong> characters ~ I-.appear in the 63- and89-character EBCDIC sets but not in eitherof the ANSCIl-based sets. However, Xeroxsoftware translates the charactersinto ANSCII characters as follows:EBCDICl­IANSCII\ (6-0): (7-12)- (7-14)<strong>The</strong> EBCDIC control codes in columns .0and 1 and their binary representation areexactly the same as those in the ANSClltable, except for two interchanges: IF /NLwith NAK, and HT with ENQ.4 Characters enclosed in heavy lines areincluded only in the standard 63- and89-character EBCDIC sets.<strong>The</strong>se characters are included only in thestandard 89-character EBCDIC set.STANDARD 7 -BIT COMMUNICATION CODES (ANSCII) 1I.0 0000 NUL OLE1 0001 SOH DCl2 .0.0<strong>1.</strong>0 STX DC23 0011 ETX DC34 .0100 EaT DC45 .0101 ENQ NAK'0,0 6 .01<strong>1.</strong>0 ACK SYNCau 7 .0111 BEL ETB'cOJViMost Significant DigitsDecimal.0 1"rows) (col's.)-2 3 4 5 6 71Binary xOOD xOOI xQ1D xDll xl00 x101 xllQ xll18 1000 BS CAN0 9 1001 HT EMQI....J10 <strong>1.</strong>010LFNlSUB11 <strong>1.</strong>011 VT ESC12 1100 FF FS13 1<strong>1.</strong>01 CR GS14 11<strong>1.</strong>0 SO RS15 1111 SI US,1\SP .0 @I 5 1 A2 B,II3 CS 4 0% 5 E& 6 FI7 G( 8 H) 9 I* : J+ i K; < L- = M> N/ ? a.P\QRSTUVWXYZabcdefghij[ k\ I] m~" n" '0-PqrstuvwxYz1II~-"DEL,1 Most signifioont bit, odded for 8-bit format, is either .0 or even parity.Columns .0-1 are control codes.Columns 2-5 correspond to the 64-character ANSCII set.Columns 2-7 correspond to the 95-character ANSCII set.On many current teletypes, the symbolis(5-i4iis (5-15)is ESC or ALTMODE control (7-14)and none of the symbols appearing in columns 6-7 are provided. Except for the threesymbol differences noted above, therefore, such teletypes provide all the characters inthe 64-character ANSCII set. (<strong>The</strong> Xerox 7.015 Remote Keybaard Printer provides the64-character ANSCII set also, but prints A as 1\.)174 Appendix A

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